/dg/ Destiny General
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ded game
ded thred
ded orbit neeeeeeeeeeds your help, guaaaaaaaaaardian
you are a ded thing made by a ded power in the shape of the ded
all you will ever do is shitpost
let it die, let it die.
I'm not alone....
I'm not alone....
I'm...not alone...
>tfw shrek and fiona try to wreck your shit but get golden gunned
Are you having fun user?
If you ever need any help feel free to add people here.
fuck off bob
Ghost standing by to resurrect.
Should I get into this game again? I didn't do any post-story RoI content
Wrath is pretty good but that's really all you're missing
I'm having loads of fun although unfortunately it's really easy to outlevel story missions before you unlock them.
Also I don't see a lot of names around, mostly just autistic shitflinging.
>that's really all you're missing
Aside from updated raids and veteran rewards
When the dust settles, people will slowly post with names again, especially towards Destiny 2.
you're supposed to spread it over multiple posts
If you want the Saladin's Pride and Young Wolf emblems in D2 then yeah.
If you don't care then don't waste your time, D2 beta is in 20 days.
There you go, posted with a name.
Fuck off, I know how to do it better than you, I made a stalker mod once.
where is this laid out?
>20 days.
I uh, don't own a PS4
Oh, bummer, 22 days then, ( think) stars on the 21st fur xbox, right?
I hope so. Not to say I wouldn't mind playing on PS4, but I already have a ton of xbox stuff.
>fucking randoms can't do templar challenge
>bro lets do 3 on each side xdddd
Fuck my life
The beta starts on the 19th on Xbox for anyone who pre-ordered, and the 21st is when it goes into open beta.
The beta ends on both consoles on the 23rd
Bungie really sucks when it comes to organizing this shit.
Like pick a date and stick with it.
it's part of Agile. they're not supposed to be afraid of changing dates if they think it will make a difference.
well shit
I'm still waiting for the PC Beta.
I haven't played Destiny since April of last year, and I kind of miss it.
Beta's a beta. unless you're planing to play exclusively on PC and really want the emblem they'll inevitably be handing out for beta participation, you should just got for the console version since you're itching for it.
>TFW we've not yet seen the cosmetics menu.
What if all the sparrows, shaders, emblems, and ships, are fully listed in the menu from the start and don't need to be managed in storage?
it'd be better than walking up to a giant iphone, for sure
whoa, that's the first time destiny ever crashed on me
"Kiosks were a mistake."
- Dante Alighieri.
The only console I own is a 360 that barely works
I'm not spending three or four hundred dollars just for a beta lol
Filthy casual get out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Well if you play mostly on PC and exclusives don't interest you enough to justify buying a console, then that's understandable.
I was about to do the
>not having a current gen console
but then you mentioned Sbox so yeah just get it for PC, there is literally no reason to buy an Xbone.
You can get an Xbone for $130.
Halo and Sunset Overdrive at the very least would like to have a word with you.
>343 fanfiction and watchdogs/imfamous ripoff
No matter how you slice it, both can be played on PC.
>xbox one
It's got better PVP than Destiny 1, that's for fuck sure.
>watchdogs ripoff
Also Sunset Overdrive isn't on PC at all.
The last time halo had good pvp was reach
Literally no reason to buy an Xbone
Halo 5 has serviceable PvP but if you played the prior games you'll probably hate it
Halo MCC has no PvP because it takes you half an hour to get matched with other people
Halo on the XB1 is a fucking joke compared to what it was on the original xbox and on the 360
>Date of birth.
>January 1st 2017.
Silly babbi, you don't belong here, you are a babbi, leave the internets now.
Can you play it? Show me a screenshot.
Do you think they'll have matching shaders?
They flat out said there's more shit they're not gonna say what, after all.
Is the user who wanted help doing the two clan-based trophies on PS4 still around? I'm still down for helping him and anyone else who needs the two clan trophies but is too autistic to join a real clan.
1 more for nightfall.
is it true whatever Guardian you carry over to Destiny 2 has a "birth date" that represents when you first created the character?
>fireteam with pandox
nothing has changed has it pandox? by the way, we made a new discord group that you're not allowed in, fuck off alpha meme
That's the theory. We don't know if it starts with D2 or counts D1 character, and wording is a bit weird because bungie can't do anything normal.
But It seems to be purely a character selection screen thing. Since we've not seen it in menus or when other players were inspected during gameplay videos from reveal and E3.
There's still that "Records" tab that can't be accesssed in demo/beta though.
tl;dr Yes but so far it appears to be only visible to the player.
Nigga why you so salty lmao
So if I have a day 1 character and one I made 3 months ago and I carry the newer one over the game will think my day 1 was 3 weeks ago?
*3 months ago rather
Xth for if you look real close
No idea. This image captured from an IGN video is literally all the info we have on this feature. No comment from bungie or IGN on this and the discussions on it are virtually nonexistent. We don't know if its the first time we played destiny, the earliest we made a character, if its different for each character or if it just uses the oldest one. Nothing, everything is purely speculation so your guess is as good as mine.
