League of Legends general - /lolg/

Riven is fun edition!

OT: eyosongive.us

1st for Taliyah is the cutest and sweetest girl! I want to hold her close on cold desert nights by the fire!

xth for Caos > Order



Lulu offers her 2 beellion years of virginity for her ADC's life, do you accept?
she's insanely tight.


comfy bfs~

This is the new Ezreal skin to follow the the Star Guardian theme. What's your reaction?

how much money does odd one make now? can he still get girls?

>/mute all
>afk shove top

fkin blazit fgt

Buff mages pleae

weeb shit

It should've been on Twisted Fate. Just replace his cards with flowers


I'd love to see him buffed, but you don't want to see the cancer that would bring.

>Cowtit Queen
>Dairy Dutchess
Evelynn MissFortune Morganna
>Cleavage Countess
Ahri Akali Elise Nidalee Vi Zyra
>Busty Baroness
Ashe Cassiopeia Fiora Illaoi Janna Katarina LeBlanc Nami Sejuani Sivir Syndra
>Modest Merchant
Irelia Karma Kayle Leona Lissandra Lux Riven Shyvanna Soraka Vayne
>Flat Farmer
Kalista Quinn Taliyah
>Sexless serf

I want to bully the scuttle crab!

>get quadra to win lg tf
>do most dmg by far
>flash to catch a cait ult for my low hp teammate
>0 honors

Im gonna kms myself guys


hey guys it's me, chad bullycock.
just wanted to say you're all pathetic and i used to beat the shit out of you back in the day lol
btw, this is my waifu. say something nice about her! :3

the W of that skin will confuse you at first

what in tarnation

I love Lissandra!
Dont forget if you dont play ur waifu, you dont love her. im looking at at you, Dianafag


Can we please make zekes jarvan support a meme. This shit was pretty nuts.

play tryndamere

Is honor not in ranked or something yet? I can't see it


>No ip enough to buy her.

Does Permafrost count as a projectile for the purposes of Yasuo's wall?

Can Lee start raptors? Or do they fuck his blind ass hard?

>tricking teammates into shittalking me
>get them banned

Yes, but he will keep all his stacks since he never got stunned

she's fucking difficult user


It's okay, user, just keep working at it! "The midday toil is most difficult," after all!

alright alright alright lolg
I got a serious question here:

do tranny criminals get sent to male prisons or female ones?

xth for NTR/Mindbreak/Impregnation.

I am in love with Ms Buvelle.

Are you in love with someone user? Tell me about them.

I am in love with kooba, but don't tell him!

Best girl.
Best thighs
Best wife.

you'll be sent to the prison of your biological sex, but I'm sure that if you made a big enough fuss the ACLU or some other cucks would try to get you transferred

xth for breast metal waifu

Earlier today the Riot store Facebook page replied to a comment I posted last week; looks like there will be new Pentakill merch coming out along with the new album

Place them bets. Game 2 of promos to silver

If at first you don't suck seed, blow another cock!

not me personally, but I know a guy who is in love with another guy

I'm in love with Sona Buvelles chest!

I'm in love with a special girl(female)
She has small breasts and an obnoxious laugh, but that's okay because she's a lot of fun to be around

I honestly have no idea; there doesn't seem to be a concrete definition of love, so I can't figure out what it is or whether I'm in it

I love you too user. I have many fond memories of hanging out here.

Well good luck to them. Let's hope they're happy

I'm so tempted to just buy her with rp

anyone have the Yasuo outplayed next time choose your bans correctly copy pasta?


She's the cutest AND the sexiest!

I want to forcefully make out with Kled's butt! :3

>S H O T G U N
>K N E E S

xth for Urgot

*I've got 11 gemstones now. I want Dreadnova Dario, but I think I should wait to see if they
do another gemstone skin. What do you think?

post more taliyah art

What compels a grown man to post a meme frog?

one of the worst threads we've had in a while lads

A-am I cancer, /lolg/?

you can, start with w

>add up total amount my runes are worth on my account
>just short of 100k
>contact riot because i want to know how much i've spent on runes, as opposed to their total worth, as i may have gotten increased value from using the rune combiner a few years ago
>they can't tell me
>there's an entirely too ridiculous process you have to go through to get this information, including paying riot $5, writing riot a handwritten letter and signing it with a drop of blood, having exact and down to the minute information about when your account was created
this is ridiculous

>no yasuo/zed/vayne/riven/lee

you tell me

youre the best kind of cancer
the kind that puts sissy top laners in their place
you drink the tears of melee top laners on the daily dont you?

I'm a pretty hard metababby tho

11 gems? how?

I wanna play too.

Getting lucky from chests with a little spending money (you save a lot when you don't eat fast food a lot),
and from the event.

I would have had more, but I dusted the few that I had before. Not worth.

I did. She's cute and fun, but she takes some practice. I think she's worth the effort, definitely!

I want to make more members of her village with her!

i like big lamb butts

>Tfw you like kooba but he deleted you for no raisin a long time ago

>madlife on thresh
>vs a blitzcrank

I mean Swain is my second most played so I pretty much sustain myself off salty babby tears. My favorite is when they pick Yasuo and proceed to rage at me in allchat for 20+ minutes

I literally play like shit vs trynd tho.
I ban him every single game because I know I'll get dumpstered if I don't

>purposely designed to be ugly as admitted by her creators


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>play Swain against a limited mobility tank
>he is probably a teamplayer in all honestly
>start to feel bad but Swain's villain-esque laugh makes me forget it
>mfw he can't do anything and I feel like a super villain for making a Shen's life miserable who just wanted to help his team

>post mains
>judge others


I think I am and it's scary.

Someone laughing a lot is a very attractive quality though. Unless you mean like a snort or something. But if she laughs at your jokes, and you care about her, even something like that will seem so much less important than the happiness of making her laugh.
small breasts are cute that isn't a negative user

There is no one definition of love, true, and different cultures around the world and through time have differed on that topic, but there are a few similarities that surpass time and borders. Someone you like to spend time with, someone you would do stuff for or make sacrifices for, and someone you have stronger connection to than your friends.

You can admire a friend, you can make sacrifices or do something for a friend, and you can want to spend time with a friend, but I think love is when you do these three things but with a stronger emotion attached.

Personally I think the greeks figured love out when they split it into 4 types, eros, agape, philio, and storge. You can have one or more of the types of love towards a person, and depending on the combination of types, determines your relationship.

>purchasing a woman
is this game slavery selling?

Needs more Annie

Throw another rock

I'm in love with Ms Laurent.

I want to go adventuring in Lulu.

7/10 would camp my lane with

>that pantheon winrate
Do you jungle with him, or something?

>guy gets his mid yasuo
>talks a ton of shit
>sucks ass
why would anyone not ban this champ


Oh noes the pixel society will hear about this


>small breasts are cute that isn't a negative
>posting sona
I'm not sure you really believe that
But they're really nice anyway

Also if she's any indication, small breasts really are more sensitive

>(((Klein))) interfered with the artist to make her base splash more ugly
>Literally just photoshopped her to make her look worse in it
>She's still cute on her model and her other splash art and skin

It's just one person who tried to do this. It's the same as taking a picture of a celebrity and then photoshopping it to make them ugly.

Riot made rock lee into a tranny?

Play champion A that does X, when there's champion B that also does X but easier, safer and better.

Why do people do this?

What is the point of these Singed changes? Leave my special snowflake pick alone!


>playing champions that aren't yordle boys

Go back to the story forum vladfag

>Personally I think the greeks figured love out when they split it into 4 types, eros, agape, philio, and storge

>no Jinx
>no Star Guardian
