Fighting Games General /fgg/
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This is my wife.
hook a brother up with p4u2 please
I want to play a kusoge I never played
tekken is the most difficult and frustrating fighting game of all time
Which game is harder to get into, 3rd Strike or Alpha 3?
Get him ghodere, avenge my asshole
A3, though 3rd Strike is harder to get good at.
This is Takayuki Nakayama, the man who singlehandedly ruined Street Fighter V.
He's here to ruin all your favourite vidya with bad gameplay design choices, horrible music and terrible random redesigns.
To keep him away from your beloved vidya reply to this post and write:
"Stay away from my games, Nakayama!"
Its just cause it has homework most people don't want to do
I want to learn strings and shit, but I also want to learn what I should ib in rev2. And here I am watching p4u2 videos and being enthralled by how people could play this kusoge
Stay away from my games, Nakayama!
Stay away from my games, you fat fuck.
Just bought SFV because I wanted to get into fighting games... Refunded it because it's shit.
I played MK9 and got fairly good, or as decent as you could be at MK9 on consoles.
Any idea what a good game to grab on the steam summer sale would be? I don't have any consoles.
>p4u2 videos and being enthralled by how people could play this kusoge
My waifu's not only in it, but she's top tier. I'd be playing it too if it got a home release.
hollow knight or the kof UM games
>Refunded it because it's shit.
wait, how far did you go to get to that conclusion?
i bet speedrunners would be really good at fighting games
Not really, speedrunners have a tendency to stay on the same path and never stray from it even when they're losing time and would save more by going another way.
They'd have the execution sure, but decision making is a huge part of fighting games.
I mean MKX is the braindead choice but I dunno if it's on sale. Regularly goes for 10 bucks
The kind of person who makes new routes and finds glitches is probably the same kind of person who would trainingboar a shit ton to find new tech and shit
There's lots of people who find tech then never place at a significant tournament.
I'm not trying to bash speedrunners, but there's more to fighting games than tech and execution.
dacidbro is a speedrunner
What can I do while I go pee in the peepee-hole?
stay away from my game, Woshige!
the arcade version got ripped last year some time and I'm hoping somebody still got a link
Yeah but that doesn't have online, ask Luvcheez he probably has a link since he was uploading webms of it here.
didn't this leak for pc a couple of months back? just check an archive and find a link for it on /v/ i'm sure it was posted.
>tfw no one made a netcode for those games like melty's
hes trash too
Yeah but it's offline only until someone figures something out. And the scene for P4AU died here a while ago when it was apparent we're never getting that update.
I'm having more fun with Ding Dong Never Die than I ever had with Slurp Fogtier Fuck.
It wasn't just him. Woshige and Combofiend played a big role in SFV's development as well.
I'm planning to talk with Crowbcat and propose him a video analysis of pre-release SFV vs SFV now.
winter break coming up, can't wait to get fucked up and play that with friends
wud jam
I like it when Roo does the Hadoken and you see the hands in the faiahbowl.
i want to get into a fighting game but i dont want to play something that only has 40 autist virgins playing at any given time.
>terrible music
Kappa went full retard today
He played online and got his ass whooped. Realized he'd have a better time farming koins and playing le epic vs cpu gorillion hours long campaign in mk9.
how much people do you want
Tekken 7 , SFV , NRS games if you have shit taste
our fanbase mistakes having countless mechanics as depth and they refuse to ever be critical of our design so lets see how fucking retarded we can get
bout tree fiddy
i dont like 3D fighters or i'd play tekken. does injustice 2 suck? i watched some of it and it looks like it sucks. whole lot of lame zoning that wasnt in mkx
>Arc System Works
They don't.
Daisuke wanted a danger zone reference.
Is there a fighting game where you can pee?
Games from my stay Nakayama, away!
I don't play NRS games.
If you hate zoning you might as well pick SFV.
GG is a good game but has ultra jew pricing and delay netcode coupled with a not so big playerbase. Aka , a big gamble depending on where you live.
Who's a good character for a new Melty Blood player?
There are many good beginner characters, what kind of character do you want?
"realized it's shit" was a bit an overstatement and obviously, SFV is not a shit game.
It's just not what I was looking for.
I should have phrased it differently.
the cats
Use Ciel and spam her knife throw
I bought melty blood in the steam sale earlier but have nobody to play it with
Anyone up for a few rounds?
didn't even know it was on steam. my only experience with melty blood is mugen.bat from 8 years ago
Akiha and arcueid are easy to use.
