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Endless Legend of Age of Wonders 3? AoW 3 looks like it has way better combat than EL.

>still not putting the tags
OP, you're a retard and a moron, and you manage to make the spiderfag look good. At least he made okay OPs.

>inb4 "hahaha i am le trolling guise"

Riftborn are for bullying

Both are good games. If one looks fun for you and the other doesn't it would seem silly not to pic the one you like.

You will still need weapon techs for the rest of your army, since most of equipment rewards are hero-only.

AoW3 has better combat but the empire building can be really lackluster

can someone tell me if Horatio gene splicing is bugged too?

I think both look really cool just that AoW's combat looks a bit more engaging. (plus I like EL's UI)

AoW3 for combat, EL for empire building. I have both and enjoy the fuck out of them.

AOW is a mix between HOMM and MOM, EL is a bit more of a by the numbers 4x. Pick your poison as it were.

I seem to have misplaced my aow3 folder, but maybe this pic can show you a bit about the combat.

I only played aow3 for the commonwealth campaign in vanilla and for me the combat was pretty good, while EL combat seemed to be a crunched civ5 combat. Move around unit in a stack, then they spread out for a fight in the existing terrain if I recall an explanation correctly.

There's some cool stuff in aow3 combat like Flame Tanks that fire over a pretty huge area and can hit several targets, fights are between up to 7 stacks of units where each can hold 6 types of units. A bit low imo when the power level between the units is so big.

Grab both, they're very different beasts.

EL is a more typical 4x. AoW3 is like Heroes of Might and Magic having a baby with the 4x Genre, to be really reductive.

That's what annoys me with the weapons in Endless Legend, they aren't really obvious to differenciate.
Like, you say that Hyperium strikes faster but that Titanium has better stats overall. Well, unless you repeatedly switches from one another and compare every number down, you won't get any ingame description.

Compare that to Endless Space where you have less, but juicy numbers for your different weapons, each with their own strong points, it's a lot easier to figure out what's best for what situation.
And it's not like you can use common sense like "wow it's sharp so it sucks against armour" like in RPG.

AoW3 combat turns quite fast to AI just spamming armies full of high tier units. End game is so fucking tedious.


Thanks anons. I think I'll get both. I will probably get the versions with the DLC as I imagine if I end up liking them I will want it anyway and then it'll be off sale.

>Well, unless you repeatedly switches from one another and compare every number down, you won't get any ingame description.
Not really. You just have to read the numbers and compare which type of gear adds more to what you want.

Admittedly, there are a lot of different numbers that matter and the icons aren't intuitive but you can definitely foresee which type of gear gives the biggest boost to damage and etc. Just don't demand it also comes in a variety that boosts another stat, like defence, to the max at the same time.

Ehh, you don't really need to compare every peace of equipment, they follow more or less the same pattern across all tiers, so long as you stay within the same resource. IIRC it goes something like this:


Don't remember the last two.

Tho I agree that It's far from transparent.

I'm still mad at how the sword icon isn't the damage, but the combat skill.

I needed that in the game.

All DLCs for both games are expansion sized. Really good value for money, nothing like Paradox.

You might want to play the AoW3 campaigns in order, just remember that the older campaigns were balanced around the AI being brainded. A patch made it smarter so now Hard difficulty on some scenarios is Masochist/Impossible difficulty.

>I'm still mad at how the sword icon isn't the damage, but the combat skill.
hm, in aow1 and aow2 sword was used for chance to hit, while a star was used for damage.

Be sure to check your steam music player after you get EL.

>implying I played AoW
>at all
Actually, I don't think I ever played a game where "combat skill" was a thing. It was always called accuracy. Well, except Warhammer, but it's a tabletop game, it doesn't count.

AoW3 also has good music.


