Graxx mag when edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21)
/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one:
/wfg/ - Warframe General
I'm guessing secura lecta killed it's disposition.
>Put back Opticor 2x
>Buff Fang Prime in general
>Increase Kuva nodes
>Increase Kuva node rotation
>Fix downtime Kuva rotation
>Add Accuracy type mods
>Fix Kuva Guard hitboxes
>New powers, animations, evasive moves for Operator Mode
>Deluxe Skins
>5-10 PBR weapons
>Change Rell's "face" model to something scary
>Quest missions random change with each play through
Things that would of made Update 21 better
will this year's tennocon be as good as the last one? :^)
>Operator mode
>Set game to solo
>[DE]-------- has joined
making operator mode less shitty wouldn't be a bad thing, if only because it would mean later quests don't have a part as shit as the last bit of REP TEP TEP
I want my waifu to be thicc
Hurry up faven
10ogen skins don't change the base model. They are as thin/thicc as the defaults.
Should i buy Ivara?
>tfw actually want the Man In the Wall to play pranks on me
I just want the extradimensional eldritch horror to be my friend.
>Add Accuracy type mods
Malice only drops that very type of mod; No one uses them because it's pointless.
can I make the hind good with a riven?
> dual Ichor riven
> +maiming
> range
>trying to build Ack & Brunt + Inaros/Nidus/Nekros to be actual tank for fun
>have to dedicate two slots for Guardian Derision and Electromagnetic Shielding
What's optimal beyond that? It's somewhat crit friendly, but I don't really have slots left for a true crit build after PPP, SS and 2 Elementals. I guess Blood Rush + Berserker? Or just two more Elementals?
The Graxx helmet rubs me the wrong way, probably the total lack of chin, but the body is 100000/10
Faven put his entire dick into this concept, hopefully he can get it back up again with Frost.
>Playing Lunaro on the big screen
>Playing Ivara, Youkai skin
>Mom walks in
>"Who's that with that big butt?"
That's all I wanted to hear.
>y-you too
>b-but I worked my ass for muh Frost P *bwaaaaaah*
God, the salt is real, there was some real salty ppl in my clan bitching about Frosty p being given for "free"
My clan kicked me out for not playing for a month or two. I heard about the new update and want to start playing again but now I have to hunt for some new group to mooch off of.
why the quotes? it is free
You gotta have a credit card to be able to get him, at least I did.
>hey assholes link your twitch with your facebook AND your amazon account!
>it's free!
My time and personal information aren't free.
Facebook linking is optional, and you can just make an amazon account to throw away. Was there other, better option for DE to get that syndana out? Yeah, but to keep Twitch's balls in their mouth they had to do something to raise followers.
you understand you can use a debit card and just backdraw if they do take money out
not even that hard
That is true. That's what I did, to a point, still used the free trial and just made sure there would be no charges.
Harrow is absolutely retarded to mod
How the new dual-wielding stuff works?
can i be fucking invincible with 2 machetes?
I just used a debit card that I never activated.
Just make sure nothing dips below 100%.
Here's what I'm rolling
needs more duration
So this is my boltor build from like over a year ago, is this pretty much still OK? or is there anything I should be shifting around?
I don't really use the boltor much anymore, like I mostly do daily sorties and farm for occasional stuff. I mainly used it for deepwave void stuff, but that's not really as much of a thing as it used to be
Only single secondary and thorwable weapons for now :^)
local man RISING
But his 3's energy regain scales off of efficiency and strength, so I'm just trying to balance those while balancing everything else, and keeping range at >= 100%
i bet tq has never played the game
"Removed a sneaky Dojo Decoration that was not intended to be placeable yet. *A script will be run shortly to remove this Decoration from Dojo inventories."
does anyone know what this was
This is my build tho
I don't have any forma, right now
ign? i run a casual one with about 90 member, all research. only rule is a month of inactivity gets you kicked. also please dont be a meme loving fuck
Why no one love range? He is beast with range!
should i sell this gazal machete riven for 10p or is it actually good. i DID recently make and keep the sentinel it syncs with
Because he can run 130% range and 200% duration with neutral strength and good eff and QT and then solo sortie 3
Swap Rime for Wildfire. Boltor is a basic, no-fluff damage hose, the clip size helps you sustain dps and is a nice quality of life because reload is slow. Heat damage hits Flesh harder & the cold damage from one mod isn't enough to offset damage loss against shields. Although, the status from the dual mod is still nice. Would recommend swapping to heat/status instead of cold/status tho if you want to keep it.
Sell it for 10p
>tfw no shake
because monkeys sniff eachothers ass when they met
no one likes wukong players
especially other wukong players
I can corroborate this.
Did rng do me good?
Sadly Cernos Prime still sucks
does axi r1 even exist?
I guess that makes sense when I think about it.
Define "meme loving fuck"
What was wfg's reaction to this update? Haven't been here in weeks.
are you able to go at least 10 minutes without frogposting or complaining about reddit
these arent rare are they? they seem as common as anything else on hieracon
if you have to ask...
My reaction has been a resounding "It's ok." Ended abruptly, left a few too many loose ends. Maybe leading up to Tennocon shit I don't know.
quest was meh.
end of quest was a spookfest.
new pistol is great.
harrow is breddy gud.
rip opticor's 1 day of usefulness.
quest was shit, unsurprisingly
harrow was alright until nerfs today
new weapons are meh, knell was OP until the fix today
>Full power strenght volt boosting a full movement mods Loki
only nerf is that penance lasts for a minute tbqh
this is what i get for having an ironically edgy color scheme isn't it
>it's ironic, I s-swear
sure kiddo.
should be the game default movement speed desu
Haha he keeps going to the same console and getting stuck LMAO
It's what you get for not having a Loki Prime. Orokin tech only likes gold bitches
sorry i only have 1.81 sprint speed
i s-swear
>have done a dozen radshares today and none of them have yielded a rare
nothing personal goy
you cast him out
>not praying to Jesus Grindst
fucking infidels
Fucking WHY would you use loot detector if you're just going to go this fast?
>two volts in the squad
>ones a range slowvolt and the other's a full powerstrength speedvolt
>the speedvolt's speed keeps getting overwrote by the slowvolt
someone else has it, i'm using sprint boost
>not lootcifer
You best believe I'm praying to Lootcifer now.
>TFW Uncle Ruk will never buff the Machete Wraith and allow it to be dual wielded.
>he will never bring back the old brakk
>Really fucking like the Conclave cosmetics
>But heard Conclave is shit
Lay it on me /wfg/. How do I make this masochist journey more enjoyable?
get a clanmate to die for your
i havent played this game in years, how shit is it now? is it worth coming back to?
You don't. You do the daily-weekly challenges and then stop.
>Harrow released while already being shit
>"hey how about we nerf him just for giggles"
you know, at this point i shouldn't be surprised by DE's antics
but what the fuck
Well what else are you supposed to say when the people you call honorable bros turn around and decide to try to kill you?
when are they gonna fix the fucking squad chat half the fun of this game is trashtalking scrubs and they take it away
the 10o who attack ruk are the faggots who supported alad
Where's my FUCKING INVINCIBLE stance?
I have no idea how to mod redeemer
can someone post his build?
Feels pretty good to get the aklex link and blueprint in just two fissures.
What would a Defy augment mod look like/do?
I want his arm as a weapon damn it