sleepy edition
sleepy edition
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let me hear em
opinions are for dummies that are too lazy to do actual research
>Kayn is the Shadow Reaper
>Vlad is the Crimson Reaper
When's the new honor system going to be up?
everyone in this thread is a massive faggot deserving a painful death, even me
July 13th was the last time Volibear was used in pro play, he's the last of the list. Will he reach 1 year without seeing pro play? Also, where's your champion in that list lolg?
>you got some nice blood in you
>dont bite too hard, you may get hurt
How do i aquire omega squat teeto without spending money on eune i would buy some rp but right now i'm jobless
I don't like this list becasue it includes joke regions such as LAS whateverthefuckthatis.
Pray you get it from the free hextech chests you get or rerolls on skin shards
Wait so in total there's been 130/136 champs played this season? I know a lot of those are fringe picks that never matter but that's interesting I guess.
xth for breast metal waifu
I'd not count Xin as he was used in 6.24, but yes. These includes all regions, and I'm pretty sure there's at least one interesting niche in them. But yeah, I guess the 10 bans helped a lot.
Zed needs some buffs to right now. I think they should increase the AD steal % on his ult to like 20% and Increase Zeds base AD by like 3 so you can run more Lethality and last hit easier
bloodthirster should be reworked
Riven should get a small scale update like what Kindred got.
Master Yi is disgusting
>Spell vamp has always been cancer
>Life steal is ok though
I'm glad they're finally addressing this issue it's just as bad
Sleepy Ahri!
r8 my biggest cs in a playermade game
>zed needs help last hitting
What do you hate about your favorite champion the most?
> Garen 2016-12-10
> It was a Garen mid
> Defeat 5/6/4
I hate seeing bad teemo players
Lulu is my STAR!
Just a reminder.
Draven went from a decent adc to a "omg OP please nerf riot wtf reeeee" in one patch
If yall keep asking for champion nerfs every patch then it only perpetuates the shitty revolving door balancing that riot keep shitting out.
Dravens kit and numbers aren't the problem, any idiot could see this before the Deaths Dance buff went live.
Spell Vamp was a niche stat that only a handful of champs would ever invest in and when they did they became unkillable. Vlad with WotA was a more unkillable piece of shit than he is now. It was pretty pointless in the game overall though as it was basically just Vlad, Morde, and Akali that would buy it with any regularity.
Urgot is the coolest champion in the game.
xth for
>S H O T G U N
>K N E E S
>9 hundo
Sometimes when I get S rank I think I don't deserve it. Fortunately those instances were never ones that earned me a chest.
I hate the fact that people think Darius takes no skill.
A true hunter never rests
>silver promos
>have soraka on my team
>shouldve dodged
>couldnt because promos
>other team is literally all tanks, even karma mid whom i destroyed early game
>soraka is 0 and 11 wirh 4 assists
>I call her out
>she says "lol k? i'm a support"
Didn't know playing support is a free feed card. I'm never getting out of bronze. Any time i'm in my promos I get some pretty bad matchups or someone playing extremely useless champs on my team.
Everyone knows it's deaths dance that's making him and other champs op
W- well you sure collected a lot of gold doubloons.
>three games in a row where support fed 10+ kills and blamed the adc
What is in the fucking water today?
my support went smite mf and I'm playing twitch versus Xayah Rakan ama
I think i got so surprised that I forgot to dodge, I resent myself for that, its good cs practice at least
>more base ad
>to last hit easier
>silver promos
>mah team
he's banned basically every game
>Enemy team rolls soraka, lux, mf, fiddle and riven
>Get aatrox
Why does this game mode exist?
Missions :^)
>heh heh, i got carried to a higher elo so I know what's best and anyone who gets a bad matchup or teammates, it's the person that did good's fault
Sleepy Ahri!
>Soraka didn't have the decency to dodge and went ADC Soraka
>couldn't secure kills and so I ended up getting them in a panic
>calling me out for tornadoes used in an attempt to wave clear desperately
>stands too close to Kennen, gets ulted on and then says I should've had tornado
I don't know what it is, but there's definitely something.
Is it yasuo? When he gets a "rework" nerf prepare for him to still be perma banned. People are autistic when it comes to him, he'll be banned no mater what.
Where's the lulubuse in this?
