Daily Reminder: If you've never hung out with your friends driving your 90s japanese shitboxes in an urban city then you aren't truly living the automotive lifestyle.
flyover state cucks need not apply
Daily Reminder: If you've never hung out with your friends driving your 90s japanese shitboxes in an urban city then you aren't truly living the automotive lifestyle.
flyover state cucks need not apply
Other urls found in this thread:
>urban city
>so much this
nothing like loud night time shenanigans in an urban city
Why the fuck would I want to hang out in the city, when I can go drive mountain roads and not get hassled by cops?
Most of you non-flyover state faggots have to pass emissions or inspection, good luck with that in your 90's japanese shitboxes
Florida master race reporting, stay the fuck out we're full.
>urban city
>not backwoods toegay
>flyover state cucks need not apply
after 25 years which most are, they are emissions exempt you dumb cuck
not in California
>willingly living among niggers, liberals, and trannies
>flyover state cucks n e e d n o t a p p l y
stay triggered faggot
>cruising around the city and hard parking
>blasting eurobeat and hitting the togue
eurobeat gay af famm stop letting chinese cartoons influence you
>having the same mediocre car as some other weeb faggots
i think i'll pass.
No it just means I'm not poor
>he doesn't know what it feels like to apex a corner perfectly
>urban city
Boy I sure love driving in stoplight-filled one-way shitholes that smell like pods as opposed to river roads
I always forget how many flyover state cucks or irrelevant country cucks post on Veeky Forums
really makes me think!
all that chrome I thought it was a corvette meet outside hooters
City driving is literally anti-fun. You are limited to small streets, frequent stoplights, surrounded by human scum, and an aroma of piss hangs in the air. What is your argument FOR city driving as opposed to "You live somewhere less populated lol cucks"?
i expect the argument will include "our fartbox exhausts really turn heads and people like what they see!" which is definitely the opposite of what is true
>city cuck
>anything worth bragging about
gas yourself immediately, degenerate
> be me
> urbanfag
> gently awaken to the sounds of car horns, people screaming and distant gunfire
> time for work
> work 10 blocks away from home so have to leave 2 hours early
> quadruple lock my very spacious 10'×20' apartment that costs $2,000/month
> walk down 40 flights of stairs because the elevator killed 3 people last week
> walk 2 blocks to the parking garage that I pay an additional $600/month to park my ricer in
> car only has 2 new dents and 4 new scratches from when I left it last night
> begin commute
> people look on with disgust and disappointment as I rev up and launch at every light only to hit 25 mph before needing to slow down again
> run out of gas halfway to work
> definitely getting fired
> maybe the coffee shop across the street will hire me back
I truly am missing out on the good life.
Slammed cars on 18" stretched tires are pretty awful to drive on big city streets.
My trucks slammed on 22s and rides like sex
>in the city
>go wot off of a stoplight
>get pulled over
Yeah cops ruined lifestyle to many fucking boomers with badges
Or you could not be the kind of moron who hotrods anywhere near people or other cars.
Then you must not live in a big city with a true "urban" area and real potholes.
>implying there was a time in automotive history where the police wouldn't pull you over for hooning your car on public roads
>Veeky Forums
You forgot the first rule
Holy fuck this
Why do people seem to think this shit was ever tolerated?
but I don't want a 90's japanese car anymore
but it wasn't tolerated even in a fucking movie about it
here in the midwest jdm cars are cooler because they're more rare to see. only a few of them remain on the road
i've only seen two Mk4 supras, ever. one at a fucking toyota dealership
I don't have friends
This picture was taken about 6 blocks from my house. They still do this. The town is now majority Asian.
when did Veeky Forums get so fucked pozzed with faggots and leftists? Wait, that's redundant.
>not living in suburbs on the outskirts of cities with country roads nearby
>Tfw nothing but boomers and rednecks here with their american/korean shitboxes
I just want some other autists to cruise with.
1. Mountain
2. Flat ass b-roads
3. smelly city driving
4. zzzway
Our backroads wind through the hills
I dont get this meme
gb2 your shithole
>"Look mom I'm a boy racer!"
So they are almost the best.
dont forget da joos
I really hate living where I live sometimes, but moving across the country sounds like the biggest bitch. Plus it'd be a hell of a commitment just to have fun roads and a bigger car culture.
Hurr flyover states rite guise
You realize how retarded you are right?
Not even mentioning cities shouldn't allow cars and won't in 10 years
>I love minorities!
The thread
bruh you live in a flyover state. Nobody gives a fuck about you
What is your argument *FOR* living in a city other than a meaningless statement that you assume about those shitting on you?
not in Arizona
just ranegban all americans, that way we won't have shit-threads like this one
>tfw meet a bunch of S14's at a low-key casual drift meet in my hometown.
quit fagging shit up in Veeky Forums with your faggot politics
>Daily Reminder: If you've ever ever aspired to own a toyota then you aren't truly living the automotive lifestyle.
What is more fun about endless stoplights than freeway/highway? At least you can speed on those.
This guy is right. You should be fagging shit up in Veeky Forums by spamming old shitbox toyotas instead in a vain and desperate attempt to keep them memorable
>driving in cities is fun
You're not helping our hick stereotype, but yeah, can't do this in the city either.
>polished chrome wheels
those wheels. i would be embarrassed
>Not liking trannies.
>being gay
It's cool to be gay in 2017.
>being cool
>Deep South
>W reg S15
feel lucky you didnt import/buy a later one. mates having hell trying to register his as an NA 51/02 plate cause of the tax law change and the DVLA just assume hurrr Spec S = Turbo
>not having metroparks
Quality thread
>Live in New London, CT
>Get to enjoy city driving in New England (Boston, NYC)
>Can go north and drive in MT equinox in Vermont or Greylock in Mass.
>beautiful fall scenery
>perfect mix of City and Rural anytime I want, at most an hour away.
I pity the anons that dont live in Beautiful New England.
If I were to make power rankings for best regions to drive in;
1. New England
2. Northern California/Southern Oregon
3. North Carolina Appalachians
9001. Texas
9002. Southern California
9003. Flyover straight lines borefest middle america
This list is measuring driving experience only, car prices, taxes and fees are not applicable.
Milford, CT here What's gucci
What makes you think all flyover areas are purely flat? Many mountainous regions could be called flyover. There are also rivers that have carved slithering descents, etc.
>he doesn't enjoy being a fucktard on the hilly back roads and empty highways of rural Pennsylvania in a murrican landbarge
Missouri here. Cruising roads through the Ozarks and along the Missouri River is engaging and beautiful.
driving downtown here sux tho, backroads are way better
I'm from MA and I have literally no friends. I haven't even touched my 90s shitbox in close to 3 weeks. Maybe I'll take it out this week if the battery isn't dead.
Popular = good is most cucked mentality
>C-...cars are always honking at me while I waddle across the street
Found he busrider.
>driving your 90s Japanese shitbox on roads
A common mistake for beginners