/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Lewd Edition

Expansion is out.

You can buy a Seer's Globe for 5000 vials (1 time only)



>The Shadowcraft follower Shadow Reaper will cost 3 instead of 2.
>The bronze Neutral amulet Test of Strength will now have the effect "Countdown (2) All followers that come into play gain Ward until this amulet leaves play." This will replace the current effect, "Leaders cannot be attacked if there is a follower that can be attacked in their area."

All cards info (so far):

Official Website:

Tool for deckbuilding and card checking

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi



Play Bloodcraft.

>just blood moon + relevation bro
>just levi and piercing rune a 2/3 goblin bro
>just go first bro
Not going to listen to you shitters ever.

Just Humpty Bro


>next expansion: maidverse. all crafts get maid cards

>last 1k points from masters
>gain 100, lose 100

How the hell am I supposed to rank up? Especially if all the games are decided when you go first or not?

>tfw no C L A S S Y cat gf
Why even live?

Go home, Lime.

PSA: Be sure to star this broken piece of shit.

all the niggers that uses themis in """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""storm"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Haven please kill yourself

Play Elanacraft.

Welcome to masters newfriend

>is a slut

VERY cute card.

I am. Odette is fucking amazing, Tenko is a trap.

i want to do pure things with that zurihole

will spawn of the abyss be viable in say 2 weeks? is it worth making?

Kill yourself Shadowniggers

>s-s-s-sehkushi pohsu

just play shadow in ToG bro

>don't have any dark alice
>don't terribly want to play dark alice
>tempted to play her anyway because of delicious Yukarin

>opponent plays cthulu
>if i themis it, ill die
>if i put a ward up, i'll die
>if i cast aegis, i'll die

Who okayed this braindead card?

Tenko won me this game, though.

>shadow has 2 good legendaries
Nigga, don't joke about that.

Is snow white good in Elena? Doggo any good?

kys bandwagoner

Important thing is whether she is consistent or not.

Now that the dust has settled,
do you like it?
X out of 10?


just iron maiden it bro

are there any decent neutral blood list, aside from the spawn meme?


Neutral is a bit too strong but already way better than ToTG.

Umm, can I ask if Cygames play test their cards?

All bloodniggers must hang

>pulled an entire set of Corpselord of Woe
Suck my fat cock KMR

oh no not my fonts and resolution

10/10 as lnog as I don't see cucktar again

It's the hearthstone equivalent of pirate meta

Snow White is good in any Haven deck but Neutral. She handles the board while you play the turn 3 do nothing. There is no space for Doggo after adding Rabbit and Frog.

>hmm, did I have that goblin when I played Alice? Nah, probably not
>how many buff did this card get again? None? Okay
Because muh physical cards.

post decklist i want to relive my DE glory days

What the fuck do you even pick in take two now?

>effective of advertising
They better not start putting ads inside Shadowverse. I can fucking drop it and pick up another game easily.

dragon was good for me, shadow and haven were fine too

Still the same as before, anything but forest and rune.

ive been playing blood since i started and control blood since last expansion
you fuck off

What did Piercing Rune do before it got nerfed?

Rude. I just want to play with pretty girls like Sabreur.


Same thing, but the evolved cost was 1pp

The fuck is this?

destroy any aggressive attempt on turn four with levi

Nothing. That's the funny thing. Yet blood keep going rampage with 0 nerfs along with Diabolic shit.

i tried
it's not really a solid wincon anymore
hard to build board and even then you need aegis to win

Blood's probably the hardest craft to fucking play in this game.
You have to kill yourself AND them.

This is the one I'm running, it's still in testing but I'm on a 7 game streak for what it's worth. It's designed to snipe Neutral Aggro specifically but intentionally throws certain match ups you might run into like Ramp Dragon and Ambush Blood for consistent wins against the day 1 meta.

Hard mulligan for Plea or Elana. You don't need Elana on curve to win and I often don't play one until turn 7 if I need to control board, but a naked Elana on 3 will usually win games right there. Don't be afraid to use targeted healing on your followers instead of your body, knowing what Neutral can afford to trade into wins you games.

