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Remove mercy edition

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Zarya's beefy farts.

Here comes T.Racer!

Reminder to put your discord on an enemy tracer the second you see her, so when she dashes near you can take her out with only a headshot + kick (120 + 39 damage)!

that's never an issue because nobody has ever told me to swap off Winston

How to use Rocket lady well?

Tracksuit skin for Zarya when?


Zen this is a reminder that I love you for putting discord on Mercy so that I can actually fucking kill the bitch

t, Winston

does this game ever get fun?

When your team isn't pushing: stay behind cover like the top of a building and pop up to shoot rockets
When your team is pushing: concussion blast behind them and get some meaty hits into the supports so they're forced to push into your team and die

no, leave while you can

>implying any tracer will let themselves get within melee range unless they're behind you

>ywn hot glue d.va statue



the most expensive nut of your live kid


i main zen but there is nothing more satisfying in this game than picking tracer when the other team has a zen and bullying the fucking shit out of him all match

I've been thinking about "neutral" abilities, e.g. abilities that are usually useless unless you or the enemy team are in a particular situation, for example something like an aura effect that causes the enemy team to take say 20% more damage, but increases their healing by 20%
I imagine this would be great against 3 dps comps and terrible against 3 tank comps, and a great way to abuse greedy teams with 1 healer (e.g. mercy)
Do these have a place in overwatch or would they just cause situational picks like sym?

>there is nothing more satisfying
Except getting a discord headshot + kick on an enemy tracer as zen

Those are quite big tiddies.

>Zarya can brap so hard that her pants explode


Actually, there is nothing more satisfying than instagibbing a Tracer with Mei icicle.

Actually, there's nothing more satisfrying than hacking a Tracer with your team around and watching her slowly accept her death.

I want a literate dom to bully me between rounds in Overwatch.

Junkratto buffs

>Total Mayhem fixed: Genji now takes damage from explosives he reflects again, and Junkrat no longer takes damage from explosives genji reflects at him (Genji doesn't have Total Mayhem passive. If he reflects Helix rocket or pharah rockets at something close: He takes damage. Why are junkrat's explosives different? Its a design oversight)

>Total Mayhem reduces explosive damage by 30% (Helix rockets, Pharah rockets and rocket barrage, other junkrats explosives, D.va ultimate, bastion utlimate) (Number can be tweaked as appropriate)

>Steel trap health increased from 100 to 200
>Steel trap now prevents healing for the duration

>Total Mayhem grenades now stick to nearby targets, stick attachment has a 1 metre radius (punishes heroes that get to close to explosive defense hero like rein, roadhog, genji etc.)

So Overbuff pretty much useless now for stat tracking since they removed QP losses?

Wheres my space skin for torbjorn?

Situational abilities dont work in Overwatch because heroes like Soldier exist whos abilities work constantly in every possible situation, offense or defense, close or long range, on low cooldowns

Most satisfying thing I've had happen in the past month or so is play reaper and have a tracer who was harassing my team accidentally blink directly in front of my shotgun for an instakill

I love Angela


is it not my place to be telling people what to do? i feel like i should be???

You can do whatever you want, but it doesn't mean people will listen.

So you want immunity from Junkrat explosives, but then you want reduced damage. You don't even know what you want.

bullying zen all match as sombra, including solo ulting him



>when you realize YOU'RE the problem with the team

Junkrat is fine right now.

B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-BUT MUH MEDELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>when you realize you're the problem but also that you're having fun so you keep going

>literally dead game

>get placed in silver
>Get stuck because of complete retard teammates
>Hurr you belong there
>Finally get a win streak and make it to gold
>Immediately shoot up to plat within 3 more days and still climbing
I knew it, so you can get trapped in a rank because of retards and the only way out is sheer luck. What a shitty system

>Someone points it out

>when you realize YOU'RE the only one doing anything on the team

New nvidia driver causes heavy flickering in 144Hz mode, send help.

I'm glad I ignored that shit as usual, then.

If you don't have all the golds you're not doing your job and should fucking uninstall.
>Waaah waah I'm not the problem even though I'm soldier with 16 elims
>The problem is that useless tracer with 51 elims and gold REEEEE
Keep being delusional, trash baddie

>Solo queue
>Get set against a 4+2 stack

>1st comp match of the day
>Road main who swears he's still good
>Won't switch off
>Misses almost every hook and blames the team for hook and cook failing to kill anyone as their mercy just heals them

Why did Hog's win rate increase after the change?

Was it a buff after all?

it's good enough to tell that your aim is utter dogshit

this game just isn't fun, it's a fucking shitfet

>When you have gold elims, damage done, objective kills and objective time
>As Sombra
>When the team blames you for the loss
>When you're the only one on the team that gets a card
Oddly it's still quite satisfying

Why are you so angry?


