Tourney? Wilbo Waggins? Namefags Begone Ree? edition
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That'll work.
Do contestants get healed after every fight?
also reposting for easy reference image
Let's all get along.
bets on Gun Gorilla vs. Double Digger?
testing on the arena, I'll win between 100$ and 500$ on my bet
Gun Gorilla all the way, I'd wager my father's musket and a dozen knucklebones on 'em.
Who can hope to compete with technology like this?
Double digger is gonna dig into that gorilla with ease, I bet two gold coins and one silver cup.
You made an actual bet? With someone irl?? For that much money???
>tfw you finally check up on /dfg/ after playing Persona 2 IS and see that the brackets are up
Life is good.
You guys are really into this. Getting a bit hyped myself, despite initial skepticism.
>Tfw my character is almost 100% certain to eat shit right off the bat and die on round 1.
At least it will make for a good meme.
yes, yes, yes, no, yes, maybe, yes
mine also, don't worry, we always have the battle royale
>No Dwarf Fortress Salty Bet Stream
Don't worry, got the perfect music to send that hype up to 11.
>no Rare Akuma in the tournament
Anyone else recreating their own gladiators in adventurer mode?
>that gif
This is gonna be the biggest tournament yet boys, get ready for some (hopefully) sick fights.
This is one of the best things to happen to /dfg/.
same for my character, Apollo the cheetahman
>Crossbow guy
>Bolts puncture flesh but weak against hard stuff
>First fight against Lava Lad
>Skin literally made out of obsidian
fuck my life
Hey, you never know.
You might be able to smack Lava Lad's shit with the crossbow.
Well, hopefully anyway.
Let's see those bracket predictions, /dfg/!
tfw you lose in the prediction
>not against Skeletor
Yeah, I had a few tries where it didn't end badly for mine, plus a bit of badassery.
>tfw it's your fate to lose to another elf and place second AGAIN
Mr Worldwide user here. Somehow fitting that the first two entries face off. Kind of an opening ceremony?
>Stabo Crabo in quarters
An interesting but unlikely bracket
Do you think you can handle that cheeky thief?
He's a sneaky cunt, and has a (sort of) tough knife.
*clears throat*
Seems like it could go either way man! Pretty hyped
I was tempted to give the Stabo/Purple Fist matchup to Purple Fist, but Stabo's banking 86 points in the first round, which is he almost guaranteed to win. That crab's gonna be a menace.
On the other hand, a single glancing hit on him is potentially enough to cause lethal bleeding. He's a real glass cannon.
I tested the whole "Crab Carrying a Knife" thing in the arena, and their speed is lowered to around 0.106 or something with an iron dagger.
But I still got my hopes up.
Eh, was just checking what I suspected: I would be better off against one of the hard shelled folks, but they're random enough that it isn't certain what will happen.
I forgot how much I hate scratch attacks though, such a fucking stupid choice to scratch a dude in the head when you have a big chunk of silver death to bash them with.
That's their natural walking pace; it doesn't affect their attack speed at all.
Just today
>spearman has copper spear to fight giant with
>bites him in the ear instead
>he latches on firmly!
why dude
>Mr Worldwide isn't wearing pants
>against Dick Ass Thief
Sorry lad, you're going to lose a certain member.
Here's my bets. Note that my bets on dag are based entirely on his wolf.
Did you agree to only cut down a certain number? Is that diplomacy still in?
I based my prediction on Dag only getting 50 points per win. If he gets 220 he'll be a lot more dangerous.
Can't wait to see how well Apollo handles Lava Lad and his literally rock-solid abs.
Dunno about that, if she can get past that first round maybe.
Metal bolts will pierce Lava Lad pretty much all the time. I can't remember if Tourneyanon removed no pain or no exert, but if it was no pain, landing a single bolt before getting to melee has a decent chance of winning the fight for him.
No, They just came and told me I'm a cunt.
Last caravan that came got attacked by a werelizard and died so maybe theyre upset I didnt help
There IS the obsidian layer, but if Apollo can land a lucky hit, of find a weakpoint, then he should be able to do good.
>silver bolts because silver crossbow
actually I'm not so sure, silver is fucking ass for penetration. He might have actually been much better off with a Copper crossbow since it's still quite dense (which is what crossbows use for their damage, with much better bolts.
not being a >grandmaster theorycrafter
As Dag's manager, I kinda doubt he's getting that far
>/dfg/ - Spoilers edition
hey ma boi it past the first round in this one
Silver is some of the best material for ammo in the game, man. The damage of arrows and bolts is based entirely on weight, and there are very few materials heavier than silver. But even then I'm not truly confident in my cheetahboy. If he has to go on melee he's in for some serious trouble. Also, surprised no one got the reference for the origin of my character.
