/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 30th of June:
350 – Roman usurper Nepotianus, of the Constantinian dynasty, is defeated and killed in Rome by troops of the usurper Magnentius.
763 – The Byzantine army of emperor Constantine V defeats the Bulgarian forces in the Battle of Anchialus
1520 – Spanish conquistadors led by Hernán Cortés fight their way out of Tenochtitlan
1559 – King Henry II of France is mortally wounded in a jousting match against Gabriel, comte de Montgomery
1794 – Native American forces under Blue Jacket attack Fort Recovery

CK2 DD 55 - Nurture vs Nuisance

EU4 DD 20/06

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.1

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 02/06/2017

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/vg/search/text/Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

La Plata

Report and ignore shitposting.

nah lad, you are just bad

Remember to report & ignore any shitty Vic2 modders.

nth for Primo, reminder to report and ignore shitposting

Arasted decides that if he is encourage Mongolian nationalism he must make sure his population is literate so that they may read Western ideas on nationalism.
It's really fucking late and so I'll be cutting it here today nothings happened but it'll get interesting soon

What's a good beginner country for Darkest Hour?

you can't have capitalism without a state it's not possible ever :^)


Things are getting a bit desperate and my Ruler is the last of my families male line. I have a daughter. My brother had a bastard though before he died.

Which do you think legitimize the bastard or change the laws so my daughter inherits?


What makes state necessary for capitalism?

reminder this is a bomber original idea DONUT STEEL HPM IS STEALING MY IDEAS THAT CUNT

you're not going to bait me, this is a general for the discussion of grand strategy games

To suppress class conciousness as well as revolts, and if the workers revolts don't restore the state then what's stopping businesses with enough money paying militias and conquering other businesses and land to form a state.

the only true form of capitalism is State Capitalism, and you can't have that without a state :^)


do not bite the lefty/pol/ bait

ancaps need to fuck off

ching chang chong

>To suppress class conciousness

> what's stopping businesses with enough money paying militias and conquering other businesses and land to form a state
Nothing except others' might. In the best case, it doesn't happen at all in ancapistan; in worst case it's exactly the same as today, but instead of governments invading countries and killing people you get companies invading lands and killing people. But while government has reasons to go to war, companies don't. War is expensive and makes your customers mad at you.

why are you replying to obvious lefty/pol/ ? they've a janny stationed in /gsg/ to ban political posts

speaking of admin spending for healthcare in the latest hpm

what percentage of admin spending is necessary to get the full effect of the pop growth healthcare modifiers?

basically to suppress socialist ideas
>Nothing except others' might. In the best case, it doesn't happen at all in ancapistan; in worst case it's exactly the same as today, but instead of governments invading countries and killing people you get companies invading lands and killing people. But while government has reasons to go to war, companies don't.
Governments go to war for corporate interests lad. They go to war in the pursuit of capital
>War is expensive and makes your customers mad at you.
But what if you hold a monopoly? What if you form a state and prevent people from buying from others

That's for the next update lad

My cat yelled at me. He was talking about things that I didn't understand, he told me to do things I don't want to do. But I have to do them...

whos this guy who comes in here and talks about cats

time for a facist France game lad?

I like cats

Browse leftypol?

play hoi4? is your cat named johan?

link to bombermod please

Can we all just make mods for Vicky 2 and be happy that we have mods?
Can't we all just steal from eachother until the best mod makes it to the top?

If a cat told me to destroy the world, I would.

>tfw my name is johan
>every time pdox johan is mentioned I get really nervous for a split second

What's this bullshit now?
My pops are literally half as liberal as they were fucking days ago and absolutely nothing happened in the mean time. Even the fucking slaves are now majorily conservative, which goes against the basic 75% liberal-25% conservative that literally all slave pops are supposed to have.
I also noticed 70k pops popped up out of nowhere here, went from 2.7m to 2.77m from night to day.

lmao he thinks war doesn't have a purpose
taking territory which is contains geopolitical importance or trade importance is one of the primary reasons many european nations went to war with China. Not to mention gaining an upper hand against an aggressor, in terms of "who gets the best territory for defending/attacking in a war, which will reduce costs in terms of manpower and equipment?"
Wars in terms of enforcement of ideology are primarily propagated to enforce trade between nations, by installing a friendly government. In afghanistan, for example, the US government wouldn't pay to develop agriculture which would directly compete with US farmers.

I wish. Steamcord simply wants to generate drama and anger so people hear about bombermod more often.

how good is fascism in hpmeme?

