old:If you don't reply to this thread jax will kill you in your sleep edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
First for camille mains
Can Jax kill me anyway
FACT: Vastayans make the best sex slaves.
Riven is cute and strong!
whats under jax's mask?
A cute girl?
a shitskin
This thread... it needs more YURI!
Will I be able to get to plat this season?
delet this
yuri is verboten
Xin Zhao is not an exciting champion to play.
If you stop shitpicking and play the champions you're good on then yes, easily
gold to plat is the easiest climb in the game
>leash blue for fiddlesticks
>he walks off and attacks gromp while we're still fighting him
>fiddlesticks goes 1/10, nobody but me says anything about him
comfy bfs~
cant flame the retard bratan, what if i dont get honored because of it?
Only if I can get to gold
this is a brat free general
I have been in gold since season 4.
I think I should save up to get coached.
Best cumbucket.
We all know who best girl is
Work on your cs
This. We only post Chinatsu and Kyouko here.
>no Madotsuki champ
So if can play league on potatoes then why haven't riot ported the game to smart phones and tablets yet?
Also adc are little shits
coaching is the biggest scam in this game
you dont get good because some faggot is telling you what you should do
you get good by trying to actually get good and realizing that YOU fucked something up
and actually learning strategies not just paying to suck dick
devote yourself to getting good you low energy shitter
dont be a cuck
im tilted
send help
>nunu buys Warmogs
>health goes from 1% to full in a couple of seconds
This is true fear.
I've been Silver since Season 2. I dunno how people manage to get Gold. I bounce around between Silver 2 and 5 all season because 90% of games are entirely out of my control. I do really well and go 5-0 in lane? Someone else goes 0-8 and completely negates my advantage. It's impossible.
you forgot your image user
Chinatsu a shit
Any rule that stands between the love of a girl for another girl is a bad rule.
warmogs is a meme item
did someone say NUNU
who is this semen demon
Simply incorrect
dude you're dying way too many times
it's not a call of duty team deathmatch, you really need to focus on not dying, even if it means you don't take 1 for 1 trades
Well I use stompers like lucian to get out of low silver this league (I quitted during s6) but now that I'm on gold 5 I can't climb.
You're playing too many champions user. Narrow your roster down.
are you well? do you have brain damage?
I agree with this
Not dying is probably the second most important thing in League, luckily it's also the easiest to improve.
Breast waifu
lets be friends user
>2 carrys every game
>2 assassins everygame
how do we fix it?
im sick and tired of seeing Lucian/Corki flex picked into top or mid
Nunu is actually buffed this ptch
Cinderhulk bonus HP increased from 15%-20 and Nunu gets like 30% bonus hp from his passive. combine this with gargoyle stoneplate and locket nunu can easily keep his team buffed beyond belief while simultaneously being an obnoxious frontliner
Best girl.
Best thighs.
Best wife.
Madotsuki, dont know the blonde.
I just checked back to see what you meant. That was not me asking for suggestions, just someone using something I drew. I'm sorry.
You have a great winrate with Lucian and he's in a spot where's he's strong, but not ban worthy. I'd suggest trying to abuse that and see how far it can get you. Have faith, and don't stress. You can do it!
>Not duoing botlane with your fellow Yurus
Step it up senpai
>assassin kills a support thats 3 levels behind him easily
woah nice webm lad
season no league.
I have a problem, the champions I'm good at like lucian (or the adc position overall), lux, and Irelia are boring for me. But the champions I really like, like Riven are just way too much for my skill level.
>gp wears deadmans plate and uses bilgewater cutlass
>doesnt actually use them in his core builds
>sejuani has seekers armguard
>doesnt use it in her core build
what other champions follow these patterns?
>ywn bully Shyv's womb till she breaks and you impregnate her
A wild Bandle appears
>Throw Pokéball
I have no friends
y-you too
>he doesnt play bruiserplank with deadmans and bork
>have fun
Pick one and only one. Not even a meme
where's my invite, besthalfbreed?
nooo this image is DISGUSTING
I only have good taste.
I wish I had good names.
hey bandle I send you a Lulu suggestion Im willing to pay for it too but you never replied. please do.
I'll be your friend
Add me
is this semen demon 2000 years old or an actual loli
more small champions when
or void monsters
so sick of edgelord humans
Is anyone else actually really glad that beefy tank/engage supports are back in the meta? It's a breath of fresh air after over a year of mages.
