/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

Hi-def edition

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World revealed for PS4 and Xbox One early 2018, and eventually PC. youtube.com/watch?v=xe-RAeDfOMM
↳Information with sources: pastebin.com/TRFRGFn1
↳Livestream 6/20: youtube.com/watch?v=fvKE9iVz-Ig#t=34m

-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. confirmed for 8/25 in Japan, region free. youtube.com/watch?v=CvzTD_RYDXs
↳No current plans for XX localization "at this time". twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/875133030326652928
-Monster Hunter Stories due for a 9/8 release in EU, Q4 NA.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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mosnter huntter


For me, it's Alisa

Pray tell, how do you feel about World?

100% fact

Why do people think god eater is better than monster hunter

4th gen Cephadrome >>>>> Nibelsnarf

>the most obvious bait in the world

Giggi and Khezu are really only cosmetically similar. Though yeah khezu is a cancer fight and giggi is just kind of a lame one so giggi is better.

Tigrex is better than Barioth and Narga, and Narga isn't even third generation.

I feel like it won't be nearly as good as FU, 3U or 4U. It'll be better than the shitfest that is Gen/XX though.

And now that I look at it, Tigrex is the only monster on the left that isn't first generation. Narga and Tigrex are both second.



Maybe he means for its time. Or maybe he means that World will be really shit.

>No Swimming
>Shit hit boxes
>Rehash after rehash of the same attacks by monsters
>Only a different color

>Tigrex is better than Barioth and Narga
How is it possible to be this fucking wrong?

Uh oh seems like you've made a mistake in reading the meme arrows. Better delete your post quick

Regardless of why you disagree, they aren't even similar/readily comparable. The correct comparison would be narga to barioth (though that would make narga the only second gen on the left still).

How is it possible to be this fucking stupid lmao

diffo user but yeah, tigrex is really his own thing, even if the three of them are visually similar

Don't forget that Gigginox is also using Tigrex' skeleton.

Uh oh seems like you've made a mistake in reading which post another post was replying to. Better delete your post quick

nobody thinks this, it's just shitposting.

And for all those flaws it's STILL going to be better than World.

How does it make you feel knowing that Capcom is finally setting its sights on ruining the only good series they have left?

Nah World is gonna be better sorry dude

Feels pretty good knowing that they went in the exact direction I've wanted the series to go in for years now.

>it's Monster Hunting(tm) time!
Will she be joining in the hunt?

Man, I hadn't gotten a good look at how ugly she was. Looks like a mass effect andromeda character.

Gravios is more fun than Uragaan, Gigi is as bad as khezu and Brute Tigrex is better than all of them.

>Gravios is more fun
Said no one ever

>Ninja-jumping fuck better than Electric AOEs
Yeah nah, they're both turds.

I'll second him. Case-in-point: I have a whole Gravios folder, but no Uragaan folder.

Black Gravios is the cancer, Gravios is fine, it's just too easy, Uragaan is a pain in the ass, a bore AND it's easy.

there better be some cuties in MHW

It's just fun to bully, probably one of the best 1st gen monsters with Rathian, but that's hardly an achievement.

Yeah no.

yes, it would be much better if there were nothing but ugly, but STRONK WOMYN, much more realistic, we wouldn't want to trigger you

What are you projecting here

my dick onto the screen rn

FU sucks, retard. everyone knows that,.

Switch Axe F!

Well they want the western audience.

If you wanted something attractive. They should have stuck with the Switch.

Why do FUfags get so irrationally angry that they feel the need to false-flag?

t. falseflagger from neogaf

Get a load of this projecting newfag.

Why is this general so shitty right now?

Get a load of this retard or a pretend-retard

Because all the salty nitenniggers. gaijinhunter and apex were 100% right when they made the SALT video. These faggots are ruining MH

>Can only cry false flag

Do you even play Monster Hunter?