I gave this great war mod one final try. Germany suffered all 11 million of those casualties in the first year throwing itself at the french. That line hasn't moved since the start of the game. I had to come back to reinforce the line after they ran out of manpower, and couldn't get more because there was only 40% world tension. I also had to fight Russia, Italy and the Balkans all by myself. I manged to get world tension up by declaring war on romania and greece. But then it's been 2 years and Germany hasn't done shit. At least it's not throwing itself at the french anymore.

Pic shows a range, but based on what I've seen France has at least 600 divisons on the field, and Belgium over 300. Fucking belgium, has million of men on the field.
Fuck this mod.

>tfw my name is "a fucking pile of shit made to farm casuals for cash and spit on the fanbase that made these games popular"
>every time hoi4 is mentioned I get really nervous for a split second

Also I've been holding that province against attacks like that over half a decade. They always lose the fight.

>Where now the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing?
>Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing?
>Where is the hand on the harpstring, and the red fire glowing?
>Where is the spring and the harvest and the tall corn growing?
>They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
>The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.
>Who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning,
>Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?
How did it come to this?

>revolutionaries storm the winter palace even its occupied from all sides by germans
This is stupid.

Just finished the tutorial for hoi4. So is this how the game goes? Am I basically fine drawing a line and letting the game play itself or will I get rekt?

>history thread
>full of v2 posting
>infopic thread
>full of hoi4 casuals
Really makes me think.

Its because of the fag who put HOI IV in the infotopic

I had a long, drawn out battle with the non-HoI4 dude right when it launched. After about a week I admitted defeat.

Not sure who's brought my image back now.

A-are you R&I?

No idea what that means. So prob not.

>Fucking Stellaris
Oh I remember that, I'm really glad that didn't stand

no, R&I still used this shitty template before and after editing out the wargames from the op.

How do so many people not know what R&I means?
Everytime a certain guy makes the thread he always puts "Reminder to report and ignore shitposting" as the first post, hence why he is called R&I, Report and Ignore.
The message attracts a lot of shitposting from people who reply with "White", "Based", "White and based", "W&B", etcetera. But he refuses to stop, despite this fact.

Sad thing is, he always posts this immediately after the OP, and then the link to the new thread is placed in the old thread exactly 90 seconds after, meaning he solely makes threads just to get this message off.
boards.fireden.net/vg/search/text/Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.
>1904 results found.

What? Stellaris is /gsg/ mate.

New Darya, lads.
She's so beautiful. I'm going to lock myself in chastity and mail her the key.

Does anyone have experience with modding in new government types in CK2?

Reposting from the previous thread:

I've decided that moving forward I need some questions about AAR readers and their opinions on previous AARs answered so I know how to proceed with the next AAR. I know these are a lot of polls but if any anons who have read any of my AARs can participate I'd appreciate it.


Yes, I added a nationalist Syndicalist commune.

>he added none
Based reddit

Was it any hard?

You need to do a white and based AAR, no more commies, or nappy getting cucked by degenerate western whores. I recommend a Germany game where you deliberately take no colonies and solely make it your goal to colonise the east. Drang nach osten!

Not really, but I couldn't get communism to work no matter what I did.

Oh and one more question. The most important of all.

ah yes I'll be taking part in this

Funny, the same thing happened IRL.

None was on there from the beginning, but only for question 2. Why would I add none to the first question? Anons who didn't read any of the AARs don't need to respond.

The actual topic of the AAR will be decided in a poll probably a couple weeks before I start the next one. Right now this is just to get some context on how I should design the AAR.


You managed to make britaniums imperialiums a cucky commie game, lad, if you can make the whitest country on Earth the worst in the world how can we trust you to do any based AAR?

>whitest country on earth

Its done, time to continue the meme in kaiserreich.


If you want honest feedback, I'll give you it, but you might not like it.

The characters you put in add absolutely nothing to it for me, I literally can not remember a single character from your last AAR and I read every single post, hemmington, or remmington or some shit, completeley unrememberable. And this isn't me saying "make them more quirky", this is me saying gas them entirely. I don't mind you adding distinctive historical figures like Rhodes and Churchill, but leave the irrelevant and self made characters out, and only sprinkle references to historical characters in sparingly, as a point of order, don't make the characters in and of their own merit important, I honestly don't care what lord funnybreechers had to say on some minor colonial matter, I only care about the relevance of the event in question in it's own right. I appreciate you doing a 2 minute google search of some Indian viceroys, but it brings nothing to the table for me.

But I'm just one autist who can't stand humans in real life, I may be talking out of my arse here, if anybody else likes it I'll just fuck off.

