/gwt/ - GWENT: The Witcher Card Game General

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Old thread:

Renew is dumb

It ruins the integrity of golds

>yfw HJALMAR AN CRAITE COMING FOR YE happens in round 2
>and you know it's coming for ye in round 3 as well

What's the better QG deck? Could I play either in ranked?

>someone actually made an SK deck without shielmaidens


it has the better golds though, so both decks are suboptimal garbage.

you will have to pick and choose the best parts of each one

>shackle him round 2
>katatan/caretaker/griffin him round 3


Triss a cute !

that's a big bear

>All your weather clear is shuffled to the bottom against a Dagon

Dear faggots who netdeck in casual - why?
I don't play ranked so I don't have to face your cancerous nofunallowed shit, please go away. How pathetic one must be to netdeck like a bitch yet be too afraid to play ranked?

They suck at card games and have no sense of creativity so they'd rather let people do the hard part for them, making a good deck.

so I can get my 6 wins in 3 matches and gtfo this game for another day

>Monster mirror
>Try to be cute and Griffin an enemy foglet so I have 4 foglets and he has 2
>Can't see which foglets are mine and which are his

>he doesnt do tier 2

why it's a guaranteed 2 kegs a day

reward to effort ratio is shit

The top deck is the better deck.
t. Definitely not the guy playing the top deck

What about this?
I need other people to tell me that it's good or bad because I am shit

> Current meta
> Not wanting to start the third round so you can renew SK Hjalmar.

Humans, famous for their adaptability indeed...

I think weather is AIDS and unreliable, should I take the botchling?

are you telling me you own all those cards but instead of trying the deck out you come here?

>play the deck in casuals
>make some changes if needed
>if it wins 60% of games, take it to ranked, see how it does


>opponent puts one of their foglets into your graveyard
>instantly concedes when they realize what they've done

I did that, didn't concede

Still won cause my opponent was out of fogs :^)

God no. Botch/lubber are awful and I tried playing them. Take aeromancy anyway.

>Gain MMR

I played against one of the most cancerous skellige decks and drawed

I lost 1 mmr

I wanted to flip my fucking desk

isn't it always opponent's graveyard first on the list?

>drawing vs people lower MMR than you

get gud

if i'd ask you to make a list of the following cards in which the best one is at the top and the worst one at the bottom how would it look like? i'm trying to make a priority list for NR

cards are:
and ves

This deck just took me into rank 13, and today I found out JJ made a very similar version.

I kinda want a replacement for Jotunn since he seems underwhelming, but JJ plays BTM and that seems straight up retarded in a weather spam deck.

I tried Nithral but he is a 4-str silver shackle food since I run nothing else that needs shackling.

Premium Ves > dethmold = margarita = keyra > LARGE POWER GAP > DJ Ikstra > LARGE POWER GAP, ONLY MEME CARDS PAST THIS POINT > Odrin = Ves

Remember to never GG monster players.

> premium ves is the best and regular ves is the worst

i'm talking about functionality only user... and i though dijstra is a good card? you also put keira pretty high but i rarely see her get used (no idea why though)

Could it be that Gwent takes even less skill than Hearthstone because net decks can enact their meme combos more consistently?

Keyra is only that high because the average NR Gold is worse than the average Non-NR Faction Gold.

Dijkstra would be autoinclude in literally every faction except NR (and maybe Monsters) - NR just relies in playing specific cards at specific cards far too much.

at specific times*

the question is if i should bother putting my hard earned scraps to craft her, because even if she is decent if she has no practical use for NR decks right now i won't

consume are balanced and fun. it's only weather that are cancer

>Whoever Renews first in round 3 wins the game

A highly curious case of game balancing

I'm assuming you already own Dandelion, Phillipa, and two better neutral golds than Keyra (Shani is also way better than Keyra in some decks, Vernon playable in some others), so why bother.

whoever plays first can't kill the card that gets played last though

Do you not play the game any more? Consume is Dagon with Caranthir and pumpkin seed and foglets now. There is only one monster deck.

but even if you go second, you have to renew turn 1 or get your shit stolen, and that ain't optimal

don't own dandelion but didn't ask about him because i figured he's granted, do own shani and phillipa. and regis:HV and igni. i'm kind of tired of using the same neutral gold all the time though

wrong, eredin weather spam is alive and well

just craft renew. it's currently the best neutral gold, and perhaps the best gold in the game - also might get nerfed soon which means you can mill it for full value

i have renew too forgot to mention that. actually got it for the level 20 reward
i play unseen elder but i'm not high MMR yet, and i've seen those decks not that impressed by them. that and the deathwish monster deck which is every lousier

I was literally going to craft Renew right after I opened this keg.

Place your bets.



I want to die.

triss butt

>eredin weather spam is alive and well
I can honestly say I haven't seen a single Eredin above 2k in ages.
Regis knows you're in trouble with those suicidal thoughts, he can help!

Sweet. That's the second time I've predicted Regis.

at least you have a funny story to tell now

stop doing that user

>Day 1 of open beta, get double legendaries in a keg for the first time and get super excited about it
>Day 2, have already cut Regis from all of my starter decks after trying him in place of Royal Decree
At least Bonbon is a memey good time.

After that Regis catastrophe, I still think I need a neutral gold to fill out my decks. Should I craft Renew or Gigni? I have exactly 800 scraps.

i'd craft renew first so you could renew you igni because both of these cards are that good

>Some retard just pulls a Dandelion-buffed Witcher with Dijkstra
>From a 40 card deck

Is this the Dandelion Mulligan Abuse I've been hearing about?


