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>New assault (2CP) map: Horizon Lunar Colony is live! Yes, that includes in competitive.

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Overwatch is a bad game.

Sombra online.


Some epic skins are nice


Post one

Hanzo at your service.

I want new Summer items for Bloo.

But I did. Have another though.

Why is Reinhardt too perfect?

>no legendary in the past 25 boxes

how do I climb to 3500 sr solo, I am stuck in diamond

Be good.
Or play support, either or.

either get lucky or git gud

One-trick Mercy/Sombra/Orisa.
Never switch no matter what.

Reposting other person's post from previous thread because it's important.

Your SR gain/loss is determined by how well you perform as that hero relative to other players (at your rank)

Scenario 1
>Round one, play Soldier, 25 kills
>Round two, switch to Tracer, 25 kills

Scenario 2
>Round one, Soldier, 25 kills
>Round two, Soldier, another 25 kills

Scenario 2 has you end the game as Soldier with 50 kills, which is higher than the average, meaning that you gain more SR. In Scenario 1, you perform the same with regards to kills, but you gain less SR because 25 eliminations on Tracer and Soldier is pretty middling.

So not only do you get more SR if you play off-meta heroes like Sombra (because it's easy to do better than the "average" since there are so few) but you also get more SR for insta-locking and refusing to switch.

You also lose less SR with this method. Assuming a pure 50:50 W/L, you will climb. This explains the number of shitters in gold, plat, diamond, etc. because if the game actually rewarded playing as a team and punished playing as a solo-carry then they would eventually descend the ranks into gold, silver, bronze where they belong

But Blizzard will not fix this. They don't care. There is no aspect of this game that I look at and think "I'm confident that Blizzard will address this in a meaningful and relatively prompt way"

Is this actually true though? Surely there'd be more of a reaction if it was. There's no way people are just ok with a system that punishes people who switch and rewards stubbornness

Get placed in high-ish diamond and then win a few games in a row. At least that's what I did.

Someone post Just B Yourself
I need it

get better at the game

>get better at a luck based game

American McCree



Because someone finally figured out you can have old characters in video games and people will play them

Top man.

>tfw cant stop getting mad at videogames
what happened to me

I used to be chill

They really hit the nail with Rein. He's old but he's still pretty youthful


you became a manchild

>Used to be part of the "If you're good you'll climb" "You are the only constant" "Just focus on improving" crowd
>Now acknowledge competitive is just a diceroll

I was wrong. Forgive me.

Why do they allow 2CP to be in the game in Mystery Heroes?

Because it's Jeff's favorite mode

Why dont they allowe Koth in total mayhem, the one game mode where it would make the most sense?

>Mystery heroes
>2CP map loading
>You're on attack

I think it is because there have been several times I've played really well, switched near the end, and ended up with shit SR and whenever I play one hero throughout a match I get good SR

It would also explain why so many Mercy one tricks are climbing now. Between the fact she fills a healer role which helps out a lot when so many people are so adamant about picking dps, as well as having huge impact for relatively little skill helps a lot too, but one tricking is just advantageous

Why do they allow 2CP to be in the game?

Because DPS mains love it.

>Because DPS mains love it.
No I fucking don't.

>Mystery Heroes, Kings Row, Defense
>Get Tracer
>Really shit with her, probably around three hours on her total.
>Somehow get to last point without dying
>Wasted my ult multiple times and I was being useless
>From what I could tell, their team had tons of 200 health heroes that were pushing us back bit by bit, including a sym who kept putting a shield gen up and a few DPS keeping us at bay
>In reality they were struggling to push up due to not having enough heals/firepower.
>Eventually see them grouped up together, webm related
>Rush in with ult, and get a quad kill
>Suddenly they roll actual heroes, a winston, rein, ana, solider, pharah etc
>Completely destroy us and win the game in less than a minute
>Still get POTG but it's just a fucking show of how I fucked up and lost

I fucking hate Mystery Heroes. The more people die the better the chances are they get good heroes. But it's the only one that I can tolerate for boxes.

I highly doubt 90% of the playerbase enjoys 2CP considering how many people complain about it

A good way to fairly nerf mercy? Just nerf her Guardian Angel cooldown up to 3 seconds. Now if you really want to turn the screws on them and reduce her to garbage outside of top tier play, up that cooldown to 4 seconds.

This will stop mercy from getting a 30 Meter range bullshit escape on a 2 second cooldown which punishes flankers by leaving them out in the open.

