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Thank you for proper pastebin.

Chemo BTFO

please post cats...

I'm going to marry a Lalafell!




I'm going to marry an elezen~!

Double cat


Ominous chocobo in the distance while spearfishing

>stays up all night long to remove mateus from pastebin
>gets banned and loses his thread since he's an idiot

Everyone point and laugh at Chemo tonight.


pet lalas

he knew what was up, i made like 38 mil selling VI materia from cracked clusters

I bet he was a notorious early puller.

Cat here.


why does he want to remove mateus?
can I get the sweet infos on this


Let's try this again
Real knigga hours, who tf up

So what are you up to tonight, xivg?

I mean why not eh

Because Mateus is a growing RP server and Chemo despises RP.

>Having to run PoTD with two miqotes that picked the squeaky voice..

people just bully me when I post so I've stopped doing so

xth for loving xaela husbands

What materia do you sell?


this kind of thing makes me afraid of posting.


Can we all agree Shinryu > Thordan?


I can bully you lewdly if you want

This lake is so glum.

reply to this post with a selfie and i promise you wont get bullied

will I be able to take as much gil I want to mateus?
also can I still sell a house for a decent amount of gil in populated EU servers such as odin?

What was that about the housing drama in mateus also?


Let me guess, some balmeme autistic claimed you copied him or some bullshit since he thinks he's a special snowflake?

I just wake up

Just ignore them


Sorry for noob question, but does Convalescence work with my natural HP regen?

No idea, I'm not even on Mateus though I know that was why Chemo was shitting on it.

i think i just got collected...

here is (one) cat

Sue will you please awoooo for me with your silky smooth girl voice?

I've been bullied for posting here for years now and it's never stopped me . . don't give up friend.

I don't think so, it specifies recovering via healing magic.


>I don't think so, it specifies recovering via healing magic.
k, thanks

There's no difference between races except cosmetic changes and being harder to click, right?

it is i


If you're not part of the circlejerk you will get bullied regardless.

This is a high quality cat. Always nice to see in the threads.

is there a way to hotkey multiple skills to one button press
i.e. jolt and impact where impact overrides jolt when it's available


/ac Impact
/ac Jolt

Reminds me of the Caedeus fight a bit though. Or Abyssal Lagi
Gee mom I sure hope there's no meanies in the thread tonight.


Well the game seems absolutely hell bent on denying the PLD weapon from Bardam's Mettle, so I'm wondering if anyone here has found it and can share a screen shot, please?

here free awoo~ youtube.com/watch?v=T7naPxQVqoQ

>will I be able to take as much gil I want to mateus?
No gils limit

>No helmet
When will tanks stop doing this?

It's the break blade from the rowenas tokens recolored, the shield is neat because it has a Mol symbol on it but if you don't care about that the sword if fuglier than a bad dragon.

can I change the user macro icon to the skills too?

Cuddle lalas

Someone's gonna find out who's responsible for this and you'll be brought to justice.

don't use macros you lazy ass, they have a lot of delay

oh sorry, better?


Hell yeah, my dude.

i'm glad you think so user, I rarely get many replies, but the ones I do are always nice

Role action choices for drk and whm? Wanna brainstorm some ideas

/micon Impact
so you can see the proc

When my hair doesn't clip thru it.

I also like your cat and I'm glad you don't get too many in a way.

Rio Zaruba
Spuki Bugi
Red Rivers
Kelly Well
Serrit Auckes
F'telor Tia

Thats the best type of lala's

You're a cool cat. I owe ya a /pet next time i see you

why would the built in user macro feature have delay?

thank you, also one more question is there a way to do the same thing but one skill is present over the other with an effect up? I want to put veraero and verstone to the same key and have it default to verstone unless dual cast is up

ugly cats need not apply

Liva'to Zheknu

Depends what you're doing. Rampart and Convalescence feel pretty mandatory. For dungeons I like Low Blow, Anticipation, and Provoke(though you could take anything else instead of this), and for bosses I take Shirk and Reprisal, with Interject/Low Blow if they're useful and Anticipation if they're not.

For WHM they basically took all the best role actions from your original toolkit, so you basically have to take Swiftcast, Largesse, Lucid Dreaming, Protect, and Esuna. If you know the instance you're running doesn't need Esuna, then you can drop that for Eye for an Eye. And if you're doing content with another healer, you can ask them to bring protect, or in 4 man dungeons you can swap out Protect for another skill before the first pull but it's a bit of a pain in the ass if you forget or someone needs a rez.


Please be a ninja wife.

/micon "Verstone"
/merror off
/ac "Verholy"
/ac "Verstone"
/ac "Veraero"
Pretty much like the pvp version of one-button

cute catboy



>Two lines
Based Khloe
Based Tails

yes that's actually what made me want to do it, thank you very much

Just two mystery meowbois now.

someone make an updated husbando roulette or post the old one

give me names

whats up


hey Ippiki

Remember you'll only see Verstone proc icon, you have to know when verholy and veraero will cast

Excuse me why are you copying Seto's previous characters?

Go back maleeeeeee