/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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>Fire Emblem Heroes - Special Heroes (Ylissean Summer)


As if I'll spend 4k feathers promoting them both

Is she going to sell them or furiously masturbate to them?

Summer SevSev! And her mom! Let's all make some good summer memories together!


>Cordelia and Severa pulling down their swimsuit underwear and going free use on the beach

Sell. I'd totally pay for pic related

hmmm really makes you think huh

+ hp - atk summer tiki.. fuck
-spd - def summer robin

If we could somehow prove that there is a coded extra chance to get -atk as an IV, how badly would that damage Heroes' reputation?

Convice me not to do a full roll

Very, since Japanese law apparently says that you have to list all of the probabilities where people can read them before blowing money.

That green is an Arthur.

Do we know next week's Arena heroes yet?

That green is a Julia.

Those reds are Raigh and Sophia.

how am I even supposed to get 700exp on chapter 23 of FE7? who thought it was a good idea to make that the gaiden requirement on an extremely open fog of war desert map with a green unit mage that fucks everything up

Probably the summer units
Four other units to be revealed in a couple of days


How long will FE Switch's discussion last before it gets shunted right back out for more gambling stuff?

fucking prick

2 months max

Just rescue him.


>56 orbs later

nothing ever get shunted, if you don't see anyone discussing your games, it's simply because there's nothing to discuss and people like your not taking the initiative to discuss

Reminder to not let Lissa get the multiplier Priscillabros. Take it easy.

>one unit with Morale giving infantry +8 in all stats just for existing
>three other units with Surge healing everyone for 36 HP each turn

It's a little excessive but you're on the right track.

>get nothing interesting
>check ivs
>find out the corrin(f) i just pulled is +SPD -RES
Is this seriously her best IV spread?

>Mfw cannot talk about Fate/ Extella anymore because of Fate/ Grand Order's English release
>Same thing with FE because of Heroes

It's team up time!


How do we make debuffers (mainly non-Kagero daggers) work?

Narcian tanks that loser just fine

Absolutely. Not a lot of units have high spd and def, and her debuff helps further.

Let them use their weapons on adjacent enemies

0 seconds. There will be more discussion about the inevitable banner than the game itself.

Give them innate windsweep

Make daggers work like Clarisse's bow but with a reduced efect on the non-target enemies

Am I safe to assume that we'll get the same rewards for the July quests as for the June's?

>mainly non-Kagero daggers
You literally can't. ISIS has done all they can.

Best we can do is add other daggers in addition to poison dagger. Like an 8mt beastbane dagger, or a sting shuriken that's effective against armors.

Smoke Dagger

>tried pull summer robin
>get 4star thundercock

i feel VERY VERY Conflicted about this

>Priscilla will never get far enough ahead to give Lissa another multiplier
>Lachesis will get a multiplier in a few hours, maybe longer if they keep being retarded, and then Elise will easily catch up but not get far enough ahead to give another multiplier
The end of this round is going to be boring compared to last round.

I use a +atk with darting blow and the spd seal instead, her attack is pretty low.

You stop the ORKO meta.
In other words you can't.

Shit, why does Saizo have to ruin everything?

Does Axe Valor stack with the current double sp event going on?

If I get Tiki and/or Robin, I'm not going to check what their IVs are


How about like Blazing skills that triggers before battle, we have another special skill that triggers after battle (and after debuffs are applied).
It makes the enemy takes damage corresponding to the severity of the debuff they got inflicted.
And unlike Blazing skills, it can kill the enemy.

>Numbers have proven that Priscilla has the larger army worldwide
>She's already ahead, and a large portion of Awakening babies are now asleep because they live in the US
>Priscilla will naturally continue to pull ahead during these hours even more than she already was
>Your reminder will at most be seen by ~200 people

Multiplier for Lissa inbound but it'll come before the final hour and Team Lissa will burn their flags on it, giving Priscilla the final multiplier of the round.

Someone on my friend's list uses a +spd/-HP Corrin that works wonders.

Built in firesweep for some daggers.

Nice. Time to grind melontiki.

Make debuffs work in Heroes like they do in Fates. You only recover 1 stat point each turn.

