>Mapping/modding help, bugs, tweaks, downloads, and extra stuff: pastebin.com/w5jdaGVn
Samuel Rivera
How good is the Centerfire when used by a Gunslinger?
Angel Wright
not great, long reload times and low ammo capacity really hurt it
Eli Nguyen
Fair enough, two less bullets missing can be noticeable. I thought the Winchester was pretty alright as a T2 alternative for Gunslinger, and now that there's an actual beefier lever-action I thought it could be more useful later in but I guess I'll stick to the Deagles and .500s barely even touched the spitfires yet
Robert Hall
>survivalist isn't going to get reworked until at latest Christmas
Jeremiah Gonzalez
What is the best way to grind xp for the different perks besides just doing the special xp requirements?
Joshua Sullivan
Generally by playing on harder difficulties. 1.051 also normalized (and effectively nerfed) the bonus experience objectives for some perks between all difficulty levels, so Sharpies and Gunslingers now only get +1 per headshot regardless, Support welds are also only +8 per increment too, though door repairs I believe still scale.
Evan Wright
>get 4 non-ticket drops in a row >5th drop is this