My theory based on bungie history is that the date will show each character's creation date. But I hope I will be proven wrong and the date will actually show the first day Destiny was played.
>no trip
fuck off pandox
I preorderd the game, guys.
I sadly feel that D2 is going to be a underwhelming experience that will be dragged out for 3 years and only after Destiny 3 is on it's way they will admit this and claim to make a game "bring Destiny back to its roots" which will be a lie.
Just looked at their fireteam it was Jared. Pandox is too autistic to post without his anime boy
You just got off the hype train is all, there's no telling what its going to be like until we get our hands on it. I'm keeping cautiously optimistic while staying away from bungie forums and reddit because its fucking depressing.
What's the best strat for Templar challenge?
I never could decide which is better
Ideally you want 5 center and relic runner to get the teleports, this allows you to dps the living fuck out of the boss within 2 minutes or less while staying alive.
Literally everything is better than it was in D1, what is there to be worried about?
>better and longer story
>better graphics
>bigger worlds
>more stuff to do in patrol
>more balanced subclasses
>more balanced PvP and PvE due to weapon slot changes
>easier to get fireteams together for endgame activities
I actually really hate the way guns are now and the grindy implications that creates.
>the way guns are now and the grindy implications that creates.
not to mention
>everything is playable space, for real this time
>true current gen
I think he means how the same weapon drops as either an energy or primary version
Its like, you wouldn't understand, but I once made a stalker mod, its just something you come to realize when you're one of us programmers.
They actually clarified that Energy weapons will only ever drop as Energy weapons, and same for Kinetic. So you can't get the same gun, one with element and one without.
Sure. They are putting emphasis on primaries and making shottys and snipers heavy weapons. This means if you hated the grindy aspect of boss battles and their large health bars it is only going to get worse since DPS output is less. This also homogenizes the game more since everyone will more or less be able to do the same amount of damage. I like fighting the war priest, wiping, seeing who did what damage output and me being shown as the guy who did 80% of the damage. I suspect those days are gone now.
I think he's talking about the same weapon as in Red Hand IX Kinetic, and Red Hand IX Void. I don't think he meant one item that is both.
>They are putting emphasis on primaries and making shottys and snipers heavy weapons. This means if you hated the grindy aspect of boss battles and their large health bars it is only going to get worse since DPS output is less.
But this entire argument is based purely on the assumption the bosses in D2 will have the same HP pool and Defense as the bossesin D1, which, if Protheon is any indication, is clearly not the case.
One way or the other, I'm not saying your argument isn't credible, I'd just caution against weighing knowledge of D2's feature against stat values we're used to in D1.
>This means if you hated the grindy aspect of boss battles and their large health bars it is only going to get worse since DPS output is less.
If you watch footage of the Strike they've shown off, it's very clear that bosses have a lot less health now. They were plinking away at him with primaries and managed to kill him rather quickly.
I'm the opposite of you, I think the game is going to be way more fun and much less grindy due to this change, because bosses aren't going to have massive health pools and just a matter of whether or not you have ammo.
I get what you mean with raids now, either raid bosses are going to much easier to kill as well, or we're going to be damaging raid bosses some other way. Either way I think it's a plus though, it's going to make raids so much more interesting rather than just "clear adds, stand in a circle and snipe the boss, repeat".
The weapon changes are by far the biggest change to D2 but I think it's the best change. It's going to completely change the dynamic of the game but also make it more fun, since you will always have 2 guns you can use rather than just 1, and all your mega DPS output will be dedicated to one slot, which makes decision making a lot easier.
You also assume that the weapons used in the demo aren't overpowered or those are even the final numbers. I don't see Bungie gimping weapons like this and making enemies easier especially on raids. Also it's really just the homogenization that gets me the most we will all be the same more or less. This is evident with how skill trees are handled now and there is even less diversity with weapons.
I guess we are opposite. i like complexity and choice. I don't like bungie telling us how to play and making us all the same more or less.
I fucking hate how casuals toss the word grindy so freely
Somewhat challenging fight? grindy. kill three of the same enemy for a quest? grindy. Giant has more hp than a rat? grindy.
Fucking off yourself you turbodoubleshitter
>You also assume that the weapons used in the demo aren't overpowered or those are even the final numbers.
That's true, but I'm still trying to refrain from bias, by judging D2 as an individual entity rather than just a content drop for D1. D2 is clearly intended to be very much an individual entity rather than Destiny Lite. I'm judging Destiny 2 by Destiny 2 beta/demo, not as a Destiny 1 with changed inventory slots which Is why I said I'd caution against weighing knowledge of D2's feature against stat values we're used to in D1.
I'm not telling you to not to assume, both our arguments are purely hypothetical, I'm just telling you not to base your understanding of d2 damage mechanics on Destiny 1 boss health.
>I don't like bungie telling us how to play and making us all the same more or less.
Where do you feel they are doing this?
With D2 in general it seems Bungie is stripping away a bit of customization for the sake of balance and viability. It just depends on which you value more.
