balanced edition
balanced edition
xth for NTR.
Remember. Never surrender.
No game is unwinnable.
>tfw splitpushing king trundle is back
Feels so good to finally be able to chomp on towers again. Also, hopefully someone can do a trundle edit of this with a tower behind.
What will I get, lolgen?
I've been using AD quints for AD champs the whole time. How much of an upgrade are AS quints? I play jungle Wukong, and also other AD junglers.
Heh, maybe someday youll be as good as me, kid.
comfy bfs~
pretty good. Full attack speed is even better on some champs, namely yi and tanks. attack speed also helps your dps during ganks
>Literally cannot win a game tonight
Jesus Christ. Jesus fucking Christ. The better I do the more retarded my team becomes.
What if 2 players AFK from the start and mid lane feeds more than a bronze Riven player with the battlebunny skin?
Purest ship
>donate 50 bucks to female streamer
>she doesn't even acknowledge it
sure sure but ezXtalon is the COMFIEST shi[~
also we need some more karthusXkayle art, Id like one with him in his lightbane form too
I hear there's a new edgelord in town
Then let the game play out. If the enemy team is good they'll end it
If not, you're just making them work for their win.
My FWOTD was a game my team had no business winning. It was one of those "The enemy adc and toplaner get caugh out at 48 minutes, killed, and we rape their base while they're grey screened for 60 seconds" endings.
>play league of legends
>stop playing league of legends
uhhhhh lolbabs????
>be a big retard
>no one even called me retard
dont worry retard i got your back
yeah climbing ranks turns it into an almost entirely different game
Yeah, I wouldn't mind some more new art, even though I really like the one we already have since art of Kayle's base skin is surprisingly rare
Just keep practicing and improving I'm sure you can do it user!!
Well, that's pretty unfortunate looking.
I wonder how much people would be willing to pay for one.
You're joking, right?
I know it's a sign, but what does it mean?
>Crit MF
It means you're a shitter
Nazi Jinx skin when?
xth for breast metal waifu
How do I akali top? I tried earlier but got my shit punched in.
After we get Nazi Officer Kayle
I have a 15% win rate on Riven and regularly end laning phase with 7 or more deaths. I'll never give up on her. Never
Is it even good on Wukong with his 440% AD scaling on his ult?
god bless
Who did you lane against?
Depends on who you are against. Akali has some matchups where she just stomps, and some matchups where she just gets stomped.
He's really cool!
I'm a Taliyah main!! .....again
Taliyah buffs when?!?
You lose 7 AD for a healthier clear and better pre 6 DPS and went you don't have ult. Idk you decide
pretty old videos and also pretty bad all ins one where the dumb ass doesn't even respect the all in when he is half health.
I don't think there could be a more "Riven main" post than this one. This is pretty much how I've always imagined Riven mains.
Noooo, Taliyah needs no buffs. She's really strong right now thanks to the meta, and she's in a good spot balance wise.
t. Heavy Taliyah player
>15% win rate
jesus fucking christ my man
>might be the only player out there that can post "team unga, me bunga, lose, nice game lolbabs"
>A peerless practitioner of lethal shadow magic, Shieda Kayn battles to achieve his true destiny—to one day lead the Order of the Shadow into a new era of Ionian supremacy. He audaciously wields the sentient darkin weapon Rhaast, undeterred by its creeping corruption of his body and mind. There are only two possible outcomes: either Kayn bends the weapon to his will... or the malevolent scythe consumes him completely, paving the way for the destruction of all Runeterra.
Glad to see riot signed on the jobs for edgy deviantart teens program, good on them.
Is there a coldsteel edit yet?
I cant find any for sale
I don't know why someone would keep this autistic shit, nor publicly wear it
>in a game with a really strong team comp and a positive score, got lots of objectives
>we still lose because we got cucked by the top laner's autistic splitpushing
>another game where we have the stupidest fucking team comp of all time, 4 melee AD assassins and bard, with the latter being literally the only source of hard CC in the whole team, whilst their team is very well balanced
>we win even though we fed out the ass at the start
The fuck even is this game?
These jackets look kinda cheap, to be quite honest.
>kill jax twice because he keeps walking into tentacles
>goes on a 500 paragraph text on how illaoi is braindead and gets his entire team to show up top
>eventually get shut down top from constant ganks but at that point jax was so tilted he afk pushed lane while I destroyed team fights
Man what's wrong with jax players, this happens every single game with a jax
when are they going to update this faggot's lore because there basically is none now
they forgot it was 2017 and jax cant do what he wants anymore
the new gameplan for jax is not so awesome
>lose lane
>afk split for 30 minutes to finish your super expensive build
>win if your team managed to hold out
You're right. Even if the game is hopeless, I can still use it to improve my skills. What better way to become better than by being given a serious handicap?
However, I'd still vote yes to surrender out of respect for my other teammates.
you do realize thats the point correct? They're going with the joker route, no origin story, he just exists and is a force of chaos
What is a drop of rain, compared to the storm? What is a thought, compared to the mind?
>jax calling illaoi braindead
every jax player is autistic and think they're hot shit and the epitome of skill because they jumped on someone.
There is indeed, my man
Is Renekton still the king of toplane?
