/r6g/ Discussing Balance edition
(To find out why, read OP FAQ right below this, under "Which edition should I buy?" section)
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>Official News & Known Issues
Operation Health - Patch 2.21 is live.
Hong Kong season has been delayed. Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.
Comeback Victory:
/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
Read the OP FAQ, under the "I just bought the game" section.
Don't just jump into multiplayer at level 1.
Probably my bad, I didn't even know this game had a general after I bought it in the sale.
But still, it was just casual. pretty rude desu
Yeah that said there's no reason to teamkill you for picking a recruit, specially in casual. You just had bad luck and were paired up with some asshole.
>not being a total shitfest in every game that has separate casual/competitive modes
H E A L T H ' D
i want to marry IQs feet
8th for why are we so edgy?
Anyone else notice that its now extremely popular to blame operation health for people who die because they are nothing more but just shit at the game? Fuck im so tired of all these whiney little bitches.
>muh ubi
they try their best
There's a direct correlation between a player's rank and the amount of bitching he does about Operation Health
I wish my counterstrike abillities transferred more to this game
In that game I can rek stuff all day and here I feel like a blind bat
>planned maintenance
>operation health's fault
>you must be hacking
>that was just luck
Players have been dodging the real reason they died since the start of multiplayer gaming.
>I feel like a blind bat
It's to be expected. CS is very static, whereas this game has lots of emergent improvisation and blind angles. Learning to let go of that CS mentality where everyone has a very specific role and angle to play is what it really comes down to. Always be thinking, and always be improvising. More than anything, being unpredictable is what will win you a high-level game of Siege.
my operator pulled his dick out mid-round, needless to say we won
Yeah, noone ever sees the Tachanka pick coming.
i thought that said "the Tachanka peek" likes its some tactic made popular my tachanka
>Not know the Tachanka Peek dick reveal tactic
im buying a new account to rape in causal, plat 1 on my main.
prepare your anus bronzefags, time to have fun in casual again.
>emergent improvisation
So how many levels of improvisation are you on right now?
>not just playing casual on EU
This is the real meta:
What do we see? Jäger has 31k kills, Rook on 2nd place only 17k kills.
Is he broken?
I would say no. If you looked:
Pickrate Jäger 26k
Pickrate Rook 10k only
That means divided by each pickrate:
Jäger players get 1.19 kills per pick
Rook players get 1.70 kills per pick
Jäger is played by shitters getting rekt 3 times more often than rook.
High or low? I've been like level 150 for the past year and bitch about it constantly because I just wanted my characters and map.
>CS is very static
That's part of the reason I quit CSGO. Most rounds ended up playing the same with teams using the same strats as everyone else. Spending hours starting at the same doorway is SUPER boring.
Add in the horrible community and lack of updates, and there really isn't a reason to keep playing.
The ability to change the maps is the best part of Siege. You can actually change up strategies.
>not just deranking
Retards here think that rook is OP though.
>player level
I'm referring to actual rank like copper. Low rank players like dirts, coppers, and golds bitch the most about Operation Health while good players like diamonds bitch the least, if at all.
>Retards here think
retards are incapable of thought
1, 2, and 3 armors receive an additional 15, 17, and 20% damage reduction, respectively.
Nah, I'm high plat, and I bitch about it constantly. We didn't get any meaningful changes, and we didn't get our content.
Too bad this was downgraded too.
I remember saying you could blow everything up.
Granted, this would make the attackers OP but still.
Post your proofs
I understand why they did it, but it's a bit disappointing. It would be EXTREMELY unbalanced.
Ubisoft Defense Force is going all out today,
Please refrain from using my (second) wife in your posts as a reaction image from now on. Thanks.
fuck off to your linux /g/
I'm not ranked this season. No reason to play with no new content.
its literally one guy. probably a fat r9k beta who has problems with women
so post last season
Yeah, but then you realize in the E3 trailer, the player put the breaching charge on the floor of the living room where the trap door currently is on the map.
I refuse! (No idea who it is.)
Both sides are overreacting. I think Health ultimately will hurt the game, but only time will tell. If there is actually MASSIVE fixes that needed done for them to do things that should be simple, I understand. The engine was definitely not designed for this kind of game.
>I get fucked in the ass because I inflated my rank to plat by having my friends carry me and have a .6 k/d
>time to make a smurf lololol prepare to get stomped coppers
have fun hoeshitter
>haha, dude, this game is full of spaghetti code
>dude, why can't they do these very small changes on a lunch break??
lmao, would love to see what such people look irl. how they walk and talk.
>(second) wife
you can only have one waifu anymore will destroy your laifu
>it takes a multi-million dollar studio 3 months to make a new title screen
>it then takes a multi-million dollar studio an additional month to change a few hitboxes, make a normal matchmaking system that just about every other game has had since day one of release, and copy and paste assets to block off PEOPLE LITERALLY FUCKING GETTING SHOT THE SECOND THEY SPAWN, which has been an issue since day one.
>in the middle of this they decide to do a whole new system for fucking uncrating.
