The Return of Fi edition
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
The Return of Fi edition
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
Da bess
During the trials I got high enough to jump on top of a Guardian skywatcher to try and spin attack its rotors but I just fell through it and came out of its eye.
Then I shot it
At fucking up.
Does that mean you're pregnant now?
Stop bullying the princess you dried up reject
Is anyone enjoying the new DLC?
Coming from the Witcher 3, Dark Souls and Bloodbornes DLC and Nintendo need to just stop making DLC altogether if this is what they consider worthwhile.
>A literal difficulty mode that only makes the game more tedious (Regenerating health and damage sponge enemies only makes it pointless fighting them because your weapons will break before you even kill them)
>Armor that you can't even dye
The Master quest challenge was decent I guess but way to short.
When you have Hearts of Stone for $9, this DLC is just a disgrace
wouldn't that have made me the birth?
the OG waifu, and still the best
She's the most incompetent incarnation yet, though.
Mazel tov?
The fact that they put in the Master Sword no longer needing recharged, which completely circumvents their biggest feature (weapon durability), fully tells me that Nintendo don't even know what the fuck they are doing.
I loved BoTW at launch, thought it was a genuine 10/10 and I still think it's my personal GoTY so far (Never liked persona and Nier 2 was great but I prefer Zelda) but god damn, the more I play and the more I realize that I was blinded by the Zelda in the title. The side content is just disgusting and the laughable enemy variety is only more apparent by the fact that this DLC does nothing but give them more health and a different color instead of adding in genuinely new ones.
I guess I'm half guardian now.
But she isn't clever enough to realize it yet.
That would still be Ocarina of Time's Zelda.
Are you your own grandpa?
It's alright but i'm kinda burnt out. The game is 100% an experience as in, once you realize that the world isn't filled with that much interesting stuff, you kinda get bored on repeat playthroughs
They haven't done that.
Even previous Zelda DLC was better than this. The Tri Force Heroes DLC dungeon at least added a new tier of enemies and a new boss (granted it was just Dark Link, so new assets were made, but still).
>DLC getting shat on in /v/ and Veeky Forums
Wew lad, I was going to buy it but now i'm having second thoughts.
Is it that bad?
It's small, but it's good fun except hard mode, which is like pulling ingrown toenails.
You need to get it for the champions' ballad though
The best waifu in the series.
The only one anywhere near as close is Paya.
So once the Sword is fully charged, it never runs out of energy?
It still does.
probably just has extended durability
Haven't done what?
It's not even remotely worth it. Wait for the actual DLC that's coming soon
I thought Trial of the Sword was a fun little thing, although I didn't pay for it. How much is Nintendo asking for pack 1? I only see the season pass for sale.
>OoT Zelda's fuck-up
>allows Link to have a full life, and creates a timeline where Ganondorf didn't fuck shit up
>consequence is something she couldn't have possibly predicted
>Ganondorf stuck underwater
>every major species still lives in relative safety
>BotW Zelda's fuck-up
>entire kingdom wrecked
>Hyrule might as well be underwater as hard as it got wrecked
>lots of people dead
>Link all but dies
>Ganon gets access to a powerful robot army
>every major species in trouble because of giant mechs Ganon now has control of
>Link ends up with amnesia
>no actual benefits from any of it
BotW Zelda definitely fucked up harder.
You can only buy the season pass.
It can still run out, but it takes longer. Also, it's always in glowing mode.
Is anyone even playing in Master Mode?
Been playing the past few hours and i'm not enjoying it too much. There's nothing really challenging about your weapons breaking before you can even kill the enemies.
I take it the only reason to get this DLC is the Trials?
Those fucking things scared the shit out of me as a child when I first played WW.
Master sword still needs a recharge, it just gets somethin around 5-6X durability since it's in the awakened state all the time
see above. I hit a cart for a while in hyrule castle and got about 180 hits give or take a few, while normal master sword is about 30 i think.
I'd say Oot Zelda's fuckup is worse because it's pretty much just her fault. Botw Zelda wasn't behind the Guardians heel turn, she just didn't realize that her super sealing powers were activated by lust for link instead of bathing in springs until it was a tad late for the majority of the kingdom.
