League of Legends General /lolg/

Who's the best? Riven's the best. Edition



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Why is Sona so smug?

xth for Dawnbringer x Nightbringer

I want to aggressively impregnate this Vastayan.

heh....... nice red, kiddo. Maybe next time..

*teleports away*

Hell yeah, I was gonna do this for my wife, since I couldn't get last image last thread. Good job, friend!

REAL new thread

She just got back from drinking all the sperm from the sperm back. The chubby slut thought she got away with the crime too.

ori's abilities are """""shillshots""""" theyre nearly fucking impossible to miss except r. qw has absolutely ridiculous speed, you can't dodge it. You just have to strafe around her space

tali ACTUALLY has a skilshot that you can miss easily

Even though this thread will probs get deleted...


Which waifu would sell for the most at a slave auction?

Your wife a shit

>tfw belly full of jizz

I don't say mean things about your wife, why bully?

Someone make a fucking edit of the fucking gif of homer dissapearing into the bush, but with fucking kane

Camille is the only girl in this game I find interesting.
The rest are one dimensional.

Same senpai

First female champ sense first trying lol in 2011 that I find fun

this is the best idea

s m h camillefags everyone

comfy bfs~

She wanted more

R is one of her easiest abilities to land tho

ill never get it right, ive just given up trying

What champions should I use if I want to embrace my inner slut?

stop embarrassing yourself

>ywn gangbang Syndra with all your lolgen bros

Feels bad man.

So, which league girl is apart of the Itty bitty titty committee?

i get the feet

don't worry I think I already gave up on you

renekton/darius/pantheon for the "I want to be dominated like this" kinda slut or the standard sona/soraka/janna trio of heal/shieldsluts

Now now user, you can get first go with the feet but after you're finished you have to let the next user have them.

good thing you'll never get out of gold/plat and i always will

Can I get her preggo?

full please

With so many men it would be impossible to know who the real father is. She probably prefers it that way.

>game ends
>step out for a drink
>come back
>honor prompt expired
>everybody honored me
>they all know I didn't honor anybody

>tfw you get autofilled mid and still win

Ziggs is fucking great. My csing is not.

What in the HELL was Riot thinking?
What gave them the GODDAMN right to make one of the cutest girls in gaming?

Who do they think they are? Just stealing the hearts of millions like that? You can't make a girl this PERFECT!

They can't get away with this. The need to accept responsibility for creating the most lovable and sweet girl ever conceived.

Since we're talking about league of legends ladies, i have a question.
Which qt league girls would abuse you?
Asking for a friend.

Can you get banned for this?

welp I think its about time Ive started adding jinxfags to the massive lolg filter, updates to it soon

There isn't any

Then I'll just have to be first!

How do i deal with Tristana and Soraka botlane as a thresh support or support in general? I despise anyone who mains Tristana or Soraka and i hope they go to hell for maining those Atrocity characters.

>nunu gets played in LCS
>Riot hotfix nerfs him






If Soraka didn't exist I'd have to main Janna.

>Not one 9
Sorry, I don't talk to fake Cirnos.

Isn't jinx just a deficient Sona?

Soraka Main here and the best thing I can tell you is that you Don'T play thrash or any other grabber champ

Anything player who isn't brain dead can easily dodge a grabber and when lane phase is over you pretty much become useless in a team fight

Go play a support that can buff the team

>make the play that wins the game
>get honored for shotcalling


That's because the thread before it wasn't at post limit or image limit. They were being autistic.
>you can't make new threads at image limit on image board
Only 2 more months till classes start. Thank god.


Sona is a stuck up bitch. Jinx is carefree and has an amazing personality.

>Complaining about early thread

Wow you got the waifuposts 10 minutes earlier than you expected, that's a good reason to throw a tantrum.

sona is a traitorous lying bitch

I want to use Kled as my personal living, breathing onahole!


Fuck the police.

>Everyone on your team honored someone
>tfw you didn't get honored
hey could you and your ilk stop posting this shit? it's getting annoying and we don't need anymore fags like you coming out of the woodwork, and we definitely don't need it as our op.

Of course she is. I wouldn't be surprised if she was working with Noxus.

