League of Legends general - /lolg/

new thread
tomboys are cute edition

yuropoor esports are on


post tomboys!


i had a dream last night that i was trying to jungle brand

that wasn't a dream
it was an omen


xth for lolg once again proves it's full of retards
eurohours sure are a great thing haha

This is Xayah. She's a rebel.

Say something nice about her.

i thought cait builds rfc anyway

Why is this game still so easy?

>1 member of team makes a slight passive aggressive remark towards me
>don't honor anybody

nice system

xth for Syndra

she has a sexy voice even if she uses it to say annoying things

it's not that bad actually, your passive constantly procs the healing on each monster from the jungle item

Because you stopped playing Akali

Search catalog first lolbabs

xth for breast metaI waifu

She has a nice body (aside from the feet)

xth for best ship

s o f t

f e e t

Jinx is a cute cuddly adc that deserves minor buffs :^)

which one is the better one to use

redpill me on adc mids, /pol/

This one.

blood moon easy

Bloodmoon is based

Acceptable but don't think you'll be able to kill the enemy unless they're brain dead.

Everyone is building Shiv for its crit burst, some are building RFC for faster procs of shiv. Only a few things like Twitch and Ashe still build hurricane.

i wont fall for your tricks

maybe i will and get flamed hard for it

rek'sai's cancer now, isn't she?

godspeed my son
take armor reds

go away dork

yes, ban it.

>new honor update comes out
>every teammate is disgustingly polite in the most fake way possible in hopes of getting honored
This is actually worse than I expected. I'm tired of all four of my teammates telling me "Wow! Nice job :D" after getting the simplest of kills or objectives.

It's pretty much a worse version of morgana jungle, but it's easily doable.

How do you beat zed mid as lux? He spams his shadow q shit until it eventually chunks me for half of my health ults me then I'm dead

Lucian is the only one who is good into some matchups.

>playing cho top
>vs gnar
>he and enemy xin take turns flashing and killing me under tower every 2.5 minutes
>build righteous glory and protobelt
>run straight up to their vayne (through janna i might add, fuck yo nados when you silenced) and one-shot her
>tiltproof honor
Yknow, sometimes this game is all right.

wow dude gj
add me after? ;)

Do your part by ruining it for everyone by not voting

>Reddit: The Game adds an upvote system
>Expecting anything less

She got a bit overbuffed, but does fall off late like most AD bruisers.

Corki is back

You poke the shit out of him? Lux outranges almost everyone that's not a poke mage, and if he dives you under turret you snare him and hit barrier

did that one user ever try that gargoyle stoneplate cho'gath shit?

Take barrier throw E from far behind trade only if you hit q.
That's actually how you can any lane as lux

>project ashe snorts in one of her laughs


Biggest and breast waifu!

>caitlyn keeps getting nerfed
>all she needs is for her trap duration under a living enemy tower to be lowered
>Riot keep hammering away at literally anything else
>they will not stop until she can only attack once every 5 seconds, had a base AD of 20 and a AD growth of 0.5.
>people are okay with this

is that abnormal for you? Do you have to manually raise your erection?

Her traps are cancer everywhere. Limit her to 2 out at a time and call it a day, or make them destructible.

>t.Caitlyn Main Damage Control

First thread linked user
try again later

>fake niceness is worse than honest douchebaggery
nope. fuck off with your contrarian bullshit.

fuck off cait picker

If Riot released another set of Dawnbringer and Nightbringer skins - who would you like to see them for?

>Dawnbringer Diana
>Nightbringer Leona

I don't know why Certainly T though trap master was a good niche for her when she already outranges every champion in the game.

She was limited to 3 for the longest time and they were fine then.

Riot doesn't care about those champions

>actually a vayne main
pshh... nice try.... kid

[Insert Random Crack Ship Here]

>has multiple forms of reliable escape
>while having the largest range out of every champion
fucking awful design

>Honor update comes out
>people actually start being nice and complimenting each other



no but really stop fucking kill yourself for actually complaining about people telling you "good job"

Diana and Leona are enemies - not my ship.
I ship Viktor and Cass

she's not even half of what ahri is
which is sad for an imitation
also, birbs are trash. foxes eat birbs

>still call heavy-feeding teammates garbage during game or post-game if we lost or we're losing
>still collecting honor anyway because I usually end up performing the best on my team
>have gotten a ton of ironic "didn't tilt" honors as a result

Nah it didn't change shit.

