Dueling Network General - /dng/

YGO General #2541
da tru Edition
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>YGOPro (Mac): mediafire.com/file/6vvclua195urlb9/ygopro-1.033.D-Percy.dmg
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Useful Links:
>Current Official Rulebook: yugioh-card.com/en/rulebook/EN_SDSE_Rulebook.pdf
>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players: yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
>Official /dng/ ruling test: testmoz.com/466984
>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator: yugioh.party/
>Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market: yugiohprices.com/

>OCG decklists:
>TCG decklists:

>TCG/OCG news sites:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Circuit Break (July 8th)
●OCG: Deck Build Pack: Spirit Warriors (August 11st)
●OCG: Extra Pack 2017 (September 9th)
●OCG: Structure Deck R: Surge of Divine Radiance (September 23rd)
●OCG: Extreme Force (October 14th)

●TCG: Pendulum Evolution (June 23rd)
●TCG: Battles of Legend: Light's Revenge (July 7th)
●TCG: Starter Deck: Link Strike (July 21st)
●TCG: Code of Duelist (August 4th)
●TCG: 2017 Mega-Tins (August 25th)
●TCG: Legendary Duelists (September 8th)

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So dead.

We're gonna be dead at least until CODU/Tins/New Banlist. Get used to it.

Share fun decks.

how do we make it so not ded?

>He thought Links would save the game

who are you quoting?

this looks boring

____ Spam.dek is always boring to some.

Host a tourney.

Host a tournament with prize money.

The problem is we're stuck with another and and a half months of Zoodiac, and even then, nothing that is getting revealed in the OCG looks like it's going to change much. Altergeists might be competitive, maybe. That might require Zoodiacs and True Kings being hit to unplayability, and Dinosaurs hit on top of that. We need some good cards to discuss, and not just things like Struggling Battle that will be teched into existing decks to make the game more cancerous.

and specially link spam since they are relative new

I missed this dueling platform.

Making DN scrubs salty was my favourite pastime

I had this happen to me last night.

What anime archetype/cards are you waiting for? Im waiting on Leo's Spirit Pendulums

All of them

Anyone else here stopped playing the game because Ygopro won't update with Links? I know that animated ygopro 2 has it but I don't feel like playing that shit.

>can't test how link rules affect my preLink decks
>can't test Link archetypes (Trickstars can function without theirs but not so much for the others)
>the sinking feeling that the testing I'm doing now is all irrelevant

Exactly, what's the point of playing under dead rules?

I'm waiting on the Armor and Valkyries from DM

The GEM and Darkness cards from GX

The rest of the synchrons from 5ds

The last Galaxies and Sharks from Zexal

Anything unprinted from Arc-V season 1.


Make some new decks to play competitively.

Anybody can play casual but competitive is what makes the game interesting.

The problem is that 6 months or more with deck gets stale really easily.

Apologies if this questioned is answered elsewhere in advance but I have a query about link format. Say I popped something that doesnt create more zones for me in my link zone, like an Imduk, and I have an assortment of cards in other zones. The opp uses raigeki or some field clear and I chain starlight road. Can stardust be summoned to an empty monster zone? Does the fact it is a special summon change anything?

Post cards that are just alright

Stargrails will make tier 1

I believe that you would be able to summon Stardust because you're bypassing the whole extra deck summon thing. I believe Mask heroes works the same way? I don't know for sure though since YGOpro won't fucking update so I can;t test anything

Any decks which can use this?

Man I have the same issue. Really special summons should be able to be performed on ED monsters, as summoning them from the grave works. Makes me wonder what happens if you Shiens Spy then lose your link
Its generic rank 8 so a fair few. Its a slightly more protected and expensive abyss dweller though

I have a copy of it in my Galaxy-Eyes / Blue Eyes rank 8 spam deck. A rank 8 worse but still kind of okay Abyss Dweller can come in handy

I believe it was that if it is summoned from the extra deck it must go to the EMZ, which fucks over Ultimaya as you might imagine

>Rank 8 got an Abyss Dweller

When's the Rank 8 Castel and Utopia the Lightning?

Also, didn't this guy have a Rank 7 counterpart which punishes Pot of Memes?

>Also, didn't this guy have a Rank 7 counterpart which punishes Pot of Memes?
Cybeast Diablosis, which if the leak for Light's Revenge is accurate, is not coming to the TCG any time soon.

Its not even as good as Abyss Dweller because all it prevents is monsters being revived and not effects from activating.

Seriously though what the fuck is up with the rank 8 pool being so bad? The only generic card worth really summoning is Hope Harbinger and even that isn't really that good. Give up something please, the fucking rank 7 and 3 pool is better at this point

Well of course. Wouldn't want people to potentially have an easily obtainable counter to Desires when it's getting reprinted in the tins, good goy

>R7 pool is better
>can't out high attack hexproof/towers clone monsters at all unless they meme using three mats make No 7 and get a high roll or rely on topdecking a kaiju
there's a reason why any R7 deck cried when they see something like dark destroyer/ulti falcon sat on the field.