There's also the fact that Oot link is back in action 7 years later while Botw is napping for a century
Zelda was given the wrong instructions to unlock her powers all her life and when she tried a different way her father stepped in and shot her down. You can blame her for it as much as you can blame OoT's Zelda for the flood
If the Hylians had never discovered any of the guardians or dug up the Divine Beasts, would Ganon have still been able to use them? The royal family had only found a few dozen guardian stalkers, most of them were still stored in the five pillars that Ganon dragged up to the surface when he appeared.
pssh. They still do to me. OoT peahats are worse because I never figured out how to kill them
It bothered me how everyone called them Divine Beasts endlessly. Not even a alternative adjective or just "beast," only Divine Beasts constantly.
Tried it out, left the great plataeu and went back to my main save.
It's not too fun tbqh
>An entire flock of electric keese.
The thing that bothers me most about Breath of the Wild yet are the frost, flame, and thunder weapons because it feels like a generic fantasy thing.
They are pretty though
I'm in Master Mode; did some running around the castle, gathered up all the DLC armor, and have generally been mucking about.
It's disappointing that the plateau Lynel seems to unique in terms of new enemy arrangements (not counting the flying platforms). It shows they had the ability to modify the scenario outside of just leveling the enemies up, but chose not to do it.
That said, I'm enjoying it a lot. Stealth becomes much more important when you're regularly running up against silver enemies you know you don't have the inventory to tackle. I've been using more tricks and strategies in combat than I ever did in normal mode because now they're no longer the inferior option. Since the opponents are now obscene damage sponges, you need to find new methods.
I'm enjoying the slight AI changes to the Guardian family as well. Wish they'd done the same to others.
>a single bomb arrow
>"The ancient mask is located where soldier's gathered in sight of Kolomo Lake"
>Oh, they must be fucking with me I'm sure it's the Coliseum
>Sure enough, there's the EX chest
>Wait a fucking minute
git gud
Is that Master Mode ranked, or just normal mode?
Possessing the fully powered master sword got me feeling reckless
Before I would always freeze the silver enemies and then attack with a strong weapon to deal multiplied damages
Now I just mow them all down with the master sword, I like it this way
Finally feeling like the chosen hero Is great.
Makes me a bit annoyed since I had full hearts and had a bitch of a time doing the trials which means doing it with the barebones 13 hearts is probably next to impossible for me
Careful, or you'll end up like HW Link.
send help
Really though what was the point of that? It's just a kick to the head
Having the master sword is so worth it
And I had a lot of fun with the 45 rooms, it was like the eventide island challenge except this time, I couldn't cheat and that made it so enjoyable
What happened to link in HW?
nah, he can take him
You could think of it as Din, Nayru and Farore imbued weapons.
The trial was great through and through except for maybe four rooms which weren't so much challenging as unreasonable.
The stal-mounts and stalblins room was infuriating for me because the only way I could do it without getting trampled was with lucky bomb throws and then running down the archers with spears. Rain combat was great though, the stalnox fight was a little boring though
He got cocky once he got the Master Sword and fell into a trap. Said trap was being locked inside his stalker's worship room and getting attacked by infinite dark Links, who would probably rape him afterwards in order to satisfy his stalker's yaoi fantasies. He only got out because he had a bunch of friends to save him.
Beginner trial is the trial of wisdom with fighting clever
Middle trial is the trial of courage with fighting against superior numbers
Final trial is the trial of power with fighting against the toughest of enemies in superior numbers
Was this explained to you and I missed it or am I pulling things out of my butt
It seems almost like a developer joke. They didn't put extra Lynels anywhere else in the gameāat least none that have been found.
Kinda out of your ass.
What about Molduga are they tougher or more numerous
I'd switch it around. Power (basic fights), Wisdom (puzzling scenarios), and then Courage (hostile environments).
I thought it would be a chore to get through but the time flew by as I was strategizing
Mind you, once I saw the lynels I shot the ancient arrows at it
Sounds kinky, and it's a stark contrast with the stoic link in botw
I guess I need to go and find out now.