I think it's a positive change because fucking nobody runs auto rifle fusion rifle sword or some retarded loadout like that. Although there are a lot of options technically, there are very few loadouts that are actually viable in Destiny PvE right now. You either have to use a sniper rifle, or an exotic heavy like Sleeper or Gjallarhorn if you want to be effective in anything but story missions and patrol. There's no reason to ever use an auto rifle or a sidearm in PvE.
Now, you can use any heavy you want without worry, since they're all in the same slot and presumably do around the same amount of damage but with different applications. And there is a reason to use a sidearm or an auto rifle in PvE, because those weapons compliment a scout rifle or a pulse rifle really well.
It may seem like there is less choice now, but the weapon slot changes actually give you way more viable options than before. Your heavy slot is essentially the only one you have to put thought into with regards for DPS, and you have two other slots that you can use whatever you want in.
I'm sorry but enemies in Destiny and games like the Division literally are grindy.
>I'm just telling you not to base your understanding of d2 damage mechanics on Destiny 1 boss health.
My understanding is based more on what kind of game bungie is making. Destiny has been about grind and time gating shit. Based on the 1 month + game time i put into this I don't see Bungie changing this philosophy and making killing shit easier. i actually think the better judgement will be how long it takes you to complete strikes rather then just the bosses.
It's almost like Destiny is an RPG...
> Based on the 1 month + game time i put into this
opinion discarded
See, I don't agree. The balance problems in PvE are entirely because Bungie is unwilling to adequately compensate most weapons for having short range. Unless this changes in D2, short range weapons will once again be garbage in PvE.
Less customization options.
I don't think you have more weapon variety it's more like Bungie saying we changed the mechanics and now you are forced to rely on primaries more. I mean look, the exotic system forced you to make choices about 1 exotic type per weapon/armor which could be annoying if you wanted to try out some new weapons. Now it gets even words because so many weapon types are regulated to the heavy slot. Granted, I expect more exotic weapons that will go into other slots as a perk like we get in Destiny 1. Maybe those will be the most sought after who knows?
But you guys are right we will have to wait and see. I preordered. I just don't want this to become CoD where they want to make it casually friendly first.
>It's almost like Destiny is an RPG...
how is destiny like an RPG?
>I'm sorry but enemies in Destiny and games like the Division literally are grindy.
As someone who's currently sitting on world Tier 5 in Destiny with some item level 225 gear. I can tell you this is just straight up not correct. Destiny and Division are worlds apart in amount of grind, compared to the grind in Division, Destiny might as well be viewed as a game with 0 grind.
>My understanding is based more on what kind of game bungie is making. Destiny has been about grind and time gating shit. Based on the 1 month + game time i put into this I don't see Bungie changing this philosophy and making killing shit easier. i actually think the better judgement will be how long it takes you to complete strikes rather then just the bosses.
user I'm trying to have a decent argument with you, I really am. But you need to work with me here, if you just get defensive with me without considering what i'm saying, you're not having a discussion, you're having a fit. First you say your understanding is based more on what kind of game bungie is making yet you're clearly not taking D2 into account at all and purely citing D1 values. You busted out your 1+ month of playing this game as some kind of qualifier, does that mean that I, with my 3k hours (4 months) automatically trump all your statements since your implication that time played = understanding of how D2 will work? You say you don't see Bungie changing this philosophy and making shit easier to kill, but over the years they've actually nerfed boss healt and defenses quite a few times, Valus being a great example, if you weren't here pre-nerf you'll just have to look up a video. They've consistently enrforced their interest in reducing the grind by making it faster to kill bosses, collect items, and gain gear.
>Leveling mechanics.
>Randomised loot drops.
>Stat management.
>Skill Trees.
>Quest log.
>Story quests.
>Equipmnet side-quests.
>Fetch quests.
>Beating demon lords with giant glowing fire swords as a magical space wizard zombie.
Noobish's not here, man.
>As someone who's currently sitting on world Tier 5 in Destiny with some item level 225 gear.
I have not played the Division since they implemented this world modifier. Before that when I actually played yes it was pretty grindy and bad.
>if you just get defensive with me
How am I getting defensive? Explain? I just addressed your question without insults or anything. Please explain.
i busted my 1 month + to simply say I understand the type of game Bungie is making here and ultimately it is a game of grind and time gating content but now your grind has to be done with less variety of weapons equipped at a time. You thought running a strike 1000 times was bad well enjoy running it now with less weapon variety.
I guess Far Cry 3 is an RPG then huh?
In almost every way
>Less customization options.
>I mean look, the exotic system forced you to make choices about 1 exotic type per weapon/armor
Exotics are limited because stacking their effects can break the PVE and PVP respectively. They are unique, not just a different color of loot like Division crap.
>Now it gets even words because so many weapon types are regulated to the heavy slot
Worse*, but this is once again a balance for PVP and PVE metas where the entire playerbase was forced to use the same loadouts, you talk about limited customization, try only being allowed to use weapons you are not comfortable with because your fireteam leader says so or get kicked, in year 1 if you did not have a certain exotic weapon with maybe around a 5% chance to drop you would not be allowed to join your friends for end game.
Destiny 2 is a fresh start, the only people affected by the traditional two primary one heavy are shotgun and sniper crucible raid babbies.
Noobish is ded. let it go