Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1256: Kiss Sniff Cuddle Marry Hug Lick Edition

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for australia

if I were in LA Anchan could hurt me

Reminder that it is canon that Umi smells like shit

Who's that girl? Looks familiar
>only 8 seconds
wtf I hate microsoft now

First for my girlfriends

Walkure is too OP.

wtf i didnt know Mimo was there

>Tastes this shit
Is this even possible.

>not a Nico thread
You had one job OP.

I love Nico and Mari!

Reminder that your shit meme is shit.

Learn to read you DUMB FLIP

She'll get an endless birthday thread.

Holding hands with Umi


Shit OP for a girl that smells like shit.

I hate your taste

Any /llsifg/ fans?

>flops have to follow this
lmao rip niggas

I thought she'd smell like pee, since everyone pisses in the sea

Kiss Umi

I love Umi-chan~!!

Mimo is in LA along with Sora, Milky Holmes crew. But they're there for Bushiroad event.

First for best year and best raibus!

With Dia

mimorin can talk well with comfy voice on radio
and jolno too, emitsun too

Remove Kanan.

Good taste, friend!

Umi smells so bad that when she plays sand box, the cats starts burying her

wtf I love gaton now

Keep up the good work Nicochan

Loving you, Nico-chan.

Include Kanan.

me on the left

ah, thx

So harsh Nico-chan!

Me on the right~

Translation when?

Why are people saying Umi smells like shit? The drama CDs said she sometimes has a little BO which is pretty normal for someone who exercises as much as Umi. Your raibus probably smell just as bad.

descended to a shitposting thread again


sww doesn't smell bad

I feel so stupid everytime I let go of a hold note prematurely to tap a center note.

but she smells like failure

Aqours is next

No duh


No way

they also turn left in Nascar

the whole way

>drama CDs said she sometimes has a little BO

I'm gonna need a some citations please...

Did you Wow wow wow?

>Tfw you realize Maruchink is trying to force this meme through falseflagging to shift the stinkstar meme off of Hanamaru.

hold honokachans butt


Maruchink doesn't give a fuck about Hanamaru


once in a lifetime aqua show in us

yeah because they'll disband before there's another chance

That's a bit frisky... atleast be gentle.

Holding hands with Riko

>west coast

who cares

People haven't been posting the stinkstar meme in months.

She still hasn't texted me back...

Holding Riko with hands


Yeah they got that from the MSTheater twitter. Should have a video up for Aqours any moment now.

It does say she takes more showers, but that can be attributed to more physical activity. Bear in mind that sweat doesn't automatically create BO; it only progresses to that state if you fail to maintain hygiene, don't use deodorant, etc.

Legal weed is pretty based

i'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world

Don't worry, Nico is just a bit busy with her sisters.

call me when i can get coke. I gots shit to do


Dude lmao



life in plastic like rikakko it's fantastic

lmao weed dude

t. 15 year old



Why do people defend their smelly idol?

>no Daydream Warrior

>those yummy King thighs

you can brush my hair, undress aiai everywhere

all 200 meters of them

She needs you to pay her phone bill first

what do you think he was listening to when he took that hit?

There were people who thought they would perform HPT or Daydream Warrior..

>tfw no Circus Kanan
Why am I even alive?

they also think they're gonna get a hour and a half show



Sleep tight, JAV-chan. May you dream of lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and of cock.


Goodnight Honoka. May you dream of singing, lives and Umi

imagination suwawa it's an abomination

kys idiot