Rate my Eastern Europe

Divergances AAR person here again, is today a good day to play?

What the fuck is going on with that Bohemia? Is it German primary?


is this redpilled

I'm really stupid, what do you mean by Primary? It's in Germany's sphere if that's what you're asking. It ended up happening after CZ was dismantled following a great war (yeah CZ was a great power for a time)

New to Victoria 2. Is pop migration a big thing? I.E if I conquer Ukraine as Germany will there ever be a decent sized German pop there?

I agree with you to some extent, at least in that in this AAR I tended to pull historical characters out and implement them, but then go on to use them very sparingly, infrequently enough that a sense of their own character couldn't ever really surface. In the Napoleon AAR, on the other hand, historical characters were typically used for either just a post or two or were around frequently enough (the Napoleons, Maurras, Lyautey, etc.) that they were able to really form their own personalities and become memorable independent of their historical relevance. That didn't happen this time around for a variety of reasons, although most critically there was nowhere near the level of governmental stability as the Napoleon AAR (governments, and thus ministers, shifted frequently) and because I had less room to engage in idle dialogue and character pieces, which I frequently used in the Napoleon AAR as crutches because I didn't build enough of a supporting structure for events.

That said, characters always form the basis of my AARs, and if we're discussing the avenues of power (which is largely what an AAR is), if I'm to avoid taking on the nebulous role of "narrator for the nation," people must be included as the movers of events. What the improvement needs to be on my end, I think, is striving to minimize the number of irrelevant characters that are engaged with at any length, and maximize the exposure of important characters to allow them to naturally generate their own personalities in the narrative.

Sorry, I mean is their primary culture Czech or North/South German? If you click them in the diplomacy screen it should tell you their government type and primary/accepted cultures on the right.

>I conquer Ukraine as Germany will there ever be a decent sized German pop there
I know what you're planning, Mr H!

Concerning the last one, I think that polling /gsg/ about each decision is the best move. Playing to the best of your ability will lead to a stomp most of the time, which will lead to predictable and unsatisfying outcomes, imo. Buffing the enemy might lead to scenarios where it is impossible for you to win, with predictability being high and satisfaction being low for that scenario, considering.

Ideally the scenarios in the AAR's should work much like history did, with periods of competency and incompetency throughout a nation or region's history. This should not be done at random, however. Take the arabian peninsula, with its oil reserves allowing the region to become surprisingly powerful in a relatively short period of time.

Also considering the long-term effects of decisions and implications of conquest/losses, much akin to how the molotov-ribbentrop pact led to an unravelling within the USSR which ultimately helped aid its demise, should be examined as well. It helps the narrative aspect of an AAR if these decisions and events are not only realistic insofar as cause and effect, but also dramatically important on a nationwide scale.

Points all taken. I wonder whether utilizing house rules rather than polling would be best, though, in an effort to prevent myself from ever being placed in those scenarios. A combination of both is of course the most likely way to handle it, but I like the idea of having a set of general guidelines to inform how I play so the narrative is easier held to.


>it's better to pointlessly attack the same fort you know you can't take over and over again than to do nothing

I genuinely feel individuals are too lackluster to hold reverence within your AARs, the concept of parties, and peoples, and nations are all viable focal points, but outside of all encompasing autocratic regimes the power of the individual is near enough nil. Granted, the theme at the start of your British AAR with governor generals taking charge in their own right made sense, but rulership of the CPGB wouldn't and shouldn't be as character driven as you made it, unless all power fell into the hands of one man.

Their primary is still Czech, it happened because someone dismantled CZ after winning a great war

>czech minority rule sudetenland

Some daily autism

So I did this a while ago but now that M&T 2.0 is out I feel like doing it again

>Develop and urbanize as many provinces as possible
>Have at least 20% total urbanization by the end of the game (in contrast Russia usually has like 5%)
>Purge the entire Sudan region (i.e Western Africa) of other faiths and turn it Catholic
>Have a capital of at least 20 urban pops

>Have to remain Catholic
>Cannot expand beyond this region
>Cannot ally with anyone

stop playing custom nations

its boring

what the fuck even is that

>christian sudan in senegal
yeah its not like there completely seperate sides of africa and a completely different religion lol


Sevilla best city.

The reason why that's happening to you is because the retarded M&T devs disabled colonization for the AI, and Globalized Trade can only appear if you have 3 colonies, while Manufactories can only appear if you have Globalized Trade

color me retarded


i thought the AI was just retarded and needed a rewrite

For some reason I find the idea of secret Nazi magic fascinating. Is there any fiction media that's based on it?