>Think to myself "What is a onahole?"
>Google it
>The image is now burned into my goddamn eyes

What reason is there to think Sona is stuckup?

Which one?

Make the damn OP when it's time, then. Otherwise, fuck off.

Pretty sad, I guess it's time to see more Elise vs Lee Sin action.

Doesn't matter, you're almost guaranteed to get a three-way in the near future. Vi a best tho.

>guys name is a tobias fate reference
>looking forward to killing him and making a joke
>he actually plays really solid for the next 35 minutes
>he loses some steam and the end and I get a triple kill and secure the win
>give him props for being the only good gangplank player i've ever seen

credit where its due
man soloqueue is great sometimes

>grew up rich
>got richer

user... even if she thought she was a nice person she'd still have an air of superiority over other people. This is just the way rich people are.


I'm losing it /lolg/. I remember when this game was fun now every game is fucking hot unbearable garbage. It's either you stomp or get stomped. Down 5 kills in the first 5 mintues and a guaranteed loss. Elemental dragons were a mistake, Rift Herald was a mistake, first tower gold was a mistake. Are any of you paying attention to what the fuck Riot is doing with this game? All you fucking faggots care about is cool skins and pretty mastery shit. We didnt have that shit in S1, we had solid GAMEPLAY. Fuck RIOT fuck league and fuck you faggots.

Good point

The game is more snowbally than ever. No wonder they added 15 min surrenders when first blood decides who wins 90% of the time

>be trynd
>be split pushing
>enemy sends 3 after me
>rest of team is mid
>they lose 4v2 and we lose game

>Trundle W(Frozen Domain) now permeates from his Pillar
>Trundle has a new skill on his W something with a skillshot so he is less of a lul statcheck

good idea or no?

Any reccomendations for high queue time games?

>tfw missed out on the glory days and can't find a good moba to play

mindless korean grinding mmos
cockhero videos


>Watching Trick2G stream
>Bronze Subwars
>Nunu solos dragon at level 3

Shit's bonkers.

If they were real, which Leeg girl would have an impregnation fetish? Asking for a friend.

>yfw get in lobby and see this on your team

I play a lot of CoD zombies.

Shitpost about Cawwadoody all you want but that mode is fun as hell.

not so much first blood as it is first tower
atleast 50% of my games are

>enemy gets first tower
>enemy rotates mid and gets mid tower
>enemy gets drag and herald with the pressure and reduced vision
>enemy deathballs and gets even more towers
>enemy has a 20k gold lead and 2~4 levels up on every one and siege mid basically ending the game before we even had a chance to fight back or scale
>end up defending supers for 7 misn while they take Baron and then win anyways
>all because they picked Caitlyn

its so fucking cancer to play like this. I love how they just get so much fucking bonus gold you can never rubberband

Jinx is even good in soups!

>cotc garen
absolute madman

>always try to get Fiora and Yasuo banned because they're supreme cancer, even when I'm not playing toplane
>ban Yasuo
>our guy insists on banning Xin over Fiora
>picks Garen into her and gets completely destroyed

I'm so tired of this cunt

What does this leaf next to my name means?

Sejuani and Ashe
Those heirs have to come out of somewhere!

How does my op.gg look?

Would anyone here play with me?


you got the most honours on your team

That you received three+ honors, I believe?

Nice, dude.

you should honestly stream or make some youtube videos or something mang, we like nunu around here

She would make you _______________________MOVE_________________________

is this honor thing up in NA? I just played a ranked game and its not showing up

It's a shame a nerd like Sej could never find a man desperate enough to fuck her.

>this game is more snowbally than every
>stomp or get stomped
You fags surely never lived the glory days where you could 1v9 and 100-0 nerds all day. Nowadays you are heavily team reliant (or at least more than before) because people like you kept complaining and if you're not braindead which you are you would see how fucking easy it is to stop most snowballing games. Eat shit.

Honestly I wouldn't mind streaming for some silver / gold anons to try and teach them some Lego Legends, just would have to set up a twitch and whatnot.

Do ARAM and Poro King give you champion mastery points?


thank you

> Cinderhulk junglers aren't that popular so we should buff it
> Also Cinderhulk junglers shouldn't exist

I know he was doing quite well in soloqueue, but it was hardly something anyone considered banworthy,