Its the same in EL, but its SUPER unintuitive
Skill/chance to Hit is called Attack
Damage dealt on Hit is called Damage
And an attack that doesn't hit is just treated like a 0 damage hit, which leads to a lot of frustration for new players who don't get why their Infantry are doing 0 Damage.
Another similar issue, units that get hit by an opponent can't move on that same turn and, iirc, can only attack the unit that attacks them. So your units will seem to act arbitrary and attack only their attackers, leading to battle gridlock and again a lot of annoyance for new players who don't check Initiative values on units.

They also added a button to disable duplicate faction if you set them to Random.

>Skill/chance to Hit is called Attack
It's called attack in EL too, user.

He was talking about EL, you dunce.

Didn't mean to imply that you played AoW, it just seemed like you found that structure odd, and I noticed in an earlier image in the thread that two other games also used that structure.
Made me wonder how common it is.


Ha. Nevermind then.
I thought you were pulling a "yeah well that classical game everyone should've played had the same" hipster shit.

In a medium like video games and a genre like 4x I think it's especially hard to expect everyone to play the old stuff or the classics since it's so time consuming.

I think AoW1 is a fine game for its time, but I only played through the campaign like once. Started a second run of the campaign as the other faction, but didn't make it through it.

>AoW1/2/Shadow Magic
>glancing blow
Yeah, nah those games are better left forgotten.

Played Age of Wonders 3 a bit because I was in the middle of a bone phase and I heard it had necromancers.

Combat was pretty neat, but didn't understood at all how cities worked, and found out my cities couldn't grow if I didn't had a farm near them, but I had no way to build any.

Even Warlock was easier than that, and Warlock is basically Civilizations with barbarians everywhere.

What's the happiness on the system?

>Combat was pretty neat, but didn't understood at all how cities worked, and found out my cities couldn't grow if I didn't had a farm near them, but I had no way to build any.
Farms increase city growth but are not required. Cities only starve if they are making settlers or the enemy starts fucking with them (spells/skills).

You can never build a farm, it's either on the map or not.

I'm honestly not sure I like that system. It misses the feeling of progression that I associate with turn-based games.

>but didn't understood at all how cities worked, and found out my cities couldn't grow if I didn't had a farm near them, but I had no way to build any.
Not sure if the farm limitation was there when I played vanilla aow3.

farms in aow1-3 appear in the hexes around the city.
Depending on the terrain, some terrain can't hold farms.
I think each hex just gave gold in aow2, didn't really notice them in aow3 when I played.

I know cities could only grow then as long as their borders could.

So if the city was surrounded by other cities and its borders weren't at the edge of your empire, it couldn't grow anymore.
Also shared borders decreased growth.

There are improvements you can build to increase city growth and spells too. Other world map structures also give some population. Undead cities even get ""population"" from the corpses of nearby battles.

Hammers are industry currency you need to build buildings and units.
Mana is mana.
And Candles are research points.

There are buildings to help produce more of them and structures on the world map that give you extra if in the city radius.

>Mana is mana.

Well it certainly isn't casting points. That's something different.

Please tell me more about how mana is mana, I don't understand the difference.

>Inward Perfection is getting changed
and pretty much fine with it.
Playing with it right now and I have pretty much played with those limitations this game.
The complaints are odd


so they're like reverse fanatic purifiers

I would honestly rather they didn't have these really overbearing civics, but whatever



The general couldn't survive 2 threads without
>Tags : /cbg/, /rtsg/
Congrats to whoever shit everything up.

op blew it

>dark reign
that was fucking great

OP is a fucking retard

We had people asking about AoW3. Here, have a roll chart.

Its a lot better than having every single Civic play the exact same, aside from having to micromanage Faction happiness differently.
That you can generate Pops with directly opposing Civics, even as fanatics, without having to meet some significant criteria is stupid.

How to prevent end game becoming absolute shit? With AI spamming stacks of highest tier units only non stop.

you're confusing civics and ethoses, m8

Best way to play AoW3 is to put the game on slowest research speed. That way you actually get to use t1 unit and even gold-rank them.

Really, it's the only way to play now for me. Previously my hero reached the enemy capitol with outdate units.