Depends what decks you play, but generally speaking Renew is more widely useful than gigni currently. Everyone is playing overpowered garbage so even if you aren't it still means you have a chance to steal your opponent's Caranthir or Hjalmar.
Gigni is nice with all the monster decks running wild though, since they make strong independent monsters who don't need no scorch effects.

i'd craft igni first*

Dandelion doesn't show you where mulliganned cards are in your deck, but due to how mulligan works there's a good chance it's on top of your deck.

I mean the guy played dandelion into djikstra into buffed witchers, those were his final round 3 plays, with 10+ cards left in this deck.

Doesn't seem like luck to me

there are 3 witcher cards and you only need to pull one though

are you complaining about getting two golds in the same keg?

fuck off, lad

Not the same person, lad.

>Whats that? Bronze witchers? Oh but NR is perfectly balanced, please nevermind

TI can't attack your shit though

Dandelion shows the exact order of units on your deck, he just doesn't show spells and golds

Wrong. The cards you mulliganned away are always first regardless of where they're at in the deck.

Not including spells and golds of course. Stefan Skellan does the same thing actually. He loads the mulliganned cards first and then shows your deck in order but it doesn't matter because he shuffles the deck.

>Everyone jumped on the S U C C bandwagon
>She forces you to play Consume since she has antisinergy with weatherspam

Weatherspam is sleeper OP and will be cancer

based infantry, they do the same shit as maidens, but without screaming in your ear


>She forces you to play Consume since she has antisinergy with weatherspam

Weather applies last, so the worst case scenario of applying weather on the same row of SUCC is to lose 2 STR

>Weatherspam is sleeper OP
>sleeper OP

Literally no, what are you talking about.

what a load of shite you just wrote

>alicefag plays gwent

just got to 32 kegs without a gold

my previous longest dry spell was 31, so yay for breaking records I guess

As dead as NG.

>Put Letho in your deck

There, NG is now good.

I just played a lethobomb faggot who never drew Letho. Keks were had.

Hey guys. I committed pretty hard into ST in terms of card picks and what I crafted, and I'm having a little trouble climbing right now. Any ST players out there finding more success? What's the best deck to climb with right now.

I'm using the handbuff/ambush/move hybrid deck that was popularized recently, it's a lot of fun but I'm hardstuck in rank 11 right now. Weather axemen is very frustrating to play against, though there was this one fun bit where I passed, and baited him into passing while he was 15 points ahead (not knowing that I handbuffed my Toruviel to 14 points). But other than that I've just been kind of pissed off.

Will I have more fun with Spell ST? Like a fight cancer with cancer type thing.

by him, I assume? because d-bomb is a good card on its own

I legit cannot remember the last time I saw this man. How likely is he to be buffed? I might just spend my goy dust on premium

Never saw Dbomb either. I out-powered him in round 1 to make his resilience meaningless. He then Fringilla'd nothing on the very last turn.


screw that garbage swim meme

I was talking about revela with letho dbomb tech

It's strange, too, because I don't even think he's that bad. He just doesn't have synergy with other NR cards like Henselt and Foltest do.

That's exactly the problem. He's a 12 point swing and a double lock which isn't bad, but he's got no synergy with anything (Except marginally bloody baron) and isn't even as generally useful as shit like Francesca in a deck that isn't going for mulligan memes. They probably should give up and completely rework him.

I met someone using Garunah's Bloody Baron control deck in casual. Brainlet forfeited the second I pulled BB from the deck with Albrich

>watching Mogwai's last stream
One of the most depressing things in recent memory

>spellige niggers at 2.5k

how low must I go to avoid these people

>Blue Stripe Scout
card is largely green
>Blue Stripe Commando
card is mostly green, aquamarine
>Kaedweni Sergeant
the most blue card in all of NR
uhh, someone might explaining this?

Memes aside, I do get all the NR bronzes confused. All their names are so similar and generic.

its only
regular and reinforced trebuchets and ballistas
blue stripes scout and commanders
kaedweni supports, sergeants, and siege platforms
reaver scouts and reavers
dun banner light and heavy cavalry
redanian elite, knights, and knight-elect

>Dun Banner Light Calvary come out
>he gets hit for weather and now losing

Something amiss?

Burza saod we'll see some cool stuff in the stream besides balance changes. What will it be?

>new cards
>game modes
>more cosmetics

Peter being 4 is provably bullshit. He's mardroeme, bronze card, with 4 body to go along. Since you can have up to 3 bronzes but only 1 silver, the promotion value must be at least x3 worth the price. Meaning that CDPR considers 4/3=1.3 str to be worthy of a promotion (the actual number is even lower because silvers are limited in overall number unlike bronzes). Fair? Lets check: the fattest pure value card in the game is Wyvern with 9 (6+3 dmg). There are strangely no pure value silvers in the game, but the closest one is probably Fire Elemental with 12 (6+1+1+1+3 dmg). If we disregard the fact that elemental brings along additional value with three more bodies, it's still 3 for promotion, meaning that at least when it comes to pure swing value, Peter is at least 1.7 points underpowered. As an absolute staple of NG decks, the commonfolk man deserves better.


>it's good if you use it twice

The point is mardro can't be decoyed.

>Instead of two bronzes, two silvers
It genuinely makes you think

I faced one too today and did the same but he managed to put it back in the deck with sarah

Peter was absolutely fine at 6 strength but Reddit had to nerf it too

But you can have more than one mardroeme? And you need to use decoy as another silver?