Take a break and try another hobby
Get blender and fuck around with that, or bake some cookies or something

>this acting
thank god they only act with their voices

Because hybrid is fun and they mistakenly believed it would be fun if the payload was replaced with another point

rez requires LoS

that's it

make rez be line of sight only and make it take longer to charge

t. support main with about 300 hours on mercy

Tank mains > Support Mains > DPS Mains

When are they going to buff Ana again and end this Mercy meta

2CP might be fun if the Point B spawn was not 1 meter from the point and the maps are basically one big choke directly into it.

I got a new computer guys, post rare Hana Songs

Make res single target.

which one of you is this


>that voice and energy he has

people who wait for everyone else to pick and then responsibly flex to whatever is needed >>>>>>>>>> tank mains = support mains > bitch tank/support mains >>>> dps mains >>>>> dps mains who are bad >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "lol i play for fun"


>and make it take longer to charge
Holy shit this
>rez d.va
>she loses almost all mech health
>heal it back up
>ult is already ready again

did they fug afterwards


>getting gold healing as soldier



guardian angel only starts to recharge after touching the ground

>team has mercy main
>get gold healing as sombra

>getting 5 golds
as Mercy

reminder that pharmercy has had a hardcounter since before release but everyone throws a shitfit if you even think about picking her

Is anyone else experiencing a lot of weird fuckery since the last patch? Like the sound suddenly muting besides the voices, which get low? Or a lot of framedrops and lag in every mode?

>voice actors trying to cash in on what little "popularity" they have
Who is the David Hayter of Overwatch cast?

yeah the sound thing happened to me earlier today
complete bullshit

>giving a fuck about the fuccbois on my team who piss themselves over hero choice they don't like to counter Pharmercy


>there are people with audacity to defend Mystery Heroes in its current state

>Phara shits on our team even without her pocket healslut
>nobody on our team knows what to do with Phara
>some faggot switches to Windowlicker
>nobody on our team (including the aforementioned faggot) knows what to do with Phara

>getting mad at literal rng

Need a second opinion? On a scale of one to zupah how barbaric?

Pepe is huge now. /pol/ went too far and now you see him and "kekistan" shit everywhere.

>quadruple kill off a single grenade toss
the salt sustains me
this fucking thing needs a damage nerf

>hey guys let me just pick mei and then never contest the point

the strategy is to try to not kill their off meta heroes

just damage them enough to make them retreat, and pray they won't force you to kill them

if you roll a shit hero, you try to get killed as fast as possible if you can't suicide

the mode is retarded btw

We know, Torb

Mystery heroes is fine unless you get 2cp and are on attack

>Mei is pretty much a tank
people who think this need to be physically removed.

>He doesn't enjoy being put in Hanamura Attack against this

It already got one, and the damage is actually pretty shit now unless the enemy are clumped up like idiots.

Ana doesn't need to be gutted any further in this meta

>tfw you swat pharah out of the air

She's more of a tank than Roadhog.

Hell, you could argue she's more of a tank than Zarya. I'd disagree though.

it's almost like she's a support healer with the strongest healing in the game and shouldn't also be a good damage dealer

I hate Mercy so fucking much.

Not only she's the easiest and most braindead hero in the game, but her goddamn rez is totally broken. Every fucking teamfight she just hides, presses Q and GG easy all your efforts are for nothing.

I swear she has that shitty ult every 30 seconds. And guess what? I keep seeing Mercys that were gold or plat last seasons magically making it to diamond and above.

But of course, who is the most mained hero? The braindead bimbo slut, so Blizzard needed to cather to the casuals that are too afraid to actually play the fucking game and just hide in the backlines pushing M1.

>got ow a couple weeks ago
>since I'm an absolute newfag to FPS as a whole, I only really played with a friend of mine to help me get the hang of the game
>friend now got WoW and will be spending the next few weeks playing it
>I'm now completely alone against the cesspool of even worse newfags than me that is QP
pls help

DAE hate le mercy xD!?!?!?!

(You) this post if u agree ;-)

If you're not a shit mei, she plays like a flanker offtank

Here comes T.Racer!

le +1 ^vote

>when you don't want to play mercy but she saves so much time when climbing
I have no choice

fuck off
grenade would still be absolutely destructive if it had half the damage it has now, because it completely blocks healing of any kind with the sole exception of tracer, that is fucking unacceptable
make the grenade do 120 damage, but remove the healing restriction, it's gonna be less powerful than it is now

Here comes T.Racer!


a man chooses, a slave obeys

>tfw they were going to nerf the heal block to a -50% heal reduction but blizz fell for all the "B-BUT YOU HAVE TO AIM!!1!!" bitching

And yet she has the lowest winrate of any hero

Better nerf her. She's fine as she is, and hasn't been broken in months.