I was laning against teemo. I just picked up the champ so I don't expect to kick ass but I got my shit stomped.
Thanks so much
No. The current king of toplane is Mantheon.
I practice in norms and usually do pretty well but as soon as I hit ranked things go to shit. Should I just keep practicing in ranked because norms dont seem to have much. Dont mind dropping my MMR a bit
Hey summoners, how is it going? I just got back from the vacation with my wife and ready to keep on my work in League. My honor system is finally up, and I hope you guys would like it. Let's just get rid of toxic ingame behaviors alright?
aww man i completely forgot about the joker, now it makes sense, that doesn't take away from the point that it's fuckin GAY
also didn't they give joker an origin story now, or something about 3 different jokers existing
greenday isnt edgy
Its time
>tfw had a dream about Kled
i love this yordle!
A good amount of the strength in Akali's kit, especially in lane, lies in her auto attacks, and teemo has a blind, so I can see how that would make things difficult.
>greenday isnt edgy
Their American Idiot album was actually very edgy.
Don't have any requests but it is good to see you back friend. Hope everything has been going well in your life.
he still shits on a lot of people but the current ubercancer remain unbeatable
pantheon, kennen, jayce
With the recent champs like new GP, Jhin, Kindred, New Warwick, and now Kayn, I'd like to see how edgy they can make the original murderous psycopath.
Even so, they will inevitably revisit him with at least a visual update. With it, they might end up adding some lore or just some kind of spooky event or trailer of him doing some clown ass shit. Something to make people appreciate Shaco more/again as a character.
>Tfw no SAW game mode where you have to wander a maze and find the real Shaco
theyre just normie punk rock.
theyre not edgy
well at least not nearly as edgy as others
its been more than 10 years since that
>mfw getting good at kled and shitting on whoever the poor son of a bitch i'm against is
take just one of my many, many morrissey meme pictures. here is him throwing up the unofficial white power sign.
thornmail is so underrated
Oh! Thanks user. That makes sense.
Joker has had multiple origin stories. As he himself puts it, he prefers his origin story to be multiple choice.
png is the superior image format
Would a third JoJo pic work?
Ashe in the background if possible
Green Day is the ACTUAL, non meme, dictionary definition of edgy.
>play olaf top because I need to practice simpler characters in order to get game sense
>against nautlius early
>manage to poke him out with axes
>keep him behind for awhile
>he starts to aggro
>occurs to me that jungle skarner is somewhere near top
>play safe for two minutes
>chunk him enough to decide to go in
>almost kill him
>beep-beep battlecastmemes
>get firstblooded
>make mistakes like this over and over again
>lose 3rd game of the day
>get flamed in post game chat by lower morale team
>get told by skarner and nautilus that it's easy to win lane as olaf vs. naut
>lose my composure and just fucking call myself stupid
>get depressed and cry
I keep making the same mistakes over and over. How is it possible- HOW IS IT POSSIBLE to just not do it again? I mean on paper it's simple just don't do it again, but mind is like "durrhurr do it again cause confidence".
What do I even do about this? I just want to get better at this goddamn game.
thugga thugga YSL shit
>Playing a hyper carry against another hyper carry
>His Jungler camps the lane, 5 ganks before 10 minutes
>My Jungler AFK farms
>My Jungler is confused why we're losing
>My Jungler blames team
>My Jungler AFK's
>Not just double killing their jungler and your opponent
Step it up senpai
Dotard here, my friend gifted me his league account. He is account level 30 with all of the spells and masteries unlocked, and a majority of champions and runes.
I prefer playing 3v3 in the few games I've tried, and am confident in my eventual ability to outplay people in my bracket. In Dota, I am a 5.1k player who mostly plays the offlane (top lane), but I like playing jungler in 3s more.
I played a handful of games in unranked, and then did my ranked qualifiers, and achieved Bronze 1. My biggest handicap is not knowing what everybody does, and which items to buy on the hero. Some of this is circumvented with a friend on voice chat, but it will only get better with time.
I've tried Jarvan 4, Xin Zhao, Trundle, and Poppy.
Jarvan felt nice to use as he has a gapclosing stun, in addition to being able to set up kills for his team.
I really didn't like Xin, as I felt I often needed to be more tanky for my team, and ended up being useless.
Trundle fucking sucked and I hated both games on him, never again.
I absolutely loved Poppy. Both games I went 10+/0/x, the outplay potential was great. I never felt pressured to use her ultimate, and that let me use it to peel for my carry instead of trying to secure a kill.
My friend suggested Vi as a similar hero that is a good mix of outplay+tank+control. I haven't tried her, but she seems decent enough.
My meandering and autistic request is this:
What heroes are similar to Poppy, and how do I build/play them?
My friend has a challenger portrait in 3v3, but he says he has no idea what junglers build as he plays support in ranked, and can't easily explain nuances of heroes to me since he has never played dota.
Dawnbringer icon and border or the other 2 icons?
I've never played riven and probably won't
what fucking movie is this scene from it's everywhere, mostly the guy standing over him after
What champion pisses you off the most?
fuck renekton
glad seeing these cunts get btfo
I still can't see how he got 5 stacks off, I see 4 instances at most before the mark appears