So to anyone who has gotten the seasonal units, how many orbs did it take? How many orbs does it take you on average if you've gotten other focus units before as well? I know it's not really applicable to everyone but I want to know what the averages are. Reading horror stories of 200+ orbs with not even a single 5-star isn't that reassuring.

Let them equip two weapons at a time and switch between them during battle.

For those who spent money, what are the damages?

I got my S!Tiki in my second roll, but still did a couple more trying to get Robin (to no avail).

Had 27 orbs saved up. Spend 10 on two seperate banners for single greys (got jackshit) and whaled the last 3 on this pull like the dirty motherfucker I am

On average you should get a 5* unit every 60ish orbs depending on rates and sniping. But you can never tell with randomness, there's always the possibility you could blow 300 orbs and get nothing just like you could flip a coin 20 times and always get heads.

>you can never tell with randomness
Exactly. That's what always gets you. For example I got bride caeda on my first orb while I had gone to 5% on celica's banner before I got the sheep.

100 orbs of pulling only blues and greens and jackshit to show for it.

At least it's a good while before this damn banner ends.

last thread felt like wall to wall gacha

Guess I'm psyching myself out too hard. I'll just have to really really really hope I have good luck.

How's the summer banner? Are these summer versions any good or does anyone know yet

>Right/Left Arm
>Not Right/Left Tiny Hand

>bought 3 orbs

The characters are pretty bad, unfortunately. No new Bride Cordelia here. However, boobs and censored ass makes this all worth it.

I've rolled 4 5*s and I started playing in March. I'm an active player and gotten almost every f2p orb there has been since then. I'm swimming in SI fodder I guess.

>spent like 60 saved orbs
>total of 5 greens, got shit
>whale for 23 more orbs
>lol, 2 green for u, no tiki
>lunatic p8-3 is near impossible to beat because I didn't buy enough BS to have lvl 50 5 stars, much less without someone dying
I hate this shit, when is FE Switch coming out.

I didn't get seasonal unit and I don't really need them.
Got a Jaffar with 9 orbs and I'm happy.

Yeah that's how threads usually go the hour of a new banner

Thought so. Anyone know if there will be a better summer banner or is this really the long anticipated summer banner? The only one that looks useful is the Tiki one and still don't know how is it compared to the young version.

>Nonsense. A world without misery is not the same as a happy one.
Was he right?

>TFW the only way to win Round 2 is to literally not play

IS, you incredible bastards...

I know. I still feel dirty.

>didn't notice the 2x SP thing
has it been there since the new banner hits?
should I be spending stam pots grinding my units?

Kinkshame Duma!

Unfortunately yes, this was the long awaited Summer banner - nothing but Awakening costumes with mediocre stats and no love for non 3ds games.

post chibi memes

>lunatic p8-3 is near impossible
Is this a meme?

70 orbs focusing on sniping greens but there were five roles without a single green.

Duma's just saying that because he doesn't know how to deal with his trauma from getting raped by Naga. On one hand, it was miserable rape, but on the other hand, it was sex god Naga.


This will most likely be the only summer banner, but you can always wait with pulling until the end of the banner to see what comes next. Censored Tiki and Young Tiki fill vastly different roles, so comparing them isn't really relevant.

Mediocre? The Units in the lunatic paralogues hve 30+ in their weak stats and 45-55 in their better ones, plus abilities like "at 100% health, get more of every stat XD". Every banner gets more and more broke, the power creep is unreal.

>Titania is top tier
How so?

Where is the Eirika version


It takes 3 of my lvl 40 5 star greens to just kill Robin.

distant counter makes her good

Roy 4*
Shanna 3*
Matthew 4*
Gwendolyn 4*
Sully 3*
Fir 3*
Arthur 3*
Arthur 3*
Frederick 3*
Gordin 3*

Are you fucking kidding me

le Reinhardt hard counter meme with DC

There is one?

>complaining about ta3

>Hone speed
>Memes of mercy
Sounds good to me senpai

All the stats are inflated in the Lunatic paralogues though. Have you seen their actual stats though? The best offense spread is 32/34 on Robin and 29/37 on Gaius, hardly what I'd call broken.
The spread for these units is too balanced rather than mixmaxed like Bridelia's 35/35 to be considered powercreep. If anything, most new units have been only had a lateral powercreep than a vertical one with the niche skills they keep adding.

le meme incestman

What does /feg/ think about filler chapters?