Be honest - when was the last time you stalled?
Be honest - when was the last time you stalled?
when I was 12
Month or so ago, pre fuel system maintenance. Also, #1 spark plug pictured, along with all the oil it was harbouring.
Last Friday. Forgot how steep my parking spot was while backing out.
Never, because I live in the 21st century and drive an automatic car
When was the last time you got up to manually press the button on the tv to turn it on?
Why do you use a remote bro? Do you not enjoy the extra work of getting up and then feeling the tv by pressing the button? It creates a bond between the tv and you
Also bro getting up and manually turning on the tv saves you money because you don't need batteries for your remote
last thursday. car was running a bit rough cause a spark plug was worn out and I didn't give it enough throttle.
automagic life bitches
Like a week ago, for some reason the reverse gear is a lot faster than the 1st in my moms corolla.
I don't watch tv, i live in the 21st century
Today cause my Ute is running like a cunt
when i parked forgot to put it in neutral. thank god i pulled the e brake. was embaressing. wont happen again
Not related to thread but i drive a toyota pickup gen 6 and have never added oil. How do i know what type of oil to add?
The armenians shits who "oil changed" my truck didn't replace the oil, but charged me 70 dollars. Never again.
>when was the last time you walked instead of just using the mobility scooter?
3 days ago on my motorcycle (small 2-stroke)
I need to adjust the carburettor since it has a idle problem and sometimes stalls when opening throttle.
I think the Idle A/F ratio is too rich, when I open throttle it pulls out the needle instantly and enriches it even more leading to a decrase in power wich leads to dropping rpm even in neutral.
It works awesome under load, it drives about 20% faster than the manufacturer claims despite beeing build in the early 80s...
>oil change
Ask /qtddtot/
My car does weird shit in the snow where it will start, idle fine, then you give it some gas and it goes 5m and stalls.
So 2weeks ago even though I drive automatic
Only pensioners and Americans drive automatic lad
I live in the EU, am in my early 20's and drive an automatic.
post your boipussy
That's gay
Almost stalled my Supra pulling out of my garage a hour ago, paying more attention to a ding in my 4R I hadn't noticed and forgot about the revs.
Yesterday when I pulled my bike back to the garage
What do you expect from a man that likes to play with phallus like objects while driving?
Few weeks ago, pretty sure I was in a fast food drive thru and tried to go from neutral with brake set to rolling a little too fast.
Couple days ago didn't warm the bike up enough in a cold front, had to pull to the side and give it another 30 seconds of choke
Yesterday, my asshole friend gave me a shove while I was hill starting on like a 30 degree slope
2 weeks ago on bike, got it off the choke too quick and it died when I wanted to take off.
This morning, because my TV doesn't come on with the remote.
How is a hill start hard?
2 weeks ago
Didn't give it enough gas I guess lel
It's not, being shoved from behind while launching is
Trying to pull a new golf onto the truck hoist. Worse thing was a company was using the garage to film a commercial so there was about 50 people watching me all the while trying not to hit the $5000 cameras scattered everywhere.
forgive me father for i stalled yesterday while parked
Yesterday at the first stopsign from my house
>Fucking bikes friction zone is like bigfoot
>Rarely seen, never encountered
like a week ago because i crashed into a pole and fucked my rear bumper
Seven years ago on bike, fifteen or so in car
>21 century
Do you not like streaming online, or does waiting for a show to air is better as it creates better watching experience instead of having it on demand?
I just got a new car two weeks ago and it drives so much differently from my other car i feel like I'm learning to drive all over again. Ive stalled the thing so many times its actually frustrating.
Never, i drive auto
>he isn't rich enough to have an automatic DD and a manual roadster for hektic weekend skidz
pic related is you
>V8 mustang
It's a challenge to stall
Last time my dad was in the car. This will always be the answer.
>presses on the accelerator
>3 seconds later your anemic car downshifts and you finally lurch forward
>tries to drift
>car shifts erratically to try and maintain traction causing you to slow down and lose control
Sounds really fun mate.
>he isnt poor enough to have numerous shitboxes with every transmission type
Reverse gear is usually the tallest gear in the box, there's only one of them,
Three days ago. First gear does whatever the fuck it wants sometimes, so I stalled when parking in an upwards slope. Didn't give it enough gas.
Tried to start in third.
Felt like a fucking retard.
There's really no worse feeling than trying to start in third.
about 3 days ago didnt realize the incline at the stop light i was at, luckily no one was behind me just in front where they could all laugh at me
It's definitely the worst feeling I've experienced.
I even tried to start a second time before realising.
I should probably kill myself.
I don't remember it's been awhile, at least a year, and it was probably something stupid like forgetting i was even in gear or something.
even more embarassing at the drive thru, i tried to pull forward while being in neutral
>tries to drift
>car shifts erratically to try and maintain traction causing you to slow down and lose control
>what is 2
About 6 days ago, I've been an auto driver like a fag until I experienced driving manual for myself. So now I'm learning it all so I can retake my license test so I can legally drive manual.
last week, i was turning left and some retard decides to go from left turn lane to straight on the oncoming side so i braked faster than i clutched in and stalled
before that it had been a good couple months
i stall out occasionally while turning from a stop. that power steering pump really does suck some power from my engine
>t. 2.9l ranger
Take comfort in the fact you have never attempted to start in 3rd at an autocross event.
Because i have and i just want to drink all the fucking bleach.
did that trying to show off for a friend
the smell of clutch was still there after going to the store and coming back
Last week. I let my brother drive and he put the parking brake on. I always leave it in gear.
This afternoon backing up into a parking spot. There was no traffic and took me no longer than 2 seconds to restart. No big deal.
Two hours ago in a McDicks drive through.