There's a shit ton versions of akiha , just try them all.
School girl akiha has one moon that is really fun to use. The one that places fire rings on the air , crazy mixups.
I usually suggest characters like H-Nanaya, H-Roa, C-Ciel, C-Warakia
They teach you reverse beat and melty in general. F-Ries, F-Roa, F-Tohno Shiki, F-Aoko, F-Ryougi are all very simple/straightforward characters but they don't "teach you melty" as much.
Also this can be helpful
Feel good cause the game is good and supportes it. Then proceed to download the pirate version with superior netcode (caster).
I think it's on (or pantsu , fuck off autists).
the steam version is shit, refund it if you still can
theres a better and free version in the pastebin (with more players)
What do you think of Injustice 2, /fgg/?
a link is in the op fucking retard
Not many people play the steam version because the netcode is not as good as the pirate version. If you want more info on how to get that, check the melty pastebin in the OP.
Buy melty blood pls, its onyl 6 dollars and a good game, im sick of playing against chinks and japs.
is this other version in english? because I'm kinda enjoying the writing a bit
i want my first online match. i'm in the uk
eh, people here say the guilty gear xx core +r has shitty netcode, but I've never had much trouble with it
Hurrr you broke the rule #457 of muh sekriiit club , no spoonfeeding REEEEEEEEEEEE
you mean it's slow, clunky and shit
Personally I feel like CyberConnect 2 does a much better job at keeping that anime look while not limiting the frames of the animations, unlike ASW.
This said, DBFZ is looking really good so far.
netcode is fine assuming less than 90 ping judging from the online matches ive had.
It slows the game down to your ping so its pretty noticeable so if you're like 120+ ping is kind of a suffering experience.
Proofs that you owned it and got it refunded?
The AI of SSF2T cheats like a real motherfucker.
I'm just trying to practice man.
>as good as you could be at mk9 on consoles
You realize that people played the game seriously right?
Newfagg desu~ I've been playing Melty Blood offline and my first online game today I got rekt real hard by some jap. Should I just git gud and renshuu?
Cc does meme anime fanservice games though , can't really call them fighting games.
The 2D narutos on PS2 were good though , they went full kusoge with the 3d ones.
anyone want to play?
i've only done the mission mode so far.
had to look up youtube vids for a couple of them
If you REALLY want I'll play a few games with you, but you really should get the other version to play online.
-MUCH better netcode
-people actually play it
Steam version is fine for offline.
its so you put more money into the arcade machine
>every goober finals sin vs raven
>every kof finals benimaru, iori, filler vs benimaru, iori, fuller
>every kekken finals dragunov vs jack
Nice games
>every kof finals benimaru, iori, filler vs benimaru, iori, fuller
thats not even slightly true
>playing melty blood online
>keep getting matched against a random guy
>he keeps fucking around with me and not playing seriously at all
Why do people even do this, its not fun, id rather get bodied and punished than just have some guy literally playing with his toes and still beating me.
i need to git gud
Have you ever watched a kof tournament of any game in your life
>playing steam melty
>i don't play GG the post
lmaoing @ u
New to fighting games, should I get Blazblue centralfiction, Tekken 7, or guilty gear Xrd?
On pc.
Why aren't Capcom games considered anime? Is it because more than 20 people play them?
Tekken 7.
You know, in skill based competitive games, the same people tend to win a lot.
le sekrit club xdddd us priates guys right? xdddd lmao
If on PC get Tekken. If on console I would say GG.
at least doa is good for something
I mean that is a given, but I think its less than just that but more the way the AI was designed.
It doesnt just read your input, it reads your input BEFORE you've finished executing it and reacts.
So you get situations where a human player would eat or at least not be able to punish a hadouken but the AI has already punished you as the fireball comes out, meaning you cant react to theur attack with a block where you coulf with a human player.
This bullshit is particularly common with Chun Li who can also instant fireball. Sometimes faster than Ryu or Ken.
Or Deejay with his charge punch.
Your wife sucks.
Imagine Harada being based and giving everyone proper walkspeed. Fuck this meme KBD shit.
alright ALRIGHT we fucking get it
>Managed to make most of the female characters not look like men this time
>Forgot to make the gameplay any good
Oh Boon!
Idk if you know this guys, but your wives are men.
>Forgot to make the gameplay any good