>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Voting War Score Tally
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Voting War Score Tally
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Tiki crushing me with her melons
Eating Nino!
Wada and Hidari drew something in a Cipher event.
I don't hate Azura
Anybody need a red mage?
Elise is literally Tharja
Post your defences /feg/, I know you guys always have some good ones.
I wanna marry Kliff
Draconic Aura for +Atk Summer Robin right?
Maribelle belongs with Lon'qu
Here's Hidari's piece.
FE's best artists together, what a dream.
The shitguy used to on a consistent enough basis get upset and respond by calling the comic but then he made his own autistic edit of the comic where he "wins" and started posting that one but then got called out on the hypocrisy of making a comic thereby making him the monster so now he just doesn't say anything.
Why did you pick your username, /feg/?
>those soft boys last thread
I really want to build one now but both mine are -def.
She clearly belongs with Elise and they can both go off to an island somewhere and never bother us with their stupid fucking hair ever again
Convince me not to do it.
Fred is -Spd +Res.
What must i give for eldigan to come to me? Approaching 60 orbs.
To that guy in the deleted thread. Some Azurafag got really triggered by the "Azura is shit" guy and spams that reddit comic whenever it's posted to defend her honor or something dumb like that. It all reeks of autism.
We know Tobin
It was my name. Because I knew they would use it in story cut scenes.
I wish I could be even half as good as Hidari
*blocks your recruitment*
>+res Freddy
wew, his most useless boon
Because it's my internet handle and even my mother calls me that for some reason.
Earth Boost is mainly for Ignis bombs that gets activated by QR. Fire Boost helps with his middling Atk, especially if you're not running cav memes. Distant Def lets him keep QR sometimes even after being attacked by a Green Mage. I didn't have any -boost skills and couldn't care less about Celica so I gave my Xander Distant Def and he was a god in Clarisse map and in general.
>2nd promoted 5*
>also cavalry like Reinhardt
>mfw distant counter + Vantage
>mfw almost able to do the infernal with ease.
I'm gonna go replay the Magvel game. I sure hope I don't offend anyone in doing so. Can't wait to replay all the incest memes, Innes getting shit on, and the great characters.
That's really nice.
Who's that? Katarina? It's probably worth it for defence memes.
Think about Hinata
Contemplate the Jagen
embrace, in your heart of hearts, the fact that any Fury user would be fine since then you will be able to give it to Xander
only then will Eldigan come, my child
he'll be -atk +hp though
Made it up several years ago and no one has had a name close to it, let alone taken it. So I just keep on using it
cum in the snack
When you compare this face to the official face, you see what I mean when she looks like an oppai loli in the official art.
Oops. I realise that the image isn't clear.
Nice revisionism drill
Use Garcia
For anyone on team Priscilla
I always go with historical figures for character names. For strategy/tactics games I use famous generals.
Please respond
>Drill calling others Drill to cover his ass
Is wings of mercy dancer the greatest meme possible? Especially in a team of brave weapons
Posting here to since you might be interested.
Hey, not him but I am here.
-HP is a bit sad but he has +def so it's 100% worth it.
Ignis is a good skill, but Ignis and other 4-charge skills are primarily good on Hauteclare, Mistletainn, and Killer weapons IMO. If there's no way to shorten the cooldown it's less useful.
The cool thing about bonfire with that build is that his defense gets so high (44) that his bonfire does 22 damage, equal to several people's Ignis and more than enough to kill anything that moves.
I mean don't get me wrong Ignis will literally delete anything in the game but IMO it's probably not necessary.
Have fun. Cormag is pretty great. Also post your supports
Why Rautherraven instead of Cymbeline?
post more lewd
I have determined that the gameboy advance micro is the ideal platform to play the gba games on. You should absolutely not play them on anything else or you will be getting a subpar experience
Please do not lewd the Snack
I want to cum on her thighs
Nah, use it on your healer if you haven't yet. Or give it to a ranged unit instead.
How dare you user Magvel is for annoying shitters according to /feg/
have fun and use resident manlet Dozla
I wish I could go to a Cipher event. Like that one where you could take pictures with replica Armads, Durandal, BB and the Falchion's.
I have no name
Because Grays. She already deletes greens and has decent res so stopping grays from being a major threat in the gauntlet is useful.
Probably wants to check colorless to death.
Ladies but also ladies with cute cocks
>Wada now prescribes to the busty Lyn meme
What a time to be alive
I'm doing pathetic in terms of defenses. I need to sit down and make a coherent team sometime, but even Julia + Linde + dancer and a horse didn't work.
Innes doesn't get shit on, he shits on people. He's great.
darn i thought this was ahegao
My sister-in-law is a child. Please do not lewd her.
>Earth Boost is mainly for Ignis bombs that gets activated by QR.
It factors into Ignis damage? I thought that was only affected by regular buffs.
degenerate couchposter
I had a dream I was in the future and rolled for a character called Dessier who was an old man with a wooden hammer. I'm actually psychic but no one believes me because I don't say anything before hand. This is here to be proof when such a character exists. Than you for your time.
It's my trip code that I don't post with here because obviously.
>Elise vs Lissa finals
Gee, who could have seen this coming?
not the sakurafags that's for sure.
did u forget to take ur meds again grandpapa
They're pretty godly.
I'm from the future
he's a shit unit
Why is she so perfect?
I dont have xander, my phone had fallen out mu car on the way to work and i had to get the screen and casing repair during his ghb. There hasnt been a repeat yet so thats why i must have him, his stats apread is similar afterall.
If you have him post his lv, 40 confession? I cant find it anywhere,
We need a life is strange: FE edition
Elisebros, add this strong aniki to protect your precious imouto.
Stat-dependent skills are effected by Hone buffs, Spur buffs, debuffs, as well as defensive tiles I believe.
It's the pure white plumage my friend.
If only she dressed like that that in the actual game
You know it's Lachesis vs Priscilla right
Upper right hand cipher art looks really expressive and good.
Lissa lost. She's with Priscilla in spirit though
It's a variation of my name.
I normally absolutely hate using my name for an MU and try to stick more with the default, but A. I was already forced to for New Mystery so might as well carry it over, and B. your character in Heroes is supposed to literally be you instead of just (you).
Typical, a person who doesn't understand my gifts.
Didn't even try to look it up. It's on the wiki.
I think the fact Prissy beat a modern FE character is really surprising. considering how much you guys bitch about muh nu FE
>tfw don't care for Fates but also really don't care for Priscilla at all
>still find Elise cute despite her being from Fates
Sorry fellow grandpas, but maybe if it was Serra then I might have stayed on your side.
I like Hana
>With that hideous hair
GBAbbies aren't grandpas.
>it could have been Lachesis vs Priscilla
GBA is still modern enough at the end of the day. Eirika beat Elise pretty handily in the first one, didn't she?
My mistake. I am on my tablet and tiny screen probably missed it. Thanks.
Anything that boosts stats in combat works for combat specials like Bonfire and Dragon Fang. AoE specials are considered out of combat though, so those only factor buffs and debuffs.