Sometimes when I park I forget that I'm in gear when I pop the clutch, but I always have my foot on the brake so it works out.
Your poor car
Sunday driving my drunk friend's explorer.
You're just mad you managed to stall an automatic car
last tuesday
cunt pulled out on me and my foot slid from the clutch to the dead pedal
lucky i was only in 1st
Like last week, I've only owned a manual for 3 weeks.
Around last wednesday
I let my mum borrow my car and when she parked it she left it in gear, something im not used to since i stopped doing it.
Eh, probably a few weeks ago.
My clutch is very heavy, my gears are short, and my clutch is also going out, so It happens more often then you might think, despite driving stick for 2 years.
I'd say at least 2-4 times a month.
Dont even know how that happened
>Reverse out of parking
>Apply first gear and do usuall gas giving and clutch releasing
At that moment the car acted weird. Almost like the brakes were applied.
Not sure if I've ever stalled my current car probably not. For whatever reason the engine is extremely resilient to stalling even at absurdly low RPMs.
Fuck if I know why because I've driven other cars with small 1-1.5l engines and they stall easily if you don't give them enough gas.
If you count my new idle issue where the IAC doesn't prevent my RPMs from falling to 0 when I let off the throttle, yesterday. I have to use my foot to keep the RPMs above 0 or the car stalls.
A regular stall hasnt happened to me in years
Today some faggot ass ute made me stall when he dead stopped
I drive an auto and it happened to me after I went through a toll booth. Really caught me off guard.
About a week and a half ago. Tried making a left turn in a Walmart parking lot. Woman across from me probably didn't notice since the push button start makes it really easy to just go.
This. But it has happened before when someone parked my car in gear and I didn't recognize that before letting off the clutch.
Bonus story: When Merchant's inspected my car I paid and got my keys and the instant I sat in it it started rolling and I yanked the handbrake. They fucking somehow "parked" it in neutral with the handbrake disengaged
IAC and idle issues vac leaks suck ass I know this feel
Quite recently. Swapped engines, had an exhaust leak at the up pipe to turbo, and drove it for a few test runs like that.
Fixed said leak and stalled the same day. I've also caught myself running to 5-6k without even realizing it.
Going to switch headers and go with a slightly noisy exhaust. Usually drive in a rather spirited manner anyways.
Why do you have to look at gook cartoons you little nerd? I used to beat kids up for looking at those gay little cartoons
Off my drive yesterday, but it was a very cold start and its on an incline.
I've only stalled my car twice (and it's my first car). Had it 6 months, but to be honest, it's basically impossible to stall.
The first time was on a very steep hill the first day I got it. The second my shoes were wet and slipped off the pedal on a slight incline
Yesterday. First manual car and its had a "competition" clutch in it since i bought it, i cant feel shit with it i just learned by trial and error. I rarely stall now, usually only when i forget im at a slight incline and need more gas
>drive a shitty truck
>park on shitty road. my front right wheel fell into a small pothole, but I didnt really notice
>some time later, I am leaving and people have parked in front and behind me
>I have maybe a foot (25 cm?) on each side
>ok, here we go
>put it in reverse, start to ease up, car moves slightly and so I give it a bit of gas and let up the clutch a bit more
>car dies. wtf? try again. car dies.
>realize one of my wheels is in a hole and I need more gas, but not too much gas because I can't blast backwards
>round three -- give it more gas, get out of hole. going way faster than I should be.
>Mustve had less than an inch between me and the car bumper
>end up having to do a 4 point turn to get out of there
pure cancer bros
last time i stalled in my car was when i tried to drive with my two feet switched (right foot on clutch left food on gas)
9th gen SIs are almost impossible to stall
cold start, flash freeze so I didn't know to plug it in. loped so hard pulling out it stalled.
goddamn you, rudolph diesel.
I stalled today because of sudden grip from an ice patch ending. Made me think of this thread and how I could not remember the last time.
A couple of months ago when I was still new to manual. There was stop and go traffic going uphill and I came too close to a stop in second gear and stalled. With tons of people behind me (one lane on our side), I started the car, did a hill start and caught back up with traffic in less than 30 seconds. No one honked and haven't stalled since (driving stick for a total of ~4 months).
>A week ago
>Be at work
>Get handed a car for that day's assignment
>Fuel - clutch ratio is poorly adjusted
>Literally stall it 6 times during 4 hours of work
Kill me. No, KILL ME
I don't even
same. this happens way too often, but for me its usually because I turn the key off as I take my foot off the clutch
I had a similar experience except it sounds way less stressful since traffic had only moved maybe 3 feet between stalling and catching up
Four minutes before I made this post. Stalled while at a stoplight at the exit of a highway and car now will not start, have created massive traffic jam behind me.
I use a CRT TV without a remote. I got up to turn the knob to turn it on yesterday
Last week because it's got something wrong with it and it occasionally dies with minimal clutch engagement while also moving above 20 mph.
Yesterday, set off in second, usually works but I lifted the clutch too quickly because I thought I was in first
Forgive me
Honestly, a few months ago on a test drive of a Focus ST. The clutch on that car is so fucking bad holy shit.
How old? I learned on a 12 and it didn't seem that bad. Granted, it wasn't an st. Idunno if they have a different clutch.
2017 model.
The clutch on that car feels like a compound bow. It's easy to hold down, but right when it starts grabbing it springs up and throws your foot off. Hell for driving in traffic.
For reference my manual driving experience consists of a 1992 Civic, a 2018 Honda Fit, a 2014 and 2017 Mazda 3, a 2014 Camaro, a 2017 Civic Si, and a 2017 WRX. Each and every one of those cars had a clutch leaps and bounds better than that fucking ST.