Worst waifu/Turboslut edition
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
BASED sejuani in your head rent-free
/lolg/, how slutty is your waifu?
Garbage thread
Lulu is the best waifu and pure like a snowflake
Doesnt stop me from abusing+bullying her though!
It's sad that a cheeky villain like Rhaast is stuck with an avarage edgelord from bleach
pretty shit OP, what were you thinking?
excellent thread OP
reminder that it is not normal to want to fuck a scythe
Can you guys please decide what champion will my OTP smurf play and the skin I'm going to buy for my new main.
(No supports because support are boring as fuck)
xth for Urgot
>Who else /shottyknees/ here?
>abusing your waifu
how come?
>Build 2 AD items into full tank
>Q does 30% max hp damage on a 3 second cooldown
>W does 441 damage
>Ult does 31% max hp damage
>Heal for 80% of all damage done with abilities
>150% if it's your ultimate
>With three big meaty tank items
Who's ready to have their boipucci's pounded? Grab an executioners, I don't give a fuck.
Oi mate would you be willing to make me a third Joey JoJo pic?
Friendly reminder that new accounts get a free 975 RP skin.
Also; Malzahar
>cropped porn as the OP image
roll of the dice if this thread lives
Im the "drug abusing, depressed alcoholic" type of husbando who takes it out on his insecure waifu, Lulu is perfect for this
Why doesn't riot like giving us Urf mode? We have gotten the poro king like 3 times before we even got another urf.
>But it's ok to sexualize and want to fuck a zombie
>ping is fine toward google servers
>+60 ping on riot servers
really makes me think
I main mid zed, draven adc, and Kayn jungle in the future.
What type of person am I /lolg/?
It probably murders ranked queue times because nobody wants to play that when URF exists. Hell, I'd take Hexakill or Nexus Siege over Poro King.
Play Nami
>No supports
Cutest cancer
why arent multiple accounts against the terms of service like a lot of free games?
So err i fucked up and made my post 10 posts before new thread, shame, replying to this posts with reaction faces wills still yield results
sadly no
been travelling all day and wanted to went out some stress trough art
URF is shit, it's too unstable. Every time urf is around people just complain of how broken everything is.
Of course that doesn't excuse us getting fucking poro king and ascension every other weekend. I want hexakill in the 3 vs 3 map.
Urf is shit why do you want it back?
A wonderful person.
Unless you play Draven to imitate Tyler1, in that case you should shoot yourself in the back of the head.
Best of luck.
Who /autism/ here?
If this post ends in a 3 you must main Talon
Because $$$
Also; people want to play with friends.
Because playing in challenger games is really mentaly taxing for most streamers. If you don't let challengers streamers play in gold so they can be more carefree and talk with the chat nobody will watch their streams and league will get less attention overall.
Also Riot can't just blatantly just give permission to streamer because muh equality.
xth for League's purest ship.
Kayle x Karthus!
Will we ever get a CUTE champion again
As in cuddly and loveable not lewd
Show me on your LP where the smurf touched you.
I guess I'll make it better.
Post that ends with 1 decides my new main.
Also remember to tell me what skin to buy
Karthus enjoys death and suffering and Kayle is a moralfag soulless bitch
>guy in the other thread pulls out the classic jax has shit skins bait
>works like usual
you niggers will get baited by anything, jesus.
[Guess thats how donald won too, heh. [/spoiler]
Why are all the extra modes not even available in custom games? I can understand not having queues for all of them constantly up so that matchmaking is reasonable, but I don't see what reasoning there is for leaving them out of customs too.
Because Riot isn't a Korean company you gosh dang communist.
Seconding that.
>Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead.
I have been waiting for that Pulp Fiction line for 5 years.
Buy an account with Young Ryze
I have that icon too.
rip dominion, its unfair that it was deleted because riot didn't want to update it but lets broken shit like ARAM pass
I thought they sold out to our mighty Asian Overlords long time ago
If I get another fucking Annie or Veigar who think they can frontline and eat CC in my game I'm going to fuckign lose it
He doesn't enjoy suffering tho, he's more about killing people then bringing them back as beautiful little ghosts free from pain, or desire, or the ability to think for themselves.
>Doesn't say it anymore when he transforms into full darkin
Best game mode. And its also no cancer anymore since people can't pick eve or hec
Listen here you little bitch.
Karthus is a priest. He doesn't have time for romance, especially not with someone who is STILL ALIVE. Karthus has a job, a mission, to bring undeath to all those he meets. He doesn't have the time or desire to tend to the whims of a holy crusader.
>Failed spoiler
>Mention trump
>Talks about last thread.
You dumb niggers would do anything for (you)s
a-anyone wanna be my friend
Cant eat her when you're an adorable Squill
People just get them randomly instead. It's awful. URF should never return
no that's teemo. have you ever zoomed in on teemos walking animation? the way his legs move is adorable
>Lost 5 games in a row
>Had some raging cunt always fucking single me out every game
"Deus Vult" paladin-retard then
Does that sound better?
Dunno, he sounds like he jizzes in his pants whenever he talks about peop
I wanna fuck Gnar
Wait what? They didnt remove that line did they?
depends, are you funny??
I'll be ur fren user.
Giv me ur ign
>Push a wave strategically after a gank to deny a massive amount of farm
>Your laner frothes with rage and follows you, trying to steal your jungle camps
>He fails at it
>He would have gotten turret fb if he just stayed in his lane
Ten bans aren't fucking enough
you never see a jax with a skin, they're all too shit to even bother buying for 5 dollars. doesn't help that the splash arts are not only ugly but outdated as fuck
but thats what happens when you're one of the original league champs but haven't been updated since then
>Oh wow a shitty anime weebbait edgeman
>Thanks riot
>Turns into sexy voiced demon
T-thanks riot
give me yours i'm shy :3c
i'm not that funny :c
Are you gonna apply, /lolg/?
chinese, not koreans
you'd be surprised what tencent owns these days. pretty sure they own blizzard as well
No, it's just that he only says it when he is in the scythe. Once he goes full darkin he has other lines for killing Zed.
and such
Gonna draw Kayn
which form should I draw
Enjoy your 2.25 more seconds of life you furry weirdo
Sure thing little buddy!
I'm an Unranked shitter and Rumble main, though. So if we play together I might suck. Not literally tho, cos das gay.
yeah now people just get random champions and you constantly see scenarios where only 1 side got lucky and rolled cancer which results in an an even bigger fucking stomp. at least in the old urf you could pick cancer to fight cancer
urf is shit, it doesn't belong as a game mode
Goth Annie
>AP Lucian
why is this game so easy lads
i walk into their lane and smite their cannon later
Darkin, other is lame shit.
add me ign: Hey Hey Veigar
Rigzaggon, NA.
Add me fren
that sounds fine i don't care about rank much :3/
just off the top of my head kys
How the fuck is gentleman cho'gath still worth 1820 riot fucking please
>one hybrid item that is bullshit regardless of scalings
>one ap item (that relies less on having ap scalings than other ap items)
>rest is standard adc build
sad little bait
Brand is my favorite champion
What kind of retard thought of this
those are all shit you faggot
>Look at a pre release jungle clear video of the new champ
>they never kite the camps
>always start 3 health pots instead of refillable
whats the point even off these videos
why make a jungle clearing video if youve obviously never jungled in your life
>PP graves