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First for Enterprise is best ship

second for first

Thirdly for Enterprise... Bigly!

What's a good game for Enterprise?
I got complimented twice on her maiden voyage

35k to Hotel...god I hope its worth it, this grind is on par with pepsi and old ognevoi for pure frustration, Im tired of shells coming out of the barrel sideways. Im tired of missing dev strikes that NC and Monty would pull off easy. Im tired of this third gun being in the wrong end and backwards, tired of staring at the dildo tower on the deck, tired of non-existent aa and questionable armor, tired of mediocre penetration values.... this Izu really is as bad as they say.

Yeah, it really is amazing.
Having the honors of being the worst premium CV, and one of the worst premiums in general.
A literal PTL ship, which does nearly the impossible, by being vastly inferior to all other ships in the same tier at the low low price of 60+ dollars.
Anyone playing this garbage in ranks should be shot.

Shoot yourself first :)

Oh baby, I'm going to buy Enterprise and I'm going post good after battle results and you can eat shit.

mods are asleep
post webms

nth for making fags buttmad

Right, post them.
Then I'll post a result of a battle in a Shoukaku.
Torps>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AP shit that tickles DDs and cruisers.

I have now seen an Independance dominate a Ryujo and still get kills.

The (lack of) quality of play in ranked is amazing.

Okay. You do that buddy.

Go ahead and post your amazing 50K average dmg, your evaporated plane reserves, and your 40% win rate.
Maybe after Shoukaku completely dominates Shiterprise in the next couple weeks, WG will finally realize that giving a CV utter trash torps, trash fighters, and trash bombers at T7 means a utter trash CV.

why are you so mad?

>Conqueror is a good BB thus people are trying to nerf it
Great, turn it into Groz so it's worthless trash and make the tree pointless.

Buttmad autist spotted.

It's actually not possible to win a battle in ranked, is it?

Probably a poorfag who couldn't afford it.

You just have to be in the opposite team dude.

Italian ships when?

Yeah, buying a port queen so I can just look at all day.
Can't wait to go in ranks and have a horde of this trash ship pop up everywhere.
It's going to be just like the stupid mother fuckers who come in with a strike Lex, only played by a bunch even worst CV players who just had to buy the new shiny toy.

>being this mad about how randoms spend their money

yeah the assblast is mainly from the Heal that it gets and less about the Radar, which makes actual sense on a British Battleship. Even after explaining why it is getting such a good heal people still cry bitch tears and try to defend why it shouldn't have it.

that projection

The heal is because it has no armor. Yamato can citadel you through the bow and know off half your hp easily. So having a heal is a good thing or you're just dead and useless Tier X.
I really think it's mostly because there's such a hard on for BB hate. People really need to let that go and look in the mirror.

why is it getting such a good heal then?

Maybe your right.
Lex is going to feel special now, finally fighting a CV that can't lock it's fighter while torpedoing its shit in.
Hallelujah, WG has finally done it, Lexington will not be seen as utter cancer when it shows up on your team.
All thanks to a CV that can only hurt KM BBs, while DDs and Crusiers laugh their asses off after they get overpenned and vaporize her tiny little DB/TB reserve.

Regardless, the thing can solo an entire fleet of cruisers because it can out heal their damage when angled properly.

Just get close and devastrike her broadside dude.

Show me. Because I doubt an onslaught of HE and AP from ships can do nothing to a BB.

literally said why. Conqueror is a glass cannon. Because of said status, it got a huge heal. People are bitching because they would rather be able to solo a ship with a regular heal, than use teamwork to take out a Conqueror with multiple ships mitigating the huge heal. But yeah I know, >teamwork in this game

>a ship is balanced because it can be killed by ganging up on it

>a ship is balanced because I can solo it

stay mad

>taking out enemy team requires teamwork
>whole team has to focus one ship instead
>literally every single cruiser maybe except for the zao and hindenburg is a glass canon
>only bongs get uber heal
>they even get it faster than everybody else
>and a smoke on top of that
>as if giving regular heal to others would brake the game

I bought Enterprise and plan to buy Graf. Stay mad, faggots.

>more than one ship means the whole team now
>bitching about smoke when you're forced to choose, regardless of which, the BB doesn't get.

Sorry, I'm not the one who is going to get shit on for bringing a piece of crap into a battle and help lose it over and over again.
I'm not the one who is going to regret buying a port queen, and leave to rust after T9-T10 AA wipes out my T7 planes and getting torped by a Shoukaku/Lex for the millionth time.
I'm not the one who bought a CV with the worst fucking torp spread ever, and have to rely on RNG shit bombs that only hurt BBs, while watching torps do it better anyways.
I'm quite happy telling you and the other retards who bought this garbage that you'll abandon it, just like everyone else after Zepplin shows up.

Thanks for the essay.