Two of them, actually

you will never SUCK[/ FUTANAHRI'S 10th tail

Rakan gonna slap a bitch.

i think ashe mid is ok

charm v charm
i like how this ends

I get a semi when I'm horny. But her laugh gave me a full-on erection.

Shen and Zed

Diana originally was going to be a lesbian for Leona and Leona would be unsure about her sexuality. they actually wrote a article about it. its not just a "crack ship" so much as a ship thats technically in official limbo like Lux and Ezreal

what did they mean by this ?

>charm v charm
>i like how this ends

>get autofilled support twice
>hardcarry with bard, S+ both times with 14 kills both times
>pick support on purpose
>feed my ass off 3 games in a row

I think I have a rare brain disorder, where I get worse at things instead of better.

and nobody honored me.. :(

d-does he join in? not the cuck btw, but curioso

I'd wish she didn't desu. She's in a good position now that if you know how to play her (read, know how to not position like a retard) you'll do really well with her. I don't want the spotlight on her.

Kayle and Morgana
Nasus and Rnekton
Shen and Zed
Garen and Katarina
Diana and Leona

>cuck queen Xayah being forced to watch as Ahri uses her charm magic to mind control Rakan into fucking her in front of Xayah


this pose is from kill la kill, kek

>people actually start being nice and complimenting each other
and I'm also part of this, I'm totally a reformed person now

>shit la shit

Xayah: "baby snap out of it!"



Funniest thing you've seen in game?
Bonus points if it was something stupid on your team that it didn't get you mad.

>corki in game
>"corki get the package..."
>"Corki get the package man..."
>*corki gets the package*
>*w's into enemy team*
>*an ally has been slain"
>'Man, that package is the biggest bait ever!!'

you act like ahri doesn't melt adcs and their little cuck supp

Its time


>kayn is pretty but will never look better than pic related
>no one ever will



draw a boar riding sejuani

cant tell if you are being facetious or not but there is nothing wrong with encouraging players to behave and treat others like human beings

It might not reform everyone across the board but now that its linked to tangible rewards it will certainly help especially veteran players who sunk lots of hours into their acc

Ayy I caught you
I think the idea was Sej braum and tryn throwing our a lizzandra or nidalee that stole blue

I thought you had a thing for Varg Vikernes? Or is my mind making up dumb shit again?


rhaast looks better than vlad tho
>tfw youll never grab his horns while he pounds your asshole with his thorny demon dick

That was very educational, and I enjoyed reading your posts. I've collected lots of interesting data on the League of Legends playerbase. Hopefully there are some new people in the thread at this time of day, for more info:

Season you started
Favorite Food

varg is alright but there are prettier ones out there

Tell me your main and tell me why they'd be fun to drink with

Holy shit is that in-game?

That feels like the most detailed model I've seen in league but then again most models are kinda shitty to look at..

sejuani holding a cup of tears should be easy


I will NEVER give you my info you git


xin zhao would be the ultimate wingman
all you have to do is point at the bitch you wanna fug and he will get her in bed with you or die trying

>Be zed
>against Xayah
>Get pushed all the fucking laning phase
>Don't get upset because I know my jungler is going to help me, because she doesn't have any scape hability
>Literally get ignored the whole game, their jungle and bot come mid and they let 2 towers be destroyed
>Jungler spent the whole game helping the vayne mayne on bot (of course its a fucking duo)
>Be behind as fuck
>Get some kills here and there
>Whole team start flaming me because I don't ult xayah or fizz at the start of every tf
>Don't even try to reason with these faggots
>start pinging me
>thats it
>start cursing every single fucking thing in chat.
>/mute all
>start pinging me again
>go afk in base and leave everything to them

Even a person like me that has never been toxic since season 3 has his limits. I don't fucking care if I get banned at this point I just hope every single jungler that just camps 1 lane because "muh duo" instead of looking for oportunities gets fucking gased.