/bdog/ Black Desert online

>What is BDO?
Black Desert Online is a Korean MMORPG by Pearl Abyss. It features action-oriented combat, open world PvP territory control, player housing, unlimited levels, life skills, and more.

>Latest Patch Notes

>Guides, guilds, Olvia Channel FAQ, and other info
pastebin.com/tGWk2bru (embed)

>new /bdog/ Discord

>EnHANCEMENT it's fucking >ENHANCEMENT< Guide

Newfags might be overwhelmed by the information overload at the beginning. Do yourself a favor and "turn off system notifications" in the Settings>Game options. Check everything in that window.
Avoid lag by turning off High End mode in the Settings>Screen tab. Be sure to check "Remove other's effects" and uncheck "Display other's names" for an enjoyable world boss experience.
For everyone's sake, read the links, Google it, and Ctrl+F, BEFORE asking the same stupid question other people previously have in the same thread.
If you don't know if the game is "worth it," ask for a guest pass in the thread.

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Sometimes I forget asymmetry is a feature in the creator.


Cool looking Chumb' OP, keep up the quality BDOG posts!

Would anyone like to be my bdo bf?

I would like to shower someone in pearl shop items and just generally spend all of my time with them. You have to be a neet and ideally spend most of your time with me.

I have been here for over half year and never heard of Nyanpi so care to enlighten me?


It's a naaki clone

make the tits smaller and you're a decent

>all the beginner guides are useless and just tell you all the things you can do, but now how to do it, in what order, how to progress through the game etc.

I'm not.

Hopefully the new discord won't turn to shit like the old one from launch.

Hit 50
Learn how to afk fish, do it whenever not playing
Energy Full? Gather, Not full? Grind

Ta-Da quick guide on what to do first, everything else you can do as you go

That's because each of those activities have a guide of their on. Say you want to do some fishing, google bdo fishing guide and they will teach how to do it.
How hard of concept is this for you?

So I should just go ahead and hit 50 without knowing how anything in this game works, except maybe the map so I know where the next level-appropirate enemies are?
Not even bother with trying to hunt down bag spaces and such?

That's nice an all, but a sort of guid of how those systems tie into each other would be nice.

>That's nice an all, but a sort of guid of how those systems tie into each other would be nice.

They are fucking complex and length, good luck trying to keep a new player engaged on it, when they see they are reading a fucking book.

As you get to 50 you'll uncover the map, figure shit out as you see the world, and get the contribution to do any of the node stuff.
You need energy to lifeskill and a lot of other stuff. You get it from Talking to NPCs and killing shit.
Contribution is for nodes, housing, etc and you get from quests.

Hitting 50 builds a good foundation of resources to do anything

follow the pocketnigga quests first, they give you bag space and a general idea how systems work and also points yo to level-appropiate grindig spots + showers you with blackstones and beginner gear


>I have been here my whole life but I can't actually read.
Alright bud.

No I mean something like "Lifeskill/Mechanic A is good for B and C, and best picked up early/later on. You can find proper guides online/here [link]".

Wǒ shì cìkè. Bùshì nǐ.

user, BDO really isn't structured like that. A lot of systems tie into nodes and housing and contribution points and so on, so in general it would be useful to read a guide on those, but there isn't really a set direction of things you have to accomplish. It would be counter-intuitive to explain the whole web of how things work together to you because its so lengthy, that's why no one really wants to just hold your hand through it.

Most of learning BDO is just going out and doing whatever you want to do, and in the meantime you look up guides for that specific activity and learn what you need to do for it.
Otherwise, if you really want to learn everything all at once, look up the BDO bible, it's a gigantic guide that will explain everything for you but it's going to be a shitload of reading when you could instead just play and figure things out as you go.

Post you're crush


Phunk is my crush, but she will never love me.

>want to try bdo again after buying it at launch
>need 83gb patch

is this shit normal? how fucking big is this game

I know that witch

Might be because i actually play the game and don't really care what some erp tamer has to say in /bdog/.

we all know that witch

>turn all system notifications off
>still shows them

i want to breed with /bdog/

You gotta do the cooking by the book.

shut up retard


>I actually play this game
>24/7 I am grinding sausan
Just stop.


>I just make some shit up and pretend i've won this conversation

sardine members are all cuties

Good job amazon goddess!

how pathetic
>whyfu literally played every day since beta
>gets stomped on by some ERPtard

Hot! Hot!

