League of Legends General - /lolg/

Yuri is the best! edition.

Lux x Jinx is canon!

Old thread! Eyosongive.us

Other urls found in this thread:


Which lego legends waifu/husbando would be easiest to abuse assuming you weakened their powers

Friendly reminder to love your support

Stop getting mad at aram

>Kennen on ARAM

are Annie and Nunu doomed to forever be the only >13yr old champions? Riot wont ever make another cute champ will they?


Riven is the most rapeable and women aren't hard to rape anyways superpowers or not.

I know hes great in ARAM but I cant play that rat, I always fuckup my engages and die too fast/dont deal enough dmg

just gimme a tank or a mage/adc and ill carry

Would koggles be into vore?


xth for Urgob :DDDD

Since last thread it didn't work:

5 decide my new main.

Nothing that gets banned a lot like yasuo, zac, darius, etc...

I want his shotgun knees to penetrate my butthole while he ejeculates his pellets all over and inside of me

Next patch release pls


Fuck off pussy.

you got yasuo you main yasuo now

>Minding my own business in the jungle mining some rocks at 25% hp
>Eve appears out of nowhere and jumps on me, instantly flashing mastery before she even hits me
>Doesn't kill me but I waste my flash
>Over the course of the game she continues flashing mastery every single time she appears from stealth
>Despite this, we still shit on them
>Eve ends 3/9 and loses
>Whole team flashes mastery while we kill the nexus after an ace
>Ask what mastery they were in post chat even though I knew it was 7
>No response, leaves a minute later so I know they saw it
If you spam mastery you deserve to lose, you cocky little shits



>Draven Top

We really need more lolis, this is ridiculous.


I'd go straight for Soraka.

Yasuo you cocksucker.

Is Kayn 12?

AP Jhin

AD Heimerdinger

How am I supposed to ban yasuo when he gets banned 99% of the time in plat-gold elo.



Kindred top


proxy singed

>Top Tank Rengar with Grasp


Top AD Janna

Fuck me lolg is so bad at rolls

Watch this be a 5 and he must play poppy


Crit Leona



No, Koggles is into hardcore cuddling


You cant escape the yasuo fag.


>Here's another (You), and a chunk of this thread wasted



that fucking feel when you stomp enemy top and jungler but it doesn't matter because bot and mid feed out their ass

20 rolls later we have a winner

late xth for breast metal waifu

u just know OP is going to dodge this just like he dodged the yasuo get in the last thread.
>"yeah well bro uh upcoming rework champs dont count"

What Lulu chroma to buy guys
theyre all so good


Why does it show that yasuo is only banne 20% of the time when I see him getting banned in almost all my games??


So he's a yasuo main who picks urgot as his backup

I like it



What a garbage thread, holy christ

Just bought a skin for yasuo.

Need to get some IP for urgot now.

>picking the worse skin

>Hard carry ranked game
>normal mmr
>s- and +18lp

Why riot

>People say that ARAM is an easy game mode that requires no skill
>The same people are now shitting up the thread about how they can't win just one game of ARAM

What could it mean?

Hey /lolg/ c'mon

show me ya boobs

>buying the worst skin


>Heavy metal Sona will never bind you in magical chains then trap you in a agony matrix where she continuously ruptures your nerves and destroys your organs using soundwaves

Vel'koz ADC

20% is plenty for a single champion out of a hundred-ish.

Anyway, IIRC Riot's API only displays global ban rates; champions like Yasuo approach ridiculous ban rates in low average MMR matches but far lower rates in high average MMR.

but some user told me to buy that one.

>bandlebro will never draw more non yordles

even in a game of no skill they suck dick.

Well he's fucking retarded. I think the only reason why that skin got sales early on was because of XiaoWeiXiao


she hasn't posted here in forever either

Perhaps the release of a newyordle girl would bring her back

Post your cutest katarina's

you just dont like the skin because its the lowest winrate after base admit it

its actually not half bad

I dont care about winrates about skins. It's actually a dps loss The cowboy one looks much fucking better.

All that's left for you to do now is to rename to Experience Changer.


Well I guess I listen to some youtube.com/watch?v=j5FmC35GIOk

whats in the box /lolg/?

a Malphite skin

Project: Zed

It just looks so flat... His armor needs to have some kind of reflection or gleam FX.

>using skins based on winrates
Please tell me you guys aren't this autistic...

Purest ship, also known as Karthus x Kayle!

Scores are set against the average results of all games that champion plays in. So if the average results are very high (due to the champ being OP or just having a sizable pool of skilled players) then it's harder to get high grades since the benchmark for excellence will be much higher than a champ with a sub-50% winrate in its most popular role. Of course if a champ is in that position then there's probably a reason and it might be hard to get an S for entirely diffferent reasons.

Yasuo main here, they changed that a long time ago, the skin feels just as smooth as blood moon and high noon. Dont tell your friends, but nightbringer yasuo is actually broken, the q and eq combos feel a lot faster.

>he doesn't know lolg would wear the same dick hat if they got a 10 winstreak with the hat

Most of the anons on here are stuck in the low elos. Which isnt suprising there are higher ones but they're less likely to be stupid.
Really? Interesting nightbringer looks like its overall faster in its animations

I don't know, you tell me.

a garen champion shard


>you don't even have to win games to get key frags anymore
Dang I like this honor update more and more, how soon til we get it?

>have 5 keys
>never get box

>8 keys and 2 frags
>already got S on all champs I'm remotely good with months ago

>current year
>STILL pretending to gurlz on Veeky Forums

Cutest couple

>that new armor+grievous wounds item

why do people orb walk jungle camps?

>clear with more hp left
>better ganks
>better dueling
>safer jungling
>can clear more camps

why would you

>This Urgot is going away forever

I'm gonna miss him, lads.

It's dangerous to go low HP on neutral territory.