/svg/ Shadowverse General

Kripp is streaming and buying packs - Edition

Expansion is out.



>The Shadowcraft follower Shadow Reaper will cost 3 instead of 2.
>The bronze Neutral amulet Test of Strength will now have the effect "Countdown (2) All followers that come into play gain Ward until this amulet leaves play." This will replace the current effect, "Leaders cannot be attacked if there is a follower that can be attacked in their area."

All cards info (so far):

Official Website:

Tool for deckbuilding and card checking

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi


>This is not sponsored by the way
What did Kripp mean by this?

Post safe crafts

1st for that guy from last thread needs to post his C-Blood list

That he is playing because he likes the game?

He just spend $350 burgers on packs right now.

>Kripp is streaming and buying packs - Edition
Kill yourself /hsg/ faggot.

>over 100 packs
>didn't open a Alice or Cind

Day 1 tier list
Shadow > Elf > Sword > Dragon > Haven > Blood > Rune

I want /hsg/ to leave.


I know this feel. 124 packs and neither of them.

create new thread

someone post Jeb rune
I wanna feel the POWER

>Open four Wonderland packs for one legendary
>Open one the few handful of packets I have for the other expansions, get four legendaries

Just gonna be one of those days.

This, what the fuck? How is shilling for shit in OPs okay?

>I want to pull shit cards


what did cyagames mean by this?

>neutralcraft the expansion
>implying it's not the based 13% spreaded all over 7 crafts
Finally, we have assumed perfect balance!
t. Sytrix

I've been having a lot of fun with it.

>over 100 packs
>only 7 legendaries
>no corpselord of woe

What deck can I make with Jabberwock?

The fuck you lookin' at
Keep conceding

Reposting from last thread, this is card is so broken.

As a dubcuck, Tenko's southern accent is fucking cute. She's really cute in general. Help me.


>unga-ga-ga unga-ga-ga
So this is the new meta.

>literally open his second pack
>animated legend

What is cygames end game with this?


kys dubcuck

>116 packs
>only 8 legendaries
>2 corpselord, 2 abomination, 2 cinderella, 1 fairy dragon

Sure. Why not? Taking it for a whirl.

can you just not?


please leave /hsg/

Non-shitposting thread wihtout the shilling in the OP. Friendly reminder to report OP.

/hsg/ can stay in this one.

>tfw can't beat dragoncuck's story
why are elf cards allowed

Well, think this is a aight haul from 96 packs, also got 35k vials on me right now.

i never want to see this egghead again


Like, there's a board of 3 cards on turn 3 and you can't do shit about it. Then alice drops and there's no clear in the game that can handle that.



kys nigger

>17 damage on turn 5 through a Grimnir

Nah, fuck off back to your own general and stop messing with our OP.

>turn 5 (five)

I haven't gotten past turn 9 once in my 20 games played post-expac.

>haven and blood that low
Is that how the meta is in C2 right now?

Play Face Dragon and it becomes insanely easy.

>Got Memelord of Woe, Fairy Dragon, Oz, and Dark Alice
Been sitting here trying to figure out Oz and Dark Alice mainly. What are they suppose to be for?

Dark Alice just sounds like Morde for Neutral cards only Shadowcraft deck.

Oz still confuses me because half the spell cards that matters for rune requires spellboosts and the other half just seems to be for dirtrune golem support. Is that what she is suppose to be? Dirt rune support?

>spawn of the abyss
Who approved of this shit when it has 2 tutors

>he save 10k gold for neutral cards and meme legends

how do you deal 17

Wait what is that gold card?

I want the Alice emblem.

post face dick

Hippogryph rider and ragewyrm. Do the count yourself.

Trade Goblin into Grimnir.
Play Rider.
Trade two other Goblins into Grimnir (Rider +2/+0).
Evolve Ragewyrm.
Hit face with Leader and Ragewyrm for 11 damage (Rider +2/+0).
Attack with Rider for lethal.

Dark alice is a deck destroyer. She destroys your deck, that's the point.

Think outside the box. If you build a deck, and made it only low cost aggro shadow cards, along with a handful of neutral storm/burn options, you can use D-alice to basically remove all shadow cards in your deck, meaning that past turn 7 ALL you can possibly draw are your finishers. It basically lets you build a custom apocalypse deck to access, it's a very powerful card.

Deck code: 8s0m

This is what I used in the previous meta for unranked dailies. I wouldn't recommend trying to climb with it especially considering it's a new meta now, but it will definitely work for the story mode.

You will also brick a lot. A LOT.

>tfw Isabella will never want your dick as much as she wants Kyle's

thanks, what are some cards i can use to replace 2 forte?

>g-guys n-nothing will beat midrange shadow because I said so and I hate shadow
>neutral sword completely stomps evrything a couple of turns earlier.

I like seeing those obvious retards be wrong again.

>play agro dirt rune
>tfw cant trade into over stated goblins because 2/2 drops
>6PP levi is too slow
>after 20 games WIZARD OF OZ is still nowhere to be found even with 3x copies
What did cygems mean by this?

Not really. If, say, you had 5-10 out of 40 top curve cards, and they were burn options like Grimnir/D-Strike/DoD, etc you probably won't brick all that much.

If you go more control oriented, and run like some sort of zeus/gilgamesh/etc for finishers, you might have issues with bricking.

id much rather have her ass on my face

not that guy but her most common replacement for budget face decks it's seabrand or eyfa, or as a rule of thumb you can replace storm with burn i.e. demonic strike

Now that WD is out, you could probably get away with using Hippogryph Rider.

>playing dirt rune
What did YOU mean by this?

at least the fucker is dead, she is just affected by heavy grief, with time she would fall in love for another cock.

she can always ask luna to resurrect kyle

Would try daria + wiz of oz next for memes.

An skeleton without dick?

What does Skeleton dick feel like?

So, what's the new cancer deck?

Well this game is getting dumber and dumber every expansion

thanks for the help


Neutral sword and lion haven

zombies have some meat...

>open 50 packs
>don't get anything I wanted
thanks cygames

This is great

But Rowen literally incinerated his body man.

>garudacraft now has a 2 mana 4/4 and a 5 mana 8/10
Did cygames learn fucking nothing from Beastcaller Aria?

Yeah they managed to kill dirt again by powercreeping everything else while keeping their careful approach for decks that have already proven to require actual help.

Salarymen game. No need care about gaijin dog feeling. Thank you

Wait what the fuck happened there?

I really hate playing midrange, dragon controls that shit too easy.

anyone have the lowdown on solo missions? does checking that box mean you can get them and not checking it means it stays the same as before? is it worth?

>5 mana 8/10

Sure they do, but Luna makes skellies, not zombies.

Sword mirrors are insane now. We both run out of cards but draw rabbit attendant on a board full of COCK and we instantly refill.

she commands eachtar who makes zombies though

Dragon legendary that doubles attack and defense of followers you play next turn

I think CoCK and rabbit ear aren't good
I'd rather just go all in on neutral tempo unga

Cum inside Alice!


count yourself lucky

this is my 50 packs. worst pull in all of /svg/

>open 40 packs
>only get a single Alice
fuck me

Am I the only one who used Seer on Alice? She'll literally see play in every neutral deck.

Back to the afterlife Lewis Carroll.

post dick

>63 packs
>12 legendaries

How did I do?