Worth noting is that I've run into 0 Dirt Burn playtesting and have no idea how the deck handles against it.

Clear an entire board combo'd with Old Levi and do decent chip damage to you.

So realistically, what would be a better engine for Midrange Shadow? A neutral package with Alice "buffing" goblin cocks or the standard package from last expansion with a few new cards?

>blood keep going rampage

Is this a joke or are you really comparing Daria pre-nerfs to Blood at any point and time?

Spicy meme

Run kunoichi/trainee and cucklone blade with rush/removal all day long. One you get it out. Monika/luminous will help you reign it in for 3x gawain, roland, hero, frontguard, and alexander to join cucklone

Are you reaching mordecuck board in your rank's meta? Yes

He feasts on shitter tears. Enjoy that merman/goblin led holocaust.

100 crystals for a nopan globe
100 crystals for the neko globe
100 crystals for the mahou shoujo globe
100 crystals for the reverse trap butler globe

Use this on a card to get the x card art of it

I'd like to laugh but they'd probably make bank like a motherfucker on it.

They don't need to do that anymore.

Bloodfag here, the hardest part about playing Blood is drawing my enablers and coming to terms with the fact that Soul Dealer is a piece of shit but I have to play him anyway.

I believe I speak for /svg/ when I say Scarlet Sabreur would be a better Bloodcraft leader than Dark General or Azazel, in fact let's make it happen next poll.

Kys Blood is far broken than Daria will ever be. And now there's Spawn, you can't fucking complain.


shut it down!

Bming neutral sword cunt ropes from turn 1 onwards. Spam emote as I win. Gets buttmad when he loses and dcs. I probably shouldnt have even played the game from the start but there is no better feeling. Smug Oz a best.

What was his name again?

wtf i love kisses now

have fun waiting a year, if it lasts that long

Alright D0, gonna clue you in on a little something. Her "winning" you the game doesn't mean she's good when your opponent is playing garbage, is a garbage player with 2ep and 1hp left on turn fucking seven. Shut the FUCK up.

Ben Brode.

I can agree with that. It's a shame she was released after the poll. If they do a second I'd like to see her win.

From what I understood reading the tool's website, what it does is logging your data when you open the game and compare it with the data collected from ads and referral links. Not worse than using chrome or any other google service.

it dealt 10 damage to a follower and 10 damage to face but cost 5 mana reduced to 3

>turn 1 Goblin
>turn 1 Goblin
>turn 1 Goblin
Fucking ass. How did they get this lucky?

But data is being stolen? Hiro is working for Cygames?

They paid a lot for packs, you get the luck buff when you spend 200 or more for 7 days that gives you low cost cards in your opening hand.

azazel no, dark general hell yes

I'm just saying that's what I'll do. It's not unheard of for free games to have an ad banner somewhere on their main UI. Last thing I want is some fucking AD that ruins my immersion

oz neeeds to draw more cards

Same effects, reduced to 1pp. The result was going second meant you evolved levi for 4/4 rush to clear a body, got a 2dmg, 2 burn 1pp piercing rune to clear their 1,2 drop, then you had an additional crimson sorcery to burn something for 3pp stopping the widest aggro of the time or burning face. ebin balanced man of 4pp/11 damage was insane

It's not even powerful anymore. It doesn't matter, Piercing Rune is fine as it was.

Should be 5 regardless of how many are in your hand

Git gud.

Daria is making a comeback.

>t. darianigger

I want to kiss Isabelle's anus!

So how does Grandmaster work?
Do I get 10K in one month and that's it or get 25K overall in 3 months?
Is there a way to track that shit somewhere?

I thought she only drew spells at first. Would've been way nicer.

Fuck off runefag

Whoever said that Haven is good in Arena is a fucking liar

As long as Blood exists that nerf you always be ironic the same can be said about Lighting Blast.

Need 1 concede famalas.


or at least some sort of smart draw card, most of the time i have too many followers in hand and no spells/amulets


I'm starting to see control decks come out now.