Other urls found in this thread:
not spoopy but a bat
*chases you*
*breaks down*
*spills salt*
Nothing rustles my jimmies quite like pic related radar gunning people down on the hihgway
lel, they must be more busy maintaining these then actually chasing bad guys
AAHHGRR *CHOMP* ... omm nom nom
the miata looks a tad spoopy in this scene
these cars are spoopy if you ask me
they really are
>imagine being this buttdelusional
wew this turned into a shitalian shill thread quickly
No, that's just your OCD
>calling German quality "your ocd"
It's ok bro, one day you'll grow and become an adult.
what game
>imagine being so salty
Y u so salty tho
Bmws have the best panel fitment than literally any other car manufacturer ever
Behold a ghost from the 70s
O shit
Relevant picture
>Imagine believing Italians tell the truth about anything they own
wow. delta 88 and you got 88 dubs.
>Italian cars are only bought by Italian people
>Buying a car made by someone not in your area
>supporting the foreign jew
many questions
why do I like this
No one would tailgate you because they'd get thrown shit into their face all the time
Looks like it wants some cheese and crackers
Needs a baseball bat
Because your German
who are you quoting