>Wow user you're dumb nobody would shitpost here like that, everyone is super sincere

>9GAG spacing

>Can't even answer the question
>Because you don't even play the games
Shitposting in a general, what sort of life did you lead to have it come to that?

>Nintennigger acting like it's their series when MH started out on Sony conolse
lmao fuckface

>Still refuses to answer the question

>Expecting things that are way above his mental prowess

>Anime posting AND facebook meme shit
oh baby here we go

>Still can't say what Monster Hunter games he's playing.
>Complaining about anime in Monster Hunter
Put some effort into your shitposting yah casuals.

Well that's just icing on the cake

Too lewd for this board, user.

Enraged Uragaan and steel Uragaan is the most retardedly evasive monster ever, it's not fun to run around waiting for them to stop rolling and is even less fun when they put hazards be it explosive or stinky+explosive.

But I still prefer Giggi to Khezu because it's literally a Tigrex with long range attacks but a bit slower.

Why does anyone like Tigrex? It's just a loud, pissed off roomba.

user, you'll get banned if you keep posting this kind of stuff!

>Maybe someone will bite if I keep posting my shitty bait over and over again!

Predictable, has good weapons, an okay design, and isn't horrible with the hitboxes besides the bite extending the whole chest area.
Then again that's not a problem exclusive to it.


The lung breath-in scream looks quite impressive.I like Tigrex just for that one fact

this quote keeps me awake at night desu

Is there actually any sub worse than steel uragaan?
>literally the only change is one of his few punishable moves is now unpunishable

Delusional weebs

same to be honest. when I see tigrex rear back to do his super roar i still get a little spooked. literally yells so loud it can almost one-shot you

This one and the sequel doujin are both great.

depends on your definition of worse. purple gypceros is just regular gypceros but with better poison.

Remember to laugh at the king of cucks

Rathalos + BYKK

But he found someone else.

Do you have proof to support this claim?
Even if garuga wasn't born from his cucking he still gets cucked by every other monster


What is this gay shit

That shows a faithful relationship.

I need more art of these two being slaughtered.

Fuck off retard, your cuckold fantasies already got disproved but you keep projecting.

>cuckolding fantasies
It's not a fantasy it's the reason why this monster sucks dick and doesn't deserve to be the mascott of the series


Then give me 5 reasons why he's a better mascott than every elder dragon
I'm waiting

Every time this site learns a new word it gets used just like a child who just learnt it would.

1.flagship of the first game

2. Part of the Monster Hunter Logo.

3. casual filter

4. iconic look

5. badass name

its worth it just to trigger seething cucks like you, sweaty

Kirin, Chameleos, Jhen, Dahren, Dalamadur

I don't approve of your shitposting but I admire your ironic superESL formatting.

>its worth it just to trigger seething cucks like you, sweaty
Just proving my point luv, also you need to be over 18 to be on this site so don't brag to your mum about how you finally "triggered" someone

Half of these reasons are just "he's the flagship"
I'm disappointed

>superESL formatting.
OwO whats this...?
Stop SEETHING faggot
see above


>Stop SEETHING faggot

>points out flaws in your argument
rathafags get more disappointing every second

If I started G rank at HR73 does that mean I'm gud?

It's still lightyears ahead of Gravios who is 'you're a blademaster and want to finish this in a reasonable time? Fuck you, have ass fire every other attack with no movement tell.'

Also you just suck if you have to spend time running after Urra.


He's falseflagging and shitposting. Real rathalos fans do not exist outside of the development team.

fuck off. When I first fought him in 4U campaign mode, it was the most epic fight so far. The way the cinematic plays and his theme starts playing as he swoops down on you. From that moment on, he was my favorite monster. It was Tokien-esque.
Thanks, that's now my fourth meme that's been navified

>It was Tokien-esque.
I'm starting to hate you less and less. Do you post on Veeky Forums as well? That's where I see the Tolkien buzzword the most.