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Azura a shit and so is her son


The moral of this story is that hector is a manlet.

chance of Prissy still getting multiplier next update?

About the same as you or me scoring some prissy before the next update.

everybody is compared to the king of bern

Me in the second panel

Rate castle
More good male units when

Well that went somewhere

>Finally get 20 Orbs
>Time to summon shit
>Get a bunch of sluts
>Ready to kill myself my man
>Suddenly Bartre comes out of fucking nowhere and saves the batch
For real tho, Robin is +Atk -Def, and of course the one character from the banner I really wanted ended up being -Atk, but it ain't bad for the second day I guess
But just in case my rolls end up being crap for the rest of the month these jews at IS better implement a way to change IVs real fucking soon, at this point I'm not even talking about changing boons and banes to get perfect units, I just wanna be able to turn my fucked up IVs ones into neutral so they stop being useless; it pains me knowing my Linde, Olwen and Hinoka are trash because of their Atk bane


Just pulled -hp +def Melon Tiki, so basically Neutral. Is she alright? Her stats seem solid.

Except General "5 CON points smaller than a wagon" Murdock

Did everyone blow their flags during that multiplier? What the fuck.

Had enough feathers to upgrade Cecilia so I think my horse team is ready now.

How's it look?

I gotta work on getting DB3 for Reinhardt and some better B skill for him, and ideally I'd want better stats (everyone in this team, I now realize, has neutral IVs) but overall I feel like they're perfectly serviceable right now.



>compare videogame logic to real life


+def is more then alright. Give her QR2.

Looks like everyone elses horse team

I'd like to say it's just desserts for loli Tharja, but honestly it's just because the gauntlet has only been up for two hours. In 42 more hours, the multiplier will only be 2.5x what it is now, and won't be enough for Priscilla to cross such a huge difference.

Remove yourself

I have all the ingredients to make a gronnblade/close counter/vantage Bunilla, but I don't have Hinoka. Would she still be worth using with an Eirika?

You just went full retard, why would you 5* a neutral one? Sure hope your Reinhard was a 5* pull and not a promotion as well

Is there a way to prevent Fin from being put to sleep in chapter 12? I'd like to use him to capture Salem but only Dagda has more HP and I can't keep Fin rescued until the sleep charges run out because I need to finish in 6 turns and Karin needs to transfer Leaf as well.

Both Reinhardts were summoned at 5*, the first was just -Atk.

>says wants to try fun builds/comps
>use the same 4 horse units anyways

Looking good, if you somehow get a Celica Distant Defense is ideal on Xander.
Get DB3 and a better B skill for Reinhardt and that's pretty much all you can do besides maybe making Cecilia into a blade tome user.

I like Elise but I love Priscilla much more, I guess I have to accept the fact that imoutos always win.

Will Priscilla actually have a chance? I don't think I've seen Elise deal with an upset this large even in the first few hours for any of her other matches, though that may be in part to the fact that it's just 2 teams now and not 8.

CC doesn't sound like a good idea. You want to run her in a full flier team, so she should be repositioned at all times after sniping enemies and never see defensive combat. Rather give her fury or even Michalis' shield to neutralize archers. You're proabably better off using Nino if you don't have fliers.

What do I want to put on her A/Assist slot?

>Her A(nal) Slot
Your D

How the hell did Priscilla gain like a 2 million lead? I'm not complaining but holy shit

A is for Anal.

My dick, why would you give her a seal skill over Desperation or a breaker tho? Did you just think "Hey, fuck Frederick"

>release some great skills for high HP units like panic ploy and fire boost
>next batch of units are all low HP

multiplier and apparently more priscillafags are awake than expected

>Fuck Frederick
Don't mind if I do.


But Priscilla is an imouto too!

And I like her better for the most part but Elise reminds me too much of my own imouto not to support her

so you can sacrifice them for your Zephiel

Rev up those Soft Boys and Henries.

Memes. And I don't think she has enough speed to pull off a Desperation build effectively.

>Fuck Frederick
As much as I liked to stare at his abs, I planned to off him for her from the beginning.

Killing Nino for Draw Back!

Teeta in Heroes when?


I love her!

maybe it's for the best that she stay out of it. even wrathful and dazzling didn't make healers good


Bull-fucking-shit she does

is there a special prize for rank 1-1000 in arena, or no.

She's got 34 Spd nigga, not fast as fuck but she reaches 41 with Fury and buffs and 44 with Darting Blow and buffs

Can imoutos be this lewd?

I want to marry Nino and love her every single day!

She's one of the only staff users I can think of that I would be excited about them adding.
We're definitely going to be getting more staff users so I might as well find something to look forward to.

I'm really grateful for you for posting this all the time. It really helps me get through my days and makes me happy.

That implies I have either Fury or Darting Blow. I have neither unfortunately.

>She reminds me too much of my own imouto
>Ball-fucking-shit she does

Do you want to lewd your own imouto user?

who drew this?


Why does Japan love highpitched girls so much? If I was Zeke I would've let her get sacrificed for Nuibabas breast enhancement surgery

roy, age 25

>tfw -atk +def nino


>I'll work really hard for you. Cross my heart and hope to die!
Who else here always smile when they hear this line?

This is a nice post

That useless girl dying makes me smile

Nino was pretty cool in 7 once she got over her sniff sniff phase. Too bad her fanbase is literally Re:ddit!

I hope to die every day anyway, but knowing Nino will work really hard to make it happen brings me a smile and some tears

WTT melon Tiki for lewd Robin.

Here's one, now give me that melon


Wwwaaayyy to early for flag burning. If i were an Elisebro i woukd play without feathers until the last 10 hours, then reevulate.

what do you think of Summer FRobin Fury/Vantage?


>vantage without DC memes

kinda useless.

a thorough analysis on axe infantry, Part 1

22 def

Go desperation instead.


>a thorough analysis on axe infantry, Part 1
I'll save you some time
They all suck because they are infantry

a thorough analysis on axe infantry, Part 2

32 def

hmm yes very thorough


It's like Arthur is the only axe infantry that has the defense to match his armor. Unless you want to say that Hawkeye's abs can deflect all that damage

It ain't really about Tiki being bulky, but rather the enemies losing their will to attack her once they witness such glorious tits
I mean fuck, just look at her I'd let her smash me with as many melons as she wants

Squeezing Tiki's melons

What should i pass as active to my newly acquired F.Robin ? My options are Moonbow , Iceberg , Glimmer , Luna

Robin even said so.
>"Greetings to you from your friend [Friend]! This swimsuit? It'll throw off the enemy's concentration! Tell me, can you focus on battle right now? Nope!"

These 2x sp weekends are gonna be interesting. I can just farm 10th stratum during the weekend for heroes that need sp, and do quests during the week. Now if they only added daily quests.

narcissistic girl
she doesn't have the body of titki

>tfw no friends with summer units


Did they already patch the lower battery usage while in sleep mode? It sure feels like it.

Even if they had them they'd probably wait until the gauntlet is over to put them as their castle lead

What they need to do is give double HM as well, fucking badges just keep piling up

but I want to use them in gauntlet ;_;
it's the only time I can use them.

Is summer really just as excuse to get lewd in Japan?

Holy shit Tiki's asscrack is really censored.

uhh what did you expect when NoA gets involved?

Isn't it everywhere? Girls really slut it up here with their hotpants and mini skirts.