/ammg/ - Anime Massive Multiplayer General

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>Current Games: LaTale! DFO! ...other stuff!
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>General Database

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Heres the Nyarly Gay's 1st awakening

Did DFO drop Vista support? I can't run it anymore.

Nexon Launcher is a fucking piece of shit. Took me a few hours just to get it working.

and 2nd

How viable is going treasurejewer in La Tale and being full rare item find+option boost? The money boost doesn't seem as vital since you can just sell crazy upgraded or rare shit anyway.

>Nyarly's onahole is a nerd and nothing else
You know I was expecting a bit more but it fits

Is DFO Miko the PvP shitposter?



They're really fun to play so I'd play them for that alone. Getting more dosh than everyone else is a bonus.

Whats a good anime mmo where I can be a slutty healer and have a potato computer at the same time



but what's their IGN so I can join their guild and PvP them?

>free Lib if i play the game, less than 10 dungeons a day
>can't even will myself to do the 100 scenarios
I'm fucking dead

dumb mokou poster

No I mean this computer is a potato to potato
>1.4ghz dual core processor
>256mb iGPU
>8gb RAM
Would overclock but not in my room, I can't play xbox 360 in here without it heating up immediately

you're also dumb

how do we make anime real...

I can play it with this.
Your CPU is shit but it should be fine, I think.

>have to solo all the casualbabbies content until end game

>have to solo all the casualbabbies content until end game

Goddammit, I just want to play with OTHER PEOPLE IN AN MMO.

Don't you know? Modern mmos only let you play with other people only after you hit endgame.


I wish Avengers were stronger
they're such a cool class

I'm trying to register to papaya play for LaTale
Can't get a fucking verification email, gives me a system error


meanwhile people are partying up 24/7 in the new renebil restart server thing because they accidentally made the damage values too high so you literally have to party to progress


I want to play a dancer slut but even service for (You) isn't that useful at end game. Other dances are just shit.

I want to let your know that I used this specifically in the last OP so I don't get to see you posted it.

they need more nukes and for their gimmick to be less shitty

Money boost is literally the best part since the one of the ways of making ELY is running Magic Book Room, Forgotten Garden, and Ymir Institute with as high of an ELY rate as possible since the trash mobs in there give a ton of ELY. You need a lot of good gear for an ELY gain rate/IDR build to work on Treasure Hunter though since in order to max out the "gain" skills you need to sacrifice passive skills that would boost your damage. Having all the rates in the world doesn't mean shit if you clear at the speed of a snail and hit like a wet noodle.

>every loading screen tips are about scammers
Did something happen to LaTale in the past involving scammers?

Not that I remember. I think they're covering their bases in case some dumb kid gets scammed and tries to cry at them for his mistake.

>can't output enough damage on my blood boy to clear level 7 ancient in 5 mins
>with franken ebins and 3rd place bis weapon

>Watch King's Avatar, a chinese Anime with a high budget
>1 million times better than shitty Sword Art Online
>Even got higher rating than SAO in Japan
>Uses actual MMO knowledge and no Anime Power Ups
>Glory, the name of there MMO is literally DFO, Blade & Soul, and Lost Ark merged in one game
>DFO Brawler is one of the main support characters
>Gameplay wise, it's the most technical MMO ever with extreme variety on the skill tree and free form build options

We will never get a MMO this good. Nobody likes Technical gameplay in the West. They just want to stand in one spot and press 1 - 3 keys over and over. And to dodge and all that shit, the west hates that. That's why games like DFO, Kritika, anything with true combat doesn't get played in the west.


An Anime that focus on ESport and competitive play in general. The game they play is called Glory Online.

Get a friend, problem solved

Play Kritika. Unlike those two, you get rewarded for partying up. DFO is probably the worst choice for party since the rare loot get divided between the party rather than having your own drops.

>get friend to play MMO with
>outlevel him in less than a day
>wait for 2 eternity for him to catch up
>he got bored and quit

>get a friend
>play without him and outlevel him
>let him play alone while he's trying to catch up
>surprised he quits

>get a friend
>play with him
>stay on the same level as him
>starts an alt to out outlevel him
>eventually main the alt instead
>he got bored and quit
The ending is all the same.

The show is really good in some ways. If you're looking for a power fantasy show, where the "main character's a total badass in every possible way, except for his crippling weakness of being too kind", then you've gotta watch the show. I particularly like scenes where the people at the cafe get hints of him being the godly player that he truly is. It's the tease that wish fulfillment shows thrive on.
>A newbie did this? Hahaha, wow, MC. You sure get lucky often!

I dropped it because I constantly have to skip the battle scenes, though. It's literally on the same tier of Kirito moving super fast of anime bullshittery.
>he can apm so hard, he can mob ten monsters at once!
>fingers moving at light speed
>casts a single aoe spell
It's actually more like the crime shows where they ENHANCE images and hack into mainframes by typing fast.