Sleepy Ahri
Abuse is for edgelords, real champions know educating teammates on what to do better is the better choice that can untilt mistake making 'mates.
>tfw can't keep smurf in bronze without literally feeding
Hopefully you aren't legit in Bronze for more than a few dozen games, comrade.
That he'll never be as fun as he used to and his only hope is a rework. RIP Siinged.
hopefully kayn won't be a permaban too because he appeals to my autism both in design and gameplay.
there's the cancer. Too shit to play in your division?
that every single person never takes him seriously and they're right
I wanna build sand castles with Lulu!
>Too shit to play in your division?
i hear this 'sick burn' about smurfing in every game
do you ever stop to think about what you type
He will be most likely because LoL players are extremely boring neckbeards that hate anything close to edgy. If it isn't a support champion or some sort of mage, they hate it.
I think Jinx could use some buffs or positive changing of some kind
Incredibly fragile
how did you know it was me?
I want to kick over lulus sandcastles
No, it's just something fun to mess around on, and help friends towards the end of the season.
I mixed the sand with cement and you just broke your foot. Good job faget
Guardian Angel is a dumb concept and should be remove. It'd make Zilean more valuable too.
Well I mean think about why you smurf.
>Heh heh, I want to smash on people who are early into league and not as experienced.
Sounds kinda gay to me. People wonder why others can't climb, because autistic smurfers.
He's pretty busted with current numbers. Red mode is dumb
sion's late game is so fucking boring i pretty much stopped playing him entirely
Purge effects maybe as a summoner spell would make the game much more interesting but that would be anti fun.
>Continually lose aram games
>Still trying to get 1 win for the mission
>Every single game has someone raging or being an asshole
>Every single game is a one sided massacre
These mission were a mistake. Why are they trying to force people to play their shitty gamemode?
How 2 Irelia? Is she better than Jax?
I like the sound of that. She'd probably have to jump off, less due to logic and more so she can't start shooting right away once the ult reaches where she wants. In fact she'd need the option to jump off if she's going to miss the target.
>new jungler walks at you
solid ganking potential
There are aram only accounts, as in, they only own aram op champs. Try and ask someone to help you and done.
Awake Ahri!
So you can stop rift summoning if you cc them
The VS thing ends today, right?
Doubt it. It's your fault that your in bronze anyways.
they're also extremely afraid of high mobility and mechanical skill ceiling. Walking stat ball tanks, infinite shields and stupidly high range shit and no one bats an eye but as soon as a champ that can actively avoid damage with good timing shows up he gets banned into oblivion.
>aram op champs
Not the same guy, but lower elo players cant climb because they suck ass at the game.
Smurfers make it a little harder I guess, but overall, your climbing depends on how well you do.
>amazing just afks multiple times this match
What in the fuck is wrong with this guy. What the fuck could you possible be afking over in a goddamned pro game?
>zyra,mf,fiddle,lux just to name a few
dat cosplayer ass.
Yes. Summoning rift is a channel, so any cc that stops channels also stops rift. You can also stop the damage with Bard ult.
It's my dream buff/rework for Jinx. I always imagined it would work like Taliyah's ult; activate twice to ride and activate again to jump off at any point. If it hits a target or map border or you take damage while riding you fall off. Upon hitting an enemy you would land at max auto range (whichever Q for max) from target.
I'm very sad because riot is going to completely fuck riven's build path, as the only thing that is really effective to rush on her right now is Death's Dance and it's definetly going to get nerfed because of retard dravens
so yeah i just hate riven build paths, ever since the black cleaver change they fucked it up
post that league image
you know the one
yeah, THE one
Comfy Ahri!
A comfy Ahri is fine too
hopefully enough people complain about it and all future missions will be completely gamemode independent.
Although I probably would have been fine with "get x kills/assists" or something else on ARAM, the only thing I really hate in that mode is tryharding for a win.
is the trinket consumed if you interrupt it?
Why is that ahri crying who hurt her
yes. you get cc'd and you lose the rift. no replacements, its just gone. like karthus ult, if you interrupt it, its gone.
Gonna have to leave the thread this shit 3spooky
>have to land skill shots and use all your resources perfectly while simutaneously outplaying them
>they only have to use 2 skills and a point and click plus ignite to kill you
/lolg/ with their mean comments about her
sounds retarded strong specially in competitive play