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fuk mmk

tbqh i want to find a cute erp slut

RS3 rules do not apply to osrs rules.

is luring allowed then?

The rules are the same for both games, you actual retard.

>defending pkers
actually loling

commission staking was allowed on rs3 for a while even though it wasn't for osrs

>my anecdote represents the whole
My point stands.


nth for Hook is cute.

If you'd actually read that section, and knew how OSbuddy/Konduit work, you'd know that neither of them are against the rules.

>Shot-glass on the arrow keys doesn't work for keeping you logged in anymore
Well that's annoying.

who here /always fixed plus no orbs/

still getting that authentic 2007 experience

only for skilling

Just pay the 10m entry fee, best money I ever spent.

>Modified or replacement versions of our game applets. Reverse-engineering our game applets is strictly prohibited. Using a modified version of our game applets is not permitted for any reason. Third-party software that displays pages/content from our website(s), and that has specific features (i.e. toolkits) must not be used to access our website unless that software conforms with all of the other rules, and the etc etc.
Your bot clients do just that when they remove the defensive option on your attack styles to force-ably prevent pures from gaining defence xp.
You're actually a madman if you think something like osbuddy or konduit would be allowed on rs3.

what 10m entry fee? :o

To get into the /mlp/ cc

what the fuck is his problem???


post a rude image of her like that ever again and you will be removed from this thread

OSbuddy does not have an option to remove the defense attack style, nor is it capable of directly preventing you from receiving defence XP. It is only capable of displaying text that indicates what attack style you're using. Maybe you should stop listening to your own lies.

I said your "Your bot clients" not "Your bot client". 1 of the 2 most definitely have the ability to hide combat styles.
>nor is it capable of directly preventing you from receiving defence XP
It's capable if it's preventing you from selecting the defence style, smartass.
Maybe you should stop being a cheating cuck hiding behind your bullshit clients.

Is the Kingdom management from the Miscellania quest still profitable, should I go get the quest done asap?


If you're going to try to catch me on technicalities, I'm going to catch you on technicalities, nigger. I was strictly talking about OSbuddy, and OSbuddy is not capable of preventing you from selecting defensive, nor capable of directly preventing defence XP, so you are wrong.

You also chose a shitty arbitrary point to try to use to say that third party clients would never be allowed in RS3, since preventing defence XP is a feature of the default RS3 client. Now, you being so autistic about using an inferior client does not make OSbuddy illegitimate.

Is it better to buy mems a year at a time or buy bonds or just get a month or 2 then sustain it with in game currency?

>can only fletch 10 sets of arrows at once

Won't this be fixed when they add make-all for everything?

making 10 sets gives a lot of xp for just one 'action'
imagine how much xp you could get if you could make 100 sets with 1 click

You'd easily be able to get 14m xp/hr. 99 fletching in 55 minutes, 200m in 14 hours.
Poll when?

cute c:

doesn't show that account sharing is against the rules in rs3? but it's not in osrs except for people using it to their advantage for a minigame or tournament so ur whole argument is btfo from the beginning

>tfw can't get pets in f2p
It's not fair...


>pay for game
>get pets

they're only adding make all for interfaces that have a "Make X" option, because they basically already have a make all that's locked behind a few extra keypresses

it technically is against the rules in osrs, mods have just said that they'll never enforce it except for in cases of a tournament or competition
Skull tricking, however, isn't against the rules because it's literally a mistake of the player who gets skull tricked that causes it. You're clicking on the wrong person in combat and it's your own fault. It's like saying that using diango's claws in pvp should be bannable because it causes you to pop venge early
Sure, it's irritating, but if you're not going to the wildy to pvp you shouldn't be trying to fight a clan unless you really know what you're doing, in which case you probably won't get skull tricked

>an irl girl in osrs is hitting on me


It would be funny if someone swatted the OSRS DMM tournament TriHard Cx

this fucker just got banned for account sharing then recovering


every thread until you like it

Suck me hoop mam

mate you obviously can't go fucking around giving your account out to literal whos at the grand exchange


lmao the reddit scum is complaining that he doesn't have the same rights as some streamer because of his gambling addiction

Idk what i expected desu

1kc for frem diaries desu

no gz for helmet head

kill yourself degen


who is that shes cute

kill yourself fucking helmie
your kind is not welcome here

user what if he actually killed himself though. just imagine how you'd feel after saying that..

>just imagine how you'd feel after saying that..

if jagex shut down the servers what do you think the chances are of them releasing an offline ironman version of the game?


I think the chances of what u said are slim to none so I can't think that far

tbqh i think i've caused someone to do that

maybe even 2 ppl

i sleep better knowing they wont suffer on this earth anymore... im kinda like teh grim reaper :3

Dhargash please leave

namedroppers please leave

this is a good question tbqh

we should be able to port our current accounts should the servers ever go down permanently.

im hoping that by the time OSRS and RS3 die the world will actually be long gone from nuclear fire

"obviously can't go fucking around giving your account out"...

where is it stated obviously dude?

If ur gonna make blurry rules that mods claim they won't enforce you can't draw the line wherever you please.

I bet u'd be all cool with giving your account out to streamers? Somehow random strangers you become a hypocrite?

>cc doing !total
>someone with 70m xp but total ~1550
>look up the account
>99 firemaking, 99 cooking & 95 fletching

He didnt get banned for giving it out, he got banned because he spam recovered it and made it look like a scam account.

>being jelly

So you're saying you can scam but you gotta space it out by only recovering it every month or so ?

Or is the rule that you can give it out but not recover it ?

If you 1 ip adress keeps spamming recovery it doesnt matter how long the wait is, its gonna look like a scam account and jagex will shut it down.

well what if the dude got hacked

So you get hacked 7 times?

lol this is the same convo on the reddit thread

are you two the same guys arguing here and there?

desu I just wanna see this go to the front page and see OP get roasted by a mod lul

ya dude it's possible someone has a way to get access to your email & rs info every time u change its password....called keyloggers / rootkit.

Maybe then fix that instead of spamming recover.

Probably, im afk fishing and got nothing else to do.

there's kids that play this game that don't even know what a keylogger is.... and honestly if i was 13 and my acct got hacked the first thing id do is panic and try to recover it

if OP just claimed he got hacked he would probably get his account unbanned lul

he's saying he was hacked now lmao

now i really hope he gets blasted by jagex soon

>tfw been questing all day for the past 3 days

what do i alch


At what point does getting members become worth it?

first day

as soon as you make your acc

3 days before you start playing.


stamina potions are dogshit

Okay I've just been doing magic and rune crafting. Made gold from tele grabbing zamarok wine. Anything I should do when I get membership?


Do you get anything good from them?

there's already a lunar spell for it bucko

Lots of combat exp to get you through the early painful levels of melee training hitting fucking cows or monks or rock crabs.

I saw in the thread someone recommend starting with these, in no particular order:

>tree gnome village
>grand tree
>fight arena
>witch's house
>Merlin's Crystal then Holy Grail

most of these are easy to do at low combat lvl or have bosses that can be safespotted down with fire strike

Sounds good thanks, I'll make sure to do those

If you're new make sure to look up guides if you don't want to eat shit or waste time unecessarily.

But most importantly, have fun

>lunar spellbook

>not knowing the difference between an anecdote and a counterexample

Do witchs potion and that one imp bead quests early to get magic levels, its gonna let you use some good magic damage spells.

My magic is already level 37 and my combat level is 24. Are they still worth doing?

So am I just getting lucky or do easy scrolls always pay out pretty good?

RUNE-scape amirite

All quests are worth doing, the earlier the better desu, because doing quests earlier lets you skip a lot of levels from teh xp.