>the pedo is still here
Not gonna post your random kiddie pics to go with that, you dirty fucking nonce?

>When you realize it wasn't the one shot that made him op but the fact that he can force an in position character out of position for ez picks
Hook in and of itself is cancer. Now that people are playing him with the team they're realizing he's still a stupid hero

>when Mercy mains tell you that hiding in a corner is great positioning and requires a good game sense

Because people are bad at the game, why wouldn't I be angry? I would be happy if people weren't bad at the game

Even Bastion is better.

tfw you play pharah and nobody is trying to take you down

I've got you in my sights

You need to learn to take it easy.

I just had a game where everyone on my team was extremely nice. It was like a developers dream. It was fucking surreal
>middle age woman
>late teens/early 20s girl
>late teens/early 20s guy
>teenage boy
>myself (late 20s)
>non-mic user
And everyone was saying nice things
>pick what you're comfortable with!
>that was a good one!
>oh we lost, bad luck
>i wonder who will get potg?
>well you'll see soon!
>lovely playing with you, have a nice evening!
I- I think I'm in someone's dream

>not Competitive


>user talks about gold medals
Literally what?

Learn to reading comprehension

He already has immunity to junkrat explosives, but a design oversight makes him take damage from his own that genji deflects at him

The damage reduction from explosives obviously applies to enemy explosives

Oh, you're right, it's a slight nerf in comp, but a huge buff in QP.

No. Please uninstall and then kill yourself

Are you a fag or what?

Oh fuck me
>2nd match
>Whitetrash hillbillies

He's the fag who does the whole "wah" bullshit and usually spams hundreds of kiddies he willingly saved to go with it, deserves nothing less than getting his teeth kicked in

_____no :^)____

user... everybody does mock crying when making fun of someone. Are you new to these threads?

>when I know their location every minute and unless it's a spawn I can't reach for obvious reasons I deny them any form of rez through elimination

>winrate is 99.9%

Site is fucked up son.

>you kill Mercy first and she just comes back and rezzes everyone anyway
outplayed lyl


Learn game mechanics.

Genji deflecting anything counts as a new projectile being created by Genji, in other words a new Junkrat projectile. So again, you don't have any idea what the fuck you want.

Ideally you kill mercy after the first two other kills
At two kills she's unlikely to rez but even if she does it's the least she can res without it being a solo
And by delaying her death you minimize chances of her coming back in time to make a difference with a higher res.

Obviously this is an ideal and not something that is even possible all the time, but killing mercy first isn't always the best idea.

>I kill Mercy first but save my ace in the hole for when she returns and don't let her get close enough to rez




Personally, what I like doing is killing a fair chunk of her team normally then wait for her to revive her team. Once she does, I go guns blazing and get rid of her then anyone I can in her team.

even Seagull and Wraxu constantly fail to kill the Mercy before a team wipe.

>Genji deflecting anything counts as a new projectile being created by Genji

Yoooo where is Genji's passive where he takes no damage from his own projectiles
This shit right here. Show me on Genji's info screen where he has it

What? You mean he doesn't have one? But he doesnt take any damage from the projectiles he "creates" with deflect if they're junkrat explosives!

I know game mechanics so stop talking shit about something you dont understand. I know exactly what I want and I can gurantee you I know the mechanics of the game better than you do so stop replying with shitposts

>even Seagull
You say that like he isn't complete and utter SHITE

Wraxu is good though

I'm glad you had a good time, user. It feels great when everyone on your team is really nice and you efortlessly destroy the enemy team.

We know, Torb

>tfw the strongest tool in D.vas kit is spamming IS THIS EZ MODE

Yes, the system is luck based. Even the top 500s admit this.

>Junkrat no longer takes damage from explosives genji reflects at him
>Total Mayhem reduces explosive damage by 30%

>So you want immunity from Junkrat explosives, but then you want reduced damage. You don't even know what you want.

Yo, faggot. You don't know game mechanics.

>Design oversight
That's intentional. If you fire like a retard at a deflecting genji, you deserve to die. Your team deserves to die for your incompetence. Fuck off, typical braindead junkrat player.

you get stuck at a rank because you're trying to play GM strategies in silver games. I placed my alt account in plat and couldn't get out as Tracer because my team never followed up when I blinked in and killed a support. I started to play Soldier and quickly ranked up to mid diamond where I could start to play Tracer again.

>all the characters I like are now shit

Thanks, Blizzard.

so much this. it's like a secret ability that makes enemies tilted.