Heilang Knot!

Piping hot Knot!

Yummy cummy in my tummy!

Red hot Knot!

Heilang Knot! ~

wait the new discord just degraded into an erp zone

Nǐ zhēn xìngyùn

hahahaha, that's just pathetic, what shitter guild is Whyfu from?

*kills u*


God, shut the fuck up you annoying moron

inner circle


I want Bangui to forcefully hug me

Why make a waifu when you can make something cool?

Post your character!

uh hello could i get an order of broccoli and shrimp with pork fried rice

>whyfu destroyed so hard all they can do is cower in town

So I was planning on buying from the pearl shop today, but the coupons that spammed me all week are now gone.

When are there sales, how often? When is the next?


Trial just ran out.

What now?

inner circle is worse than the RPers I've met, they sit around circlejerking and doing nothing, then complain about erp, yet they are just as boring as the people they are talking about

go grind, go fish, do something, no wonder you lost to sardine, they actually play the game

Buy the game.


>inner circle loses to sardine
>they stop posting

Its just one member who lost to Sardine

They only have one member that I've seen. That chink poster.

>thinking inner circle can beat anyone
lmfao dude stop they quit playing forever ago and only shitpost, come on its no wonder a real guild can easily beat them

Zhège càidān shàng yǒu hěnduō hǎochī de cài

>its only 1 guy
>its only the strongest player in our dead guild since he is the only one who still plays


I've been playing since august/september of last year but I took about a 6 month break from the game. Just hit the 3k hours achievement a few days ago anyway.

I never thought this guy had a use til now.

you're wonderful

y-yes eggroll plz

>full tri boss weps, muskan tree armor
>all the rest trash
What the fuck is that gear all over the place.

>someone lost to this
how pathetic do you have to be, I guess you just have to be Whyfu

Is that 30 dollar package worth it? Or should I get the $8 one?

Alternatively, does anyone want a polar bear?

>playing a game with a botnet

"lol no one care what kind of porn you look at xD"

Thats not the fucking point. Its a keylogger and a harddrive scanner and I'd rather not have a Chinese company know the password to my bank account and other personal accounts.

Can it really do those things? Are you talking about xigncode or whatever?


>coming to a thread for a game you dont play in an attempt to redpill the community

>I'd rather not have a Chinese company know the password to my bank account and other personal accounts

hahahahahahahahaha, you use windows and I bet you faggot even got an iPhone, hypocricy much


>baiting people when i originally came to the thread to find out whether or not it was true, only to get (yous)telling me that it is and that it shouldnt matter to me anyway.

*shakes hand* hello fellow redditor! Good to see another familiar face here!

never been to your tard site, never reply to me again

Liǎng bǎi wǔ shí kuài

>you use windows
Linux, w/ Win7 custom dualboot.
>you use iPhone
Throwaway nokia prepaid phone

youre a cuck.

i bet most people who shitpost about xigncode being a botnet and keylogger spent at lest a few 100$ on the cashshop and just a reddit meme spouter

>Burner phone.

what about the hardware?

>burner phone

well fedora'd my friend

>never reply to me again

you keep telling me you aren't from reddit but you keep on talking like one!

further proof you are a fellow redditor! *nods head*

>caring that much that you lie
Hahaha, poor little faggot

overkill for what i use linux for but for gaming its fine.

I don't need the internet when I'm not home and I don't text people.

Wǒ hěn shāngxīn.

About to buy the game. Is there anyone who needs/wants a polar bear here?

You could buy me a gift pass and I'll repay you with a $10 steam game or something. Or I guess a pearl shop item if that is possible. I dont have paypal, sorry.

>2 $50 hard drives
>one free open source OS
>one cracked OS
>$30 throw away phone

I don't know what you're trying to prove.

Is there a mod for higher resolution Textures? Armor or Skin? If no, why not?

looks like a caricature of my character desu

How does she make money?

I love you

>losing to sardine
leave cuck

what's the best way to get a +15 rosar staff? I never see any on the marketplace and I'm pretty sure it's not yet cost efficient for me to enhance one myself.

poo long bao wu chi ding dong kong strong bong calpheon

Better luck next time, poor chink

Wǒ cóng sǔnshī zhōngxué dào liǎo bù huì yǒu xià yīcì.