How long ago have you played the game? Devs patched it a bit so t4 spam isn't much of an issue.


Played with recent patches and expansion. I was using Empire mod. But for my knowledge it should reduce it even more tier 4 spam. Maybe I have to tweak map settings. To reduce resources.

By putting slow research speed you can delay the start of the spam.

Deleting resources could theoretically help if the AI didn't get bonuses on higher difficulties.

I'd love more strange traits for factions so they would play differently.

Start off as droids on a tomb world, researching sentient AI/synths causes a civil war to happen, splitting the empire.

Voidborn empire, either on large ark ships or as fleets of colony ships for food/factory ships for industry+energy/science ships for science. Fleets would be the equiavlent of "planets".

Gas giant creatures, colonize gas giants, can't colonize regular planets.

Destructive civilization that slowly worsens/corrupts the planets they're on, eventually have to abandon them for new planets.

>Voidborn empire, either on large ark ships or as fleets of colony ships for food/factory ships for industry+energy/science ships for science. Fleets would be the equiavlent of "planets".

was ideasguysing about voidborn one day and thought it would be neat if some pops could become space gypsies of sorts and just squat in large space stations.

Piratical space gypsies. That cause you to lose FIDS and raise unrest on your systems.

But then you'd just have ES2

There should be randomly spawning pirates, mercenaries, migrants and something between a colony and uninhabited planet. Maybe "squatters" which would take up tiles like pre-sentients.

Right now it seems that most "migrants" who escape undesirable/resident status just disappear.

Refugees unwelcome.

In Endless Legend, do adjacent districts in 2 different regions give the upgrade bonus?
Like here for example.




So which is it?




dow3 for shadowrealm

Why can't this trigger a diplomatic victory or something

Does this mean this map will have no war?


I'm new to the genre. Should I get Civ 6 or endless legend?

Endless Legend. Possibly Civ5, not 6. Or if you insist on fantasy: AoW3.

6 is fine, but Civ 5 with everything is obviously more polished

> doesn't have v1.5-tier Enigmatic loadouts
Somethin' Personnel/10


Thanks for the response, I'll get Endless Legend then. It's much cheaper.

As someone who just got into 4x from both Civ 6 and EL

Endless Legend is GOD tier
Civilization VI is so obviously lacking features and polish. It's much easier than EL to learn just from blind play, but the ceiling is so much lower.
Now, Civ V is probably a lot better if you're more interested in Empire building that military strategy play. But between VI and EL, EL takes the cake - just read up on the game before you dive in too blind.

The complete pack of EL is worth it. The DLCs are full-sized expansions.


>public library
>turn 232

Just started playing.


Guys, Wiz is ruining more game mechanics.

Inwards Perfection has been dramatically changed.

Pic related.

Why can't I build more of the wall here? Why can't it just cap my bonuses?

What's the point of the ultima in that continent name? Pangaea already means something like all earth anyway, all earth final would sound dumb.

> dramatic improvement that promotes varied factions with functionally different interactions
> "ruining"
Then again, Wiz has previous at making changes that look good in theory but turn out to be totally retarded and unbalanced in practice because he doesn't understand how the components of his own game interact with each other.
So I'll reserve judgement until I actually play 1.8

>still playing civ shit(6)

It's fine

I guess it doesn't prevent war

>play xenophobe authoritarian militarist
>win the game with ease
>end up conquering every habitable planet in the galaxy and genociding everyone but two cool guy species
>ensure the continuation of my species for millions of years by populating +80% of the habitable planets in my galaxy

>play xenophile egalitarian pacifist
>end up being a small cuck empire that habits a handful of stars getting fucked by bigger empires for the sake of diplomatic relations
>empire is run by lizards and the starting race is a minority
>starting species most likely pegged out of existence in the next 10,000 years

Mmm yes I wonder what the Swedes meant by that.

All continents have lumped together into a pangea and stopped moving forever making it final.

Please do not bully the Riftborn.