Appear in pairs, and are immune to bomb arrows.
>start hard mode
>limit myself to one amiibo a day until the second divine beast
>use 8-Bit
>get the tiny shorts
>have to stare at his bare legs and thighs
This DLC is weak as fuck
>you will never rub Link's thighs after he comes home from fighting Lynels all day
what does that even mean?
The content it offers is disappointing
It is too late, user. It has always been too late.
when's master mode all koroks speedruns
It probably would have been much better if we all hadn't already finished the game before getting access to these extras.
>that tummy on the right
Yeah that's true, I feel it doesn't change up enough to warrant another playthrough
Yeah, i'd agree
I feel like the biggest misstep is the DLC
Mainly, they honestly should have copied the bethesda style, with a whole new area, with its own plot and side quests and enemies.
This game requires a full blown expansion, not small extras
Oh yes the new patch fixed the Japanese voices for English games! I can finally listen to Mipha heal me.
Do you like Link's tummy, user?
>a piece of tingle gear is "found where sinners were once punished"
>it ISN'T Arbiter's Grounds
What the fuck, that's the number one place any Zelda player would think when you say "sinners were punished", especially considering that there's fuck-all in Arbiter's in the base game besides the Molduga. Yeah, I found it after looking it up, but if I hadn't I'd have been 100% stumped. This only happened with the tingle gear too, I found the Phantom armor and the three masks no problem, but they made the only outfit worth getting in this DLC entirely cryptic. At least the trial of the sword is cool.
What exactly is the starting area used for lore-wise? There are walls on all sides and there's only one entrance that's blocked off by dirt on the the ground and water on the inside. It can't all have been made to house the Temple of Time right? And what of the Shrine of Resurrection? Why only one of them?
So wait, are they saying Tingle was a sinner?
I've made it a point not to use any amiibo and not to fast travel in hard mode, since I abused the fuck out of those features in my first one, I want this playthrough to feel like true Hell
>that's the number one place any Zelda player would think when you say "sinners were punished"
I've religiously played every single game.
I knew it was in the jail immediately. It literally fucking says in the book you read that it's in hyrule field, dumbass.
For some reason the temple of time seems to be wherever the fuck it wants to be, given the fact that it's in a different location between Ocarina, Twilight, and Breath of the Wild, so I have no clue what happens there, but from what I understand just about anything in this game that has that sort of blueish alien feel, from the guardians to the shrines and the shrine of resurrection, is all "ancient" (and by ancient I assume they mean only a little while after OoT and TP) sheikah tech that they unearthed at some point relatively recently to BotW. I assume that the shrine was always there, as a utility, and Zelda thought that that was the only option to save link, but there's probably some predestination stuff involved, basically the chamber was made for Link because they ancients knew he'd need it to save Hyrule etc.
Botw is a shitty dark souls rip off
So they were aliens, right?
That still may be what the second half of the DLC will deliver. We only know that it'll feature a dungeon and new plot, so an extra area, new enemies, and "additional challenges" aren't out of the question.
Question: does Majora's Mask tell when blood moons are happening? Because that would make sense
That would make sense, but would also require new programming. Aside from the Korok mask, the costumes are a bit of a budget job.
but getting the mask to work right would take minuscule amounts of code compared to other stuff like master mode and the trial of the sword
but i think i saw in a gif or webm once that Majora's eyes would glow when a blood moon arose or something
but then again that may be just a default thing so
another question ive got is what these red marks on the map are
i got the image from someone's video
can the shiekah sensor track things on the map as well as acting as a compass?
I swear to God I was able to cancel out a blood moon once by putting on the mask as it was rising and shooting it with a 3x shock arrow, I didn't get a cutscene and it went right back to a normal moon. I tried doing this again at the next blood moon but it didn't work. I think something's up though
Majora's Mask's eyes are always glowing a soft red/orange
dammit, remembered the pic just as i clicked post
I hope, but i kind of have doubt at the moment
If it is the case, then they should have released all DLC at once