>and a fuckload of skins literally nobody asked for
>matchmaking still fucking sucks and theres no rhyme or reason to the match ups
60 r6 credits has been deposited into your account.
I see this sentiment a whole lot from people now that casual uses ranked matchmaking. If you can't hold your own against players that share your rank, you were obviously carried.
It's impossible to explain this to these types of people, they can't comprehend how they're anything less than the top level skill in this game.
Once you embrace the chaos you understand the universe. I will have as many wives as I please.
>get less than 1.0 most games in gold soloqueue
Are my callouts really that good or am I just the luckiest person alive when it comes to randoms?
>/r6g/ used to be comfy af
>ton of content
>discussed the game with minimal shitposting
>redditors start coming in
>suddenly animeposters
>a whole host of cancerous garbage
>drawfriends are shit upon by many in the threads
someone clearly doesn't remember the drawfags flooding the threads with cancerous blogpost garbage. I'm glad a lot of them are gone
t. not a game dev
It was inevitable as the game grew. I'm surprised /r6g/ was good for as long as it was.
how do I become an ubishill? how much does it pay?
its because no one was smart enough to tell the boorunigger to fuck off and now look at the place
Not an argument
It's because there's no new content, there isn't any thing new to discuss apart from operation health and that isn't enough to last the whole season
neither is >lol ur not a vidya dev
ubisoft better be paying you top dollar to say shit as stupid as this
Well, it's true. People who play video games have no idea how game development works and what goes on behind the scenes
I have good enough of an idea to know it doesnt take 4 months to fix a hitbox and a few UIs
dont act like Ubisoft is busting their ass to fix this game because they aren't. If they really cared they wouldn't waste resources on skins and alpha packs and actually make content or game fixes like they promised
I've heard that getting a high rank this season ruins your casual search times
is this true and if so at what rank does it start to fuck up?
works on my machine™
I'de imagine in one of the outliers like platinum or copper
Probably like an über neckbeard.
Also some sort of "incel" too, based on the extremely of their misogynistic content.
It does. It starts getting messed up around plat.
>based on the extremely of their misogynistic content.
>this is now the 6th consecutive backfill into spectator mode for a round that has just begun
they broke something again during the maintenance, didn't they?
>(second) wife
imagine being this pissed
>why can a 9mm one shot headshot at any distance?
this kid
He's a retarded reddie. What else is new
>I for one can not possible think
>quick TKK
I cannot read this without hearing the voice of a squicky underaged minecraft autist in my head.
The fuck is with ubisoft unlimiting FPS while the match starts? the coil whine is intense
Ubisoft should sell fidget spinners based on hibanas pellets
Reddit hates Siege its nothing new
This explains why so many people in a siege general hate the game they play.
>let's shrink hitboxes before we fix hit detection
That one was pretty good.
Gallery is just a list of salt
>Weeb girl with poison stick
Gave me a good laugh.
Why the fuck isn't there a 2 v 2 gametype
If you think crapshoot is in anyway part of the problem when people like multi and the discord exist, please leave.
Probably because that's a horrible idea.
Why the fuck isn't there significantly greater choice in customising custom games?
I want to make a proper sledge/cav hunt mode.
For what purpose?
>small maps
>basic objectives
It would be spectacular. Operators probably wouldn't be as important though
Recruit is the best op in the game, but since the sale theres a lot of new cancer playing the game who dont know shit and TK for no reason
Thats not how you use it, Reddit
I never noticed. Is it as bad as Stalkers pause menu?
Its like the game mode from Medal of Honor and bad compnay 2
Squad death match or something
>Throw 2 frag grenades on the side that a kapkan trap is at so I can run into the room as it's clear
>Doesn't destroy and then I randomly blow up as if I cooked a nade too long
Great fucking game Ubi, great fucking game
>terrible balance and the atrocious netcode
>why can people drop shot in a "tactical" shooter
>why are the fast operators near OP due to their speed breaking the game
Hes right
>using two (2) frag grenades on a Krapkan trap
Copper plays
I was last one alive and I would have exposed myself too much trying to shoot it from any angle as they had 4 people left, using a frag to get it was my best choice
So go fuck yourself shitter
As the saying goes, they aren't paying you to carry it home.
This is pretty much why Siege is the only recent shooter to hold my attention
Even if Im playing the same two operators myself for an hour, something different will happen in every match. At least thats how it is in casual. Ranked seems boring with designated peeking holes and rote strats.
>doesn't approach from a different angle
>can't clutch
>calls me the shitter
>30 second to go
>Attacking bank vault security room from car park
>Implying I have time to completely relocate and shoot it from a different angle especially when I already said the place was being watched by 4 people
Why doesn't Ubi just let some operators be able to choose from 3 gadgets? Thermite getting fucked over with flashbangs was stupid, but taking away Jackal's and Fuze's flashbangs didn't even have to happen. Some operators can choose from 3 primaries, so what's with this mysterious rule etched in stone that every operator may only choose from 2 gadgets?