You're welcome, enjoy your shit ship before you
abandon it like the overpriced whore that it is.


Why do you care so much about what people spend their money on? It's their money, they can set it on fire for all I care.
I swear, poorfags think so much on how others spend their money while richfags never think about you.

Well, yes. Are you implying a ship that always wins any 1 to 1 engagement is balanced?

By that definition Black might be the only balanced ship in the game.

Holy shit, who let the special needs kid out?

When you stupid fucks buy this shit, you actually use it before you get sick and tired of it, ruining everyone else's game while doing it.
This piece of shit isn't even balanced enough for seasoned players to actually do anything anything else but lose.
Why not do everyone else a favor and leave your overpriced turd in port, before you make the already decreasing player base smaller.

And he's back to paragraphs.

I remember when people would tell me to fuck off for playing my Atlanta as though it was a personal affront that I jepordized their chance of a win by playing a highly flawed but fun ship.

I'm clearly not good enough to win two consecutive battles in ranked, the skill floor is just too damn high.

When Atlanta gets forced into a mirrored MM like CVs do, then you can compare it with the utter cancer that is Shiterprise.
We all have to be stuck with one CV when this shit ship leaves port, and I would rather not being stuck with one that makes the fucking Ranger look good.

As a CV connoisseur with 4.6 Million XP on the Lexy, I am unaffected by this.

>Shoukaku/Lex for the millionth time
what is defensive fire?

The only one who will get assblasted by this are shitty CV players. When all else fails, I can always go easy mode and play IJN.

Tell me user, did your father beat you as a child? Or perhaps your significant other is abusive to you? What made you this way?

Okay, I'm curious, what does the Big Shit have that a CV connoisseur would buy it?
It can't sink DDs, so it's ability to control the tempo at the beginning of the match is none existent. It can't lock down planes and shot them down fast enough because she has slow, weak T7 fighters. Her staying power is terrible, because she has weak, slow DBs and TBs whose reserves get vaporized by any decent AA.
Her only forte is sinking KM BBs that are stupid enough to wander alone and in a straight line. Which can already be done by Lex and Shou with their not shit torp spread.

>35k to Hotel
You're lucky: I'm still 200k from Yamato, and grinding the Izumo is draining my silver stockpile. Can't wait to get rid of this turd too.

Also, since USN BB buff, it's even more frustrating since american BB can go broadside without getting raped by citpens like before.

>tfw no-one to play with

u on EU senpai?

>tfw people are actually buying Enterprise
>tfw people will actually buy Graf Zeppelin
>tfw Conqueror gets radar, near-Yamato guns and a ridiculously powerful heal
>tfw everyone is fine with that
Well, it's getting pretty clear at this point that WG can get away with literally anything given how utterly retarded the player base seems to be.

Theres literally nothing wrong with any of that, shitlord

Thank you for illustrating the point.

My back hurts.

So where's muh Purge, you obnoxious turkish mechafaggot?

You didn't even have the balls to do it, what a limp!

>near Yamato guns
>3mm away from being able to overmatch absolutyely everything
>3 fucking mm
>bong turret traverse
can't wait for conqueror to turn out to be absolute and utter shit with meme heal and radar that you will never use because you snipe from the blue line with your bullshit range, never hitting anything due to distance and FOUR EX TWO

>complaining about 4x2

>Bong turret traverse
>Basically everyone gets a free 10pt Bong captain with +bonus to turret traverse speed

>3mm away from being able to overmatch absolutyely everything
Explain. Why is 460mm able to overpen anything, while 457mm isn't?

4x2 in and of itself is not necessarily an issue, it never stops Nagato from being godlike. But yeah, at tier 10 it's a bit... problematic.

>12 people aiming at me
>just angle/wasd dude

>when you get twice the xp of the second guy in your team
>and he's a fucking CV
I don't enjoy winning anyway.

460/14.3 = 32.17, pen 32mm
457/14.3 = 31.96, can't pen 32mm

It has absolutely nothing to do with real life combat at all, they just invented a number to make Yamato guns penetrate but non-yamato guns non-penetrate.


I never really cared about these numbers:
is 32mm a special kind of widespread thickness?

Conqueror is clearly a made up ship of the worst kind. Personally I'll get up to the Nelson for my autism (having a single historical™ ship for each tier of different nations: VII Nelson, VIII Bismarck, IX Iowa, X Yamato), but I won't go further.

funny fact: real life destroyers were significantly worse than in-game because in addition to actually having the critical components they call a citadel in game, it also could be killed by a missed battleship shell.

A good part of the reason battleship armor is so thick at the waterline is because a 350mm+ shell that detonates underwater is basically a depth charge. Water does not compress (unlike air) so the force of every explosion slams into everything in a 360 degree circle, it only weakens by distance squared.

A battleship gets around this by having immense armor everywhere underwater that will be near the plunging shells.

