Old: Jax will kill you in your sleep if you don't reply to this post edition.
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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So Jaxbros, what do you think about the theory that Jax once had a weapon which turned out be a darkin that attempted to corrupt him, but he defeated it and he never uses weapons ever since?
I think its neat
2nd for kill all lulufags
Why aren't you playing Nunu?
>tfw your boipussy will never get ravaged by him
Why live?
Feelin lucky?
Tell me your opinions and we'll see who's lucky.
yes both cute and abused
I don't understand how to play early game.
Am I suppose to just farm my jungle and the enemy jungle or should I gank like a normal jungle?
Also I don't know the meta build (runes, masteries, items).
I hate to say it, but I think that Poppy is a lil'TOO thicc
boring champ, this is the best thing he can do and gimp silvers with his ult.
funnest I had with him is when a friend was playing Ryze and we only got the ult combo off once out of like 4 times.
>I'm order
>All my friends are order
>Every person I play with/against is order
>Every fag on here spams about order
>Even on lereddit order btfo chaos
>Only chaosfags I see are Rioters like pic related
>Chaos is winning by a decently large margin
Really makes you think...
Lemme just post best ship and THERE THE FUCK IS MAH SKIN REEE
Is the new abyssal mask good on any midlaners now that it builds out of catalyst?
>Gimp silvers
And by silvers you mean anybody without a flash, right?
How did /lolg/ react to this?
Brown girls are best girls.
>Star Guardian files were on PBE
>Riot has been killing memes as of late
>Urgot and SG skins are still up to be on next cycle, if they haven't planned to separate them
>SG Jinx's taunt to Urgot
xth for Shotgun Knees
I want to fuck that yordle
Wait is this the dude who created Kayn? That explains a lot actually...
ill be seeing a lot of this at anime expo
He was so fun to play as when the full AP build worked.
1 shot bronzords from the bush. Nunu was the true master of shadows back then.
>The unseen yeti is the deadliest.
I want to keep Lulu as a pet and abuse her
It's still a tank item, if you want catalyst on a mage you already have two good options.
What champion pisses you off the most?
I have no desire to play league of legends now that I can't get key fragments instantly after a game. Thanks for breaking me from the skinner box riot
Fuck off, you towelhead nigro
>Star guardian urgot
As much as people meme about it having it be an actual skin would be fucking awful
You realize nearly every champion designer and balance team member is gold and below right? Phreak for the longest time was the best player at Riot.
Leak that turned out to be almost completely true says it's ezreal and syndra skins
Fuck yeah highschool mahou shoujo anime with league girls.
All we need now is ezreal in same universe and we got typical high school anime ready
The poppy buffs won't do shit, I just want a little more range on her passive or E back (like 50 maybe) so I don't consistently cancel autos or just barely miss the wall slam.
Which lol champion got the biggest dick
And i mean female dick
>being toxic and dropping your honor level
xth for Kayle x Karthus.
Purest ship!
Vote NOW the future of Lulu__ depends on it!
nidalee x lee sin = nidalee sin
Vi. We used a state-of-the-art analyzer to determine her size.
forgot your haha
>You realize nearly every champion designer and balance team member is gold and below right
>Tfw /ourguy/ Gypsylord is diamond 4
and Phreak is Diamond 5
I always thought they should considerably increase her anti-mobility damage. Like, 15% max hp done when they dash the zone
I'm so glad I have this post filtered now.
You get them when you log on now, but still the same amount. The lack of instant gratification frees my soul from this unending spiral of empty time.
You meant soraka + kalista + alistar = Sorakalistar?
I know that doujin!
Do you use want to abuse lulu just so you can piss off that other lulufag?
because I do
>Enemy team has literally 0 armor
>Lucian builds Lord Dominiks second item
Step aside for the purest of purest of ships
I'm glad that it's starting to look like we're heading face first into a tank meta for worlds because it's unironically the best meta to play in.
Cancer like Fiora getting gutted
Nu-Thornmail to counteract Lifestealing cancer
Tank items and individual tanks getting buffed to relevancy.
Buffs to early tank clears
>not darkness_dragon_wizard
I'm only voting polls from him, other polls are just CIA or JDIF
Remember when Last Whisper got reworked and Jayce shitters still tried to rush it
good times
I only see it now as a Sejuani/Amumu/Galio item only desu
You also realize that professional team coaches aren't even remotely close to challenger/master tier right?
Knowing how the game works and knowing what goes into it isn't the same thing as playing it well.
>major ziggs and tpa mundo
excelent event riot games really loved it
>Two complete sluts that will fuck anyone, anywhere, anytime
Youre a fake, you gotta want to abuse Lulu from your heart.
Its just a nice bonus that he hates it.
I hope not. I'm looking forward to making fun of horrible cosplays but sg urgot would be too much
Oh wow you weren't joking. I feel like I could've farmed better. Took Krugs whenever they were up and panth wasn't under my tower just yet. I did almost the same damage as braum because I only autistically split pushed[
>Re-roll mecha sion, tpa ezreal and skt zyra
>get prehistoric cho
>be silver
>have gold 4 mmr
>play one game
>now have gold 2 mmr
>rerolling best sion skin
is dyrus a girl(male) now
>You also realize that professional team coaches aren't even remotely close to challenger/master tier right?
Really? Name one that's below diamond?
>Knowing how the game works and knowing what goes into it isn't the same thing as playing it well.
That's true, but any shitter can get to gold easily, how you're allowed to create champions and balance the game like without having any idea what it's like in upper elos seems pretty dumb desu
how do people learn which junglers are farm junglers and which are early gankers and who beats who early?
Not bad. I'd complain about rerolling Mecha Sion but his base skin will eternally be best.
Post your top 10 ranked champions and let other anons know how bad you are.
>jungler ganks your lane
Why are jungles such retards?
>top 10
>trusting op.gg's calculator
it just guesses based on who was in your last few games.
>rerolling one of the best ezreal skins and best sion skin
You had it coming
>be silver
>get placed against high plat players
>just another day on EUW
Easiest role in the game, requires next to zero mechanical skill.
Ah, good times. I remember being Bronze I and facing Gold I / Plat V back in season 3. I always dodge my promos on that account, chill smurfing. Too bad that even going 3/10 that account ended Gold V tho.
Who was in the wrong here
>disgracing the art of war
Looking at the kit
Asking people
Playing the game (i don't reccommend this method desu)
I don't play beta champs. Even though i just thought of tilterella and how he smash everyone with Sion ad. Shit im stupid
I dont play a lot of ranked but okay
Soraka would die even if xin stopped doing drake
I just can't get the hang of "OP champs" such as riven, panth, and fiora.
It must be that I overestimate their power most of the time.
>11 minutes in
Jungler was wrong but people here, just like on plebbit, think the jungler can never be wrong.
they were dead, right choice of Xin to take the drake and not die himself
>Playing any Jungler that isn't Zac or Lee Sin
For what reason?
>1 day away from getting the orb
but she was fun to play back when you could solo lane with her so I can't hate her all that much
I'd say the two out of position idiots
Alright, I have a 60%+ winrate with Ezreal, Cassi, Taric, and Elise.
Who do I choose for my top lane champ?
>forgetting Nunu and Olaf
Loved almost all of it, especially liked Janna.
Cass works top
> When a Lee Sin shittalks you for playing a noob champ
> He's 2 levels behind