>to not* outlevel him

Then the only answer is to clone yourself

Happens to me with both full-time working friends, and unemployed ones.

fulltime worker's still lv15 when i could've been 50+ by now. unemployed one's busy jacking off on phone games or something.

I'm having alot of fun with Kritika. The combat is fluid, connection is good, towns and music are comfy. Only downside is that it seems like a solo game so you can't meet cute healsluts.

its made by the same company who developed lunia so id imagine most of the leveling up phase is solo and multiplayer content isnt cool or interesting since its just a matter of needing more damage to kill shit in a reasonable time that you could otherwise solo

>MMOs are shit at multiplayer
One of the reasons everyone plays quick instance based team games like League/CSGO/OW.

League is the biggest game in the world and it requires more skill, knowledge, and mechanics at high levels than whatever garbage you're on about.

But I'm autistically low self esteem retard who can't handle any kind of competition.

You're gonna have to either grow up or stick to single players like the manchildren on /v/ that would rather discuss 7 year old single players for the hundredth time than talk about a new multiplayer.

This post almost triggered me. Luckily I thought about it and realized that you're an idiot.

Congrats on your mental gymnastics I guess, takes some work and delusion to deny an obvious fact.

>reach popstar in Latale
>expect a few notes to play around
>they get like 50 fucking notes
I got more than I expected but I have no idea how to play this thing.

Not really. It's just the fact that none of you in /ammg/ are actually knowledgeable or skilled in any of the games you play or any of the games in the MMO genre. Even your opinions have no weight. You all are fucking casuals. I have yet to run into a single user here that is as knowledgeable or technical as me in these games.

The only thing I see are waifu fags and gay boys.

Any leveling guide for latale?

Is the game difficult yet?

Not at all. As I said before the game got butchered years ago like every other MMO.

Please convince me not to quit.


I can't. I'm only playing because I like the game and the music but this is fucking boring. Pretty much clinging to what I remember the game being like when it came out.

Is there a mabinogi guild?

why would you want a 2d sidescroller like maplestory to be more tedious it just wastes more of your time till you get bored and quit once you get leveled up and shit

latale just lets you play the game for a week or so and then move on without making life super awful

Hey guys, I checked for the latale general, but it's not there anymore. What happened to the rerelease? How do I play the game now? Kind of interested.

Back to the void, it is, then.

please respond

you download the game install it and then play

There is no download link on steam, and on papayaplay it asks you to transfer an account, which I don't have, and I can't make one. Please assist.

Just go to papayaplay.com, click on Latale and the "Download now" button.

It's shit though.

No download button, because I can't create an acc.



its ironic cause if youre too dumb to download the game youre actually the perfect candidate for playing it

Can't create an account, gives me an error like the guy that posted a while back.

When comparing a +12 Halidom to a +10 Lib, the Lib always wins in terms of damage output, right?

Play SlimeTales with us

I'd rather slap poring on restart than getting spied on.

Good lord, what happened to Dungeon Fighter? I haven't played since the nexon days and it's god awful boring.

>Given OP weapon and armor that apparently lasts for 80 levels or something.
>No fun in dungeons because skills 1 shot entire rooms
>Fatigue system
>Which doesn't matter because I keep getting things that increases it back to full again
>The storyline is different, which would be nice If wasn't zipping by at an incredibly fast pace.

It's nice to play it again but god damn, I can't savor a single moment or feel achieved with anything.

i clapped when lenny died

Leveling is basically a tutorial now for the endgame. Old DFO padded out the leveling content to hide the fact that the game basically has nothing to do at endgame other than OV and PVP, but now that more stuff exists at cap they want you to get there as soon as possible.

Endgame is real game huh? I'll give it a go then. Thanks for the heads up!

theres still nothing to do at endgame

if you dont have an interest in pvp youll quit as soon as you hit max level and realize theres nothing good there

omg (lol

>implying there's even pvp in DFOG

The gooks pretend PVP doesnt exist except for once a year when they're obligated to waste their money sending some fools to korea/china to get their asses kicked.

its practically a fully fleshed out fighting game?

that doesnt really matter if youre just playing like you know casuals lol

dfo is even less of a fighting game than smash is

>pvp in a pve game

So now that everyone has raided with their FPriest what did you think of her?

My highest level fpriest is stuck in ghent!

I'm only level 50

how you figure

yeah i mean its people who think like this that theres no pvp community on its own but who cares it doesnt really matter to me

i only play with people ive known for years and have played since way back when when it was still on nexon

I don't raid tho

Wow, what a shitter.

I recently got back to mabinogi.
Installing mods is a pain in the ass now.

New codes for Ankama games:

>GAMAKNAM - (Dofus Touch)

>Playing anything other than Soul Worker
Why does /ammg/ have such shit taste?

>playing jap garbage