What role are you playing user?
you mean hot?
she's not a vampire
she's a middle school girl
Yeah, I got real fucking sick of Zyra Malz every game
I checked out your opgg and I think you are actually boosted
You think you can trick me with such a stale meme?
You mean the last thread? I'm sorry but that user wasn't me. If you mean in an email I'll get back to you as soon as I can, I'm just trying to work one commission at a time. I'm not used to having this many people want art from me.
it'll switch back like it always does. pretty sure before tanks supports used to be meta shit like annie and vel support were being played
It worked on this user:
I tried this once. I abused Jinx and thresh back in the days because a guy told me to learn how to use an adc and a support.
I was literally a god among the bronze and silvers , carried every single game either with my amazing hooks or being a super hyper carry as jinx. Everybody added me and asked me for carry, which I helped many of them in their promos.
But I spammed both of those champions that I felt like I wasnt thinking anymore, my body was just literally reacting by itself and my mind was in another place the whole game (I even looked like an emotionless zombie in front of the screen).
I literally burned all my desires to play after i reached gold 1, I gave up. I really don't want to burn again because I truly love this game.
>Play Rakan
>Team adc immediatly switches to Xayah
I really wanted to see how well this guy is with others.
ah thats okay, no I send it on tumblr to you.
But Ill wait just do your thing
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
caption this image
i hope it's an abuse commission
>reddit spacing
just kidding user, glad you still enjoy the game
Just never disappear
rest in peace ping, I haven't heard you for weeks
xth for breast metal waifu
>Maokai killed for being the go-to tank top
>Orianna is fine though
lolbabs explain
Ah, tough luck then, it's a lot harder to carry as ADC in silver and gold precisely because you being fed in mid game means less than any other lane being fed in mid game.
In silver however people have absolute shit focus in teamfights, so if you just wait out the initial charge of the retards, you can just focus their squishies in the back, especially if you do some flanking.
Also in silver you can't go outpush waves because your retards WILL go into 4v5 ALWAYS, so only push side lanes when they're backing on in the jungle so they don't feed without you.
orianna can do #lcsbigplayz
maokai is a boring tree faggot
ye I like this webm better
I still want a gruffled old man warrior champion. like a gruff old man who was a hero like Garen in his prime and has since become a more grumpy, pessimist whos still has a heart of gold.
imagine some old guy complaining about how "kids these days with thier magic weapons and living gods " and saying cheesy shit like " THATS HOW WE DO IT BACK IN MY DAY " or
" NOT IN A MILLION YEARS SONNY EHHEHEH *goes into a cough fit*"
Either this or a old Hag witch who uses voodoo,hex's and curses.
She's a SHIT. Pay no mind.
How's summer treating you, bud?
>all the players are chinks
nice game lolbabbies
get fucked stupid americunt
Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. It's really hard because usually top loses so the enemy team has a tank that can hard dive me every fight. If I try to avoid fights and take objectives my team just gets picked off and dies. Feels so hopeless.
Why am I so bad with Poppy
I can never get the E STUN
Were you blown away
by yet a new era
My boyfriend won't quit getting mad over bad ranked matches and over being stuck in silver II. I try to help him and say that league won't do him any good in his future and one day league won't be relevant in his live anymore but he tells me I'm not helping. What do?
I die a little on the inside whenever my team can't last all the way to late game for my hyper carry's final form to surface.
That could be kinda cool
Make him immobile as fuck but storng in other places, and he can constantly make references to his bad leg or something
>Have to play ARAM for the mission
>Went on 12 loss streak
>Go back to Summoners Rift
>4 game win streak
I miss having macro play, reeeeeee, fuck aram
Suck his dick retard.
>tfw first batch of skins
convince me not to gift this egirl elementalux
Games are so fucking snowbally now. What the fuck did Riot do? I only came back a few weeks ago and every single game is decided within 20 mins.
I think Maokai is weak but ALSO very sleeper. If they add a "Maokai takes 10% less damage from SPELLS" passive onto his passive and increase the speed that his roots travel at towards the end (so they cant simply be outran unless you have a huge headstart) I think he would be fine.
Maokai's Q still does crazy base damage but the rest of his kit is really meh. They need to make his sapling damage not as reliant on brushes because as or right now W does so little damage it may as well not even do damage
Orianna at the very least took skill to play, Maokai was LITERALLY "point and click and get free damage reduction"
stop yuri posting