Oh okay, I thought they used the penetration statistics like spears, since adamantine bolts are still really good. Must be a mix of stats.
I got it, my nigga.
I did get it though.
Action 52 best game ever
>and then...
>... the cheetahmen
What about JC though. Dag isn't that strong but the wolf is dangerous.
If only Paul was here to help.
>Light Plump Avenger not winning the first fight
I can assure you as his manager, he will survive.
Or die horribly
>Silver is some of the best material for ammo in the game
I know this is the conventional wisdom, but I think something changed at some point. In 43.05 I've found that silver/copper bolts are always deflected by iron armor while steel bolts punch right through.
I still think silver might be my best choice against lava lad. Maybe I'll replace it with stil if I manage to win. Super fucking excited for this tournament.
Fair enough, I think tissues work differently from armor even when they're the same material.
>Super fucking excited for this tournament
Same, even though I'm probably getting wrekt in the first round.
Well, you better hope that LL doesn't get within punching distance of your boy, because he's got fists of steel, the strength of at least 50 angry dwarves and chiselled, rock solid abs.
I have a feeling this tournament is gonna kick ass, mainly due to the colourful cast of characters in it.
That, and there's a lot more gimmick characters in it too.
>Already training for the next tournament.
Does Grand Master Swimmer actually help in combat? I feel like he'd lose against most combatants
Maybe Novice Dodger could see him through on some of the battles
>Future tourneys are just going to be fags simulating battles and adjusting skills to tip fights in their favor
What's the joke here.
What game.
This is why last tournament was pretty boring. everyone ignored the cool but gimmicky characters to focus on metagaming and the elf vs elf circlejerk.
>Doesn't recognise GBA era Fire Emblem.
Well, joke is that Amelia starts off as an awful ass unit with awful ass stats. However she's one of only 3 characters that can promote 3 times instead of the normal 2, effectively giving her another 20 or so chances to gain stats over anyone else.
Eventually, she becomes huge.
That has been the joke. Thank you.
I'm surprised there are only two elf entrants this time, honestly.
No. JC and Wilbo are practically byes.
Yeah, I mean in the last tournament everyone rooted for
>edgy elf
>edgy human
>edgy goblin
>edgy dwarf
>elf waifu
Meanwhile in this tourney people are rooting for:
>an armed gorilla with boots on his hands
>a crab with a knife
>the cutest pupper
>a hot martial artist
>JC Motherfucking Denton
>The two best cartonn rivals
>a man/dog combo get the point
Well, Tourney user could keep upgrades a secret until the fights hit. That way you can't prepare to counter new abilities
Why does this Goblin have a dwarf name?
Skeletor and He-Man in the finals. You heard it here first.
By means of double KO's in all of the other brackets, naturally.
So, I decided to test the Wilbo/Stabo fight...
If tourneyanon is still around, please set Dákudos' skills to their actual values.
The ones in the doc are kind of impossible.
Is there one fight a day? How does this work?
well, that was short
From dorf civ.
He's quintessentially dwarven. Being born in a fortress makes him a dwarf.
Born in a fort, named by dwarven customs, raised by dwarven values and chugging booze all his life
Still no beard I suppose, so into the pit he goes
Dwarves won a war against some goblins. Goblin survivors were accepted into dwarven civilization because dwarves don't accept slavery (Humans would just enslave the survivors). This goblin's past relatives are probably war survivors that got integrated into dwarven society. As such, he was born in a dwarven civ, wich led to him having a dwarven name. He probably also has dwarven values like loving craftsmanship and alcohol and disliking nature.
Reminder that Purple Fist is objectively the best gladiator and is an undefeatable luchador with his handsome purpleness and abs rated 7 at mohs hardness scale
>caravan randomly scuttling
Would be a lot better if it weren't so easy to buy them out.
>Test my gladiator against mooks
>He dies
Well, this was disappointing.
You're all underestimating Mr Worldwide's desire for artifact pants
Crabo is an anomaly. All of the gladiators are underpowered.
Gorilla and Lavaman not so.
But like, whatever.
how many mooks?
Good thing there are no minotaurs in this tourney.
people will think this spoiles the outcome but i really just want to say thati befriended a spider in the corner of my bathroom even though i don't usually like spiders
you can't be friends with spiders, they'll betray you. Once the spider injects his deadly venom while you sleep you'll understand.
is it a longlegs? i love daddy longlegs
>want to start aboveground fort
>can't make walls