>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Voting War Score Tally
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Voting War Score Tally
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Azura is shit.
Uncensored pussy.
I wanna fuck Kliff!
new banner when
Mareeta is pretty puny but her Sword is both powerful and buffs her stats.
Reminder than thanks to Famitsu, Nintendo will have no choice but to release info steadily in order to protect against more leaks.
Floodgate Level: Open
Sakura a best
Also the other dick, Vled is here.
Azura a best
Who cares.
Can't wait for the Archenea characters to be Tiki, Marth and Caeda instead of the good ones.
What units would make the best use of summer tiki's close defense?
Fatigue is starting to hurt me bad.
It reduces movement which is simply the worst.
Yes you can be reduced to 1 movement.
I want to play FE heroes
I can start in any moment or I need to wait for some event for better roll rates(or exclusive rolls like other phone games)?
Start by playing the other games in the series, lad
hector :^)
Stupid Tempest Trials banner happened. Now that it's over I should be able to comfortably go back to saving though, and doing the math I can get around 640 orbs at least come December, not including new dailies, special maps like the Kozaki ones, or just random awards like the omikuji ones. And I'll make sure to buy a bunch of google play cards too
MRobin serves better for this gauntlet.
Wife sheep
Seliph is soft~ soft~
Please consider backing lady Lachesis and give Jugdral more representation so that ISIS may give us more soft Seliphs to love and care for in the future~
Unironically, what said.
Any time, really. It's not a particularly aggressive gacha.
>/v/ is still sperging about this
sacrificial sheep
Now that we made it outside we can see that being mounted gives units simply humongous stat boosts.
And an extra 15 build.
>No trailer for summer units yet
They're not done with the censorship tweaks yet lad.
There's going to be a new event in a few hours if you wanna wait for that.
You are too late, you already fucked up.
>Whining about ass crack when we still have titties and [Puffy Vulva]
Which girl would give an unprompted under-table blowjob at a dinner party?
Don't, but if you really want, start playing now and start to accumulate those free orbs for July 1
It makes her ass look smaller.
Only the Irish would want that.
the pastt few banners had better units, but the new mystery aint bad, eldigan is cool too. You'll be lacking good greens and blues.
That's a cute meido
>he fell for the full session meme
why are there so many cucks and retards in the fe community?
not just on leddit or tumblr but here on /feg/, too
like what is it about a niche japanese anime game that draws in sjw sympathizers or normalfags who brush off this shit
you'd think the fe community would push back against censorship and unnecessary changes like other similar fanbases but instead we have mongs saying things like
>"how can you give a shit about 2 pixels of censorship when children are dying in africa??"
>"what are you talking about the new version is so much better HAHA RAWR IS DRAGON FOR I LOVE YOU GREGOR SMASH xdddd"
>"imagine being so autistic that you care about fire emblem's localization quality!"
so what gives?
All of the Mages outside have Thoron and the boss has a nice Berserk sword, I would advise avoiding them but I wasted a lot of time resetting to dodge everything for a sword I will probably never use.
Also Hicks thanks us for saving his son but decides war is scary so just gives us a Halberd instead.
It's a good thing I'm a boob guy
Don't waste your time with feh
Berkut is the next GHB unit.
Eternal Horse Emblem
Walhart when
Because people here are mature enough to understand ratings and standards.
I don't get you but I respect you
watermelon pussy
le awakening saved the series xd
we gotta take the good with the bad, it's karma
It stopped being a niche japanese anime game and went mainstream, welcome to normalfags and their shit opinions.
lemon-lime pussy
softest hair
>be footfag
>fetish will never get censored
>won't have SJWs breathing down my neck
Just roll a Reinhardt and you'll be all caught up. If a good banner comes, you can always start over if you're early on.
Oldcucks are mentally ill.
Me on the top left.
Reposting from last thread:
Talk me out of spending money on orbs for the New Mystery banner, /feg/. I don't even really care a ton about getting one of the focus 5*'s (although a Katarina to finally have a good red mage would be nice), I just want a red 5* in general after spending all of the past two weeks rolling for desperately needed red skill fodder and building up the pity rate.
That's a new meme if I ever saw one.
>being this degenerate
At least you don't have an armpit fetish too, right?
Almost done with Thracia 776. Amazing game Karrin is my number 1 mvp. Leaf better promote after this chapter (18). Maps 16a and 17b were great maps thanks for that guys, I checked on youtube the maps for 16b and I never liked forest heavy maps so I dodge a bullet there.
After Thracia 776 should I play Tear Ring Saga or DS fire emblem games? Which is better?
Ishtore then warps Galzus right next to us which caught me by surprise as I was extremely lucky to not lose someone.
He also has the new promotion item the Hero Proof, I will go into more detail about that thing later.
You can't really take it from him since you need someone faster than him to steal it and capturing him would just make him unrecruitable later.
Me on the top right
You know, I rolled another two at 4*. I don't even know what to do with all those glacies if most of my good units have shitty res. Maybe is time for a meme build
very thick and crazy long describe me when I look at these pretty girls and also seliph
I would support literally any FE4 character except Lachesis.
Not him, but I do. Only animu armpit, tho
Better off spending money for orbs on summer swimsuits. At least you get some tits and Robin ass for your dollar.
What is your current pity rate. Let's start the conversation there.
FE oldfags don't like fanservice shit in the first place, and nuFE fags who started with Awakening and do like fanservice are normalfags who don't care.
>those stats
Oh boy, is that the hack where pic related is from?
Imagine being this upset someone likes something you don't.
how do u guys decide who to keep and who to send home
should i just check all their IVs and send everyone home except the best of each IV?
i cant decide what SI skills are even worth keeping low *'s around for
Do you have any favourite lines from Heroes?
I unironically like MAGIC IS EVERYTHING.
Next we run into this canyon where everyone is either a Swordfighter or has a fucking Horseslayer.
>ratings and standards
honestly, the fact that both awakening and heroes covered up a buttcrack makes me think that the esrb has a specific policy on female buttcracks
Reasons why we should have Walhart-
>Looks cool (Crab)
>Built-in DC (Wolf Berg is a ranged axe and also a very powerful Prf weapon)
>Conquest skill (not sure how this'll work in Heroes. Maybe the opposite of Fortress where it grants +5 Atk at the cost of -3 Def? Maybe a debuff skill?)
>we need a good Green horse (inb4 Cecilia, she's the ONLY option for a ranged Green horse short of sacrificing a Hector for a DC Titania)
the magic is within
TRS is better, in my opinion.
Im actually working on a f2p guide that will cover the f2p units and the 3* rolls, sadly it's really taking me some time
Don't push me
Anything that JP Caeda says.
If you aren;t running out of space then don't send home at all. There are only a few units that are completely irrelevant when it comes to SI so don't start tossing units unless you know very well what you are doing.
name me a dragon and I will tell you their flavor
i think he promotes at the end of chapter 18, actually
wat u gon do bout it green boi
I guess I am a real luckshitter with the RNG, it can't be because I'm playing well.
We also reunite with Finn and Safy.
Finn also has super nice Mounted bonuses.
That looks more like super Thracia
I like that too, especially when he insta kills something. In other hand, I like Moreses, moreses, moreses!
>NuEmblem shit
Would rather have Brian, even if he's a caveman looking fuck, as a DC Green unit desu.