Destroyers lack this waterline protection. 19mm wouldn't stop a yamato shell that lands 10 feet away in the water from breaking a destroyer open. It might not completely split into two pieces, but the body would be filling with water and permanently out of that combat.

Look at the armor viewer and the nose of a battleship.

>it also could be killed by a missed battleship shell.
Where are the proofs?

A lot of ships during the war were seriously damaged by near misses, both from air drops and from gun fire.


Imagine if WG implemented this mechanic: DD would die at the first near miss of a BB, but they would also be able to launch torps with proximity fuse that would detonate under the keel of the BB, literally splitting it in half.

>tfw bullying kraut "battleship" fucking shits in Missouri/Iowa div
>ez 10k volleys no matter where I aim
>that sweet thundering sound of 16in
>the sound of liberty
>ywn be American

You are very wrong, and have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

Please shut up, and at least read some basic shit before you make a fool of yourself again.

British battleships when?

Why should I play Bismarck when NC exists?

Secondaries are literally a meme

every single fucking game

but then nearly all US destroyers would have torpedoes that were harmless duds 8 out of 10 times. They'd sink too deep and fail, or the proximity-fuze would blow up too early and be harmless, or not blow up at all, so they turned that off and just used the impact-pistol fuze, which also failed nearly always.

Hell, early torpedoes could even mess up their steering and drift in 360 degree looping circles and sink friendly ships or your own ship that launched the torp.

Torps were calibrated for certain polarities. If you cross the equator, your atlantic torpedoes would harmlessly fail to detect any ships in the pacific ocean because they didn't have the charge which told the torps a ship was in the area.
The same with south pacific tuned torpedoes up north at japan or the atlantic.

Also, real life torpedoes were far, far slower and near worthless against ships moving at combat speeds unless you have an intense number of them.

A bliss-leavitt torp on the wickes, 36 knots in real life and 56 knots in-game. 56% sped up.

Even worse, ships in-game are 7x larger in size than the real life ships.

Imagine how easy it would be to dodge torpedoes that were as slow as ships and your ship is 1/7th as wide and 1/7th as long.

There would be enough time and space to squeeze even the world's largest battleship between torps fired at long range.

The real danger of torps was if the victim didn't know combat was happening and hadn't done any scouting. (Often-times via incompetence, like the U.S. failure Admiral John Mccain who was told to scout an area and agreed, then never ordered any scouting missions, which let japanese stealth-torpedo his fleet)

The victims would be drifting at 10-12 knots with half the crew (incl. the captain) asleep on the night shift, then suddenly a shootout happens and before the captain even gets back to the bridge and figures out who is fighting who and where and why, they'd already driven into a torp field with no evasion at all.

STs are playing them on the live server, so I guess next patch.

So, there's a broadsiding Montana right in front of our Iowa and an angled Yamato 20km away.
Which target should our Iowa shoot at?

The Montana is an American ship, the Yamato is a Japanese ship

Why would an American shoot another American? Therefore, obviously the Yamato.

>there's a 2 and 3 man div in my team
>everyone in them is sub 48%
>one goes around the whole map sniping
>the other dies within first 6 minutes
>tfw I am the only constant
What ship should I play to carry such shit? A star destroyer?

>switch from Ocean to Dry Dock
>GPU 15°C hotter

I've noticed this too: dock is so poorly optimized my GPU starts to scream, even though I'm using the ocean dock.

I don't understand why WG fucked up the scale so much:
>they made ship larger
>but they also blew up landing patterns of battleships so much they still manage to miss most of their shots even at knife range
>all this while capping maximum range of every ship in a seriously ridiculous way
>and altering shells flight path
>just to cram everyone in a stupidly small map for a naval engagement
>increasing however everyone's speed and acceleration
>although everything is bigger and faster, in a small map, they managed to force the visual in such a way everything seems a plastic toy in a bathtub

I know this is an arcade game and everything, but come on...

USN destroyers went on to sink just as many ships with their torps as their IJN counterpart by 1943, they also showed that a DD can take out a BB by themselves, when USS Melvin single-handily sank Fuso with just one torp spread.

>Torps were calibrated for certain polarities. If you cross the equator, your atlantic torpedoes would harmlessly fail to detect any ships in the pacific ocean because they didn't have the charge which told the torps a ship was in the area.
>The same with south pacific tuned torpedoes up north at japan or the atlantic.
Do you have a source for this? I always thought that the proximity fuses just required a ferrous material nearby, I don't see why the equator would matter.

>yfw a single MAS managed to skin a KM BB in 1918

North Carolina is ________

sasuga HOTELfag

a smol Iowa

in need of some BALANSing)))))))))))))))))

A better Iowa.

Since the buffed angles of the X turret and the lowering of the citadel it has become really OP.

Also, now that they nerfed Bisko to the ground NorCal is even stronger.