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Fuck me. I'm retarded.

can we just merge with /llsifg/

>page 10
I have to go, /smgen/. Make sure to take care of the thread while I'm gone!

I try to carry the threads, but there's nobody to talk to. I posted 7 times last thread.

Which god do I unlock? I have 7k of that star stuff and I heard Bellona and Osiris are OP.

Holy shit now I realize why people hate playing support, it's not that the role is boring it's that if you have a shit team there's no fucking way you can carry the game

Why are there no good guides for smite, some one write one

Your best bet is to watch streamers play. Here's a good list pastebin.com/brwFe0F2

What do you mean by a guide for smite?

Clash is my favourite game mode

It's hard to put into words but there's so much shit I had to learn on the fly while playing the game, and mostly just aping what I see in the spl. Simple things I don't know like what order to build items, that's never explained.

Fucking teams. Here's a great difference between the teams I play against and the teams I end up on.

>Game 1
>We're up 25-6
>10 minute mark hit
>Enemy team surrenders

>Game 2
>We're down 13-32
>One guy tries to surrender
>Doesn't go through
>Dude dc's
>Later on we lost both our phoenixes
>I put up the f6
>They still don't fucking surrender.

Holy shit, it's like whenever I'm dominating the game want's to take all the joy out of my victory by not even letting me kill the titan and end the game as fast as possible.
On the contrary whenever I am losing I gotta fucking see the enemy team shred the titan after what feels like an eternity of dying and re-spawning.


Why would you ever let anything die, you sociopath

Is the challenger circuit worth watching?

Daiji is OP start in clash, I can usually cheese a couple of enemy gods at the start with suzano bluestone for about 40-60% of their health but daiji just fucking nukes me for all my health every time she's on the enemy team I end up using aegis on the first red buff engagement

oh god this is awful the team with the late game comp decided to tower dive three minutes in, rip Cool Name Pending

wtf Bass, why did you jump back into the 1v3

this fucking game man

>40kills in 10 minutes
no way this is real

Post link to twitch video when its recorded. I wanna see it.

And the guardian steals the fg LMAO

Ok guys lets start our own Pro team we can definitely win the challenger cup series

Really doesn't look that hard when you watch the stream. Looks like my games.

I remember the Season 2 finals where there was a Hun Batz that played worse than I do.

What would the name be though? Gotta be something catchy and cool.

SWC 2018


My days are an eternal loop.

>Lose 5 games in a row
>"don't worry you'll get your wins back, forced 50 and all that jazz"
>Win 5 straight games next day
>"here might be something to this"
>Lose 5 games in a row the following day.

Who needs a balanced team comp when you can just play what you're comfortable with



Skins that are voiced by the original god's voice actor are better than otherwise. The only two examples I can think of otherwise is Osiris and Lucky Baby Fuwa Cupid.


Da Ji and Serqet fart porn.

vest dialogue chain i've heard

>good luck
>have fun


>That's too bad

aight bois i'm new and i only have 5800 favor, what god do you recomend me you based Veeky Forums/ers/?


>cheap for favor
>best non-healer assault god
>decent in conquest
>has one of the best skins in the game

Apreciate the recommendation but im not a fag, i play more like a warrior/assassin. Already have Loki and my bois Thanatos & chaac

Buy Ixtab

God of suicide[/spoiler

Kill yourself]

Taking porn requests. They will not be good. They will be terrible. Also if I don't like your request Im not bound to do it, because fuck you.

giving nu wa an oiled foot massage while she blushes