>Rank 8
>worse than Rank 7 and 3

>when Galaxy-eyes and family exists
>when Felgrand exists
>when Alsei exists

Rank 7 is stuck with Draccosack, Flare Metal and Big Eye for years while Rank 3 only has what's left of Burning Abyss and Phantom Knights.

What I don't get is that Italian YGO said their source is a guy on Zodiac Duelist, and the Zodiac Duelist guy said his source is Italian YGO. I'll be mad if they end up being right about the leak despite blatantly lying to us about their sources.

Just remember this, ANYTHING from the Extra Deck MUST go to the EMZ or Linked Zones.

Isn't Spring the better counter to Pot of Desires?

You can only use Cybeast in R7 decks and they're all a giant joke and not the good type of joke.

Yeah but the problem is the graveyard conditions make me think there are other extenuating circumstances. Really considering how hard a nerf this is to regular playstyles special summoning wouldnt even make a difference


Okay /dng/, I've made a challenge for myself: Creating a deck that can summon Cyber Dragon Infinity "properly".
The deck doesn't need to be competitive, this is just for shits and giggles. What cards should I add to make my objective more consistently possible? Pic related is as far as I've gotten.

That hasn't been printed? Cathy's Cats

Summonng them from the GV puts them into the MMZ because ypu aren't summoning them from the Extra Deck.
The only important thing here is where the card originates from
Extra Deck = EMZ/Linked Zones
Anywhere else = MMZ

>the leaks were real
If only he was reprinted earlier when Blue-eyes was in his prime

The fuck do you mean "properly?"
Is Galaxy Soldier not properly?

"easily obtainable"


Probably meant 3 light machine-types, instead of using Nova.

Oh that makes tons more sense! Thanks my man

And there it is just 3 minutes after I posted. Why do people get to be right even when blatantly lying like this?

No one plays Cardians, dummy

Shut up, faggo, go back to jerking it to ghosts.

Using 3 Level 6 LIGHT Machines (the "proper" Summoning condition) instead of ranking-up from Nova.
As you might be aware, Galaxy Soldier is in fact Level 5, not 6.

Then why is Nova in his extra deck?

>Make CDI 3 Level 6 Light Machines
>When there are about 3 IN THE ENTIRE GAME

What were they thinking?

Gimmick Puppet Disaster Leo's materials are 4 level 9s, but the only way to summon him is by ranking up regular Leo.

That they only wanted Cyber Dragons to use Infinity

All Series 9 cards banned when?
I actually like the low power levels and almost anti-synergistic card designs, but they won't get a spot in the spotlight with Series 9 cards still around.

>ygo anniversary
>make an era that almost killed ygo, both in the game and the anime
Arc-V era a shit.

Cards sold well sold well in the Arc-V era

who is this qt3.14

>locals starts in an hour
>the mail hasn't come with the last few cards I need

Was referring to Series 10 cards on the second sentence by the way.

Will there ever be a YGO worse than Arc-V?

Yeah. Zexal.

>playing irl

It killed the game in my heart.

But seriously though, while I liked the DT stuff and lores, and even excluding the existence of Zoodiac and Master Peace, that era still had a lot of cancerous shit. I understand that good cards sell, but I wish they could have done it a bit more, I don't know, elegantly? DUEA and so on just increased the power levels too high and too quickly, especially when compared to older cards, and now we're stuck in this boring format.

Especially now that because Konami decided to be sensible and decided to lower the ridiculously high power level with the new sets, meaning there's nothing to power creep Series 9 cards and they're here to stay.

>there's nothing to powercreep the Series 9 cards so they're here to stay

For now, they're taking baby steps to start off Vrains but by next year, we'll see full EDs of Links

> collect cards as a kid
> can't play because no friends until one in middle school
> always lose because 1) my decks were shit and I didn't "get" how to play due to lack of practice
> and 2) because he had a functional deck that would allow him to lock in a win fairly quickly
> year later, we get sent YGOPRO download
> I can now kick his ass most of the time unless he's using his coin flip gimmick deck
Simply sublime

That's a lot of shit taste.


What the fuck


Whoops wrong thread.

>making a 3-mat magnus with cardians

We saved you from the gruesome clutch of Pendulums! Buy Links and download Duel Links!

I need dumb deck ideas

>All Series 9 cards banned when?
Bad taste confirmed

Cute birb


Holy SHIT these are some nice reprints
I was planning on buying a box but I'm probably gonna end up getting two

Hardcasting Infinity is gonna be difficult. Your best bet is probably playing ABCXYZ, and focusing on getting XZ, XY, and YZ on field
You could also try doing regular CyDra things, but also normal summon Jumbo Drill to make the CyDras level 6

Kill yourself.

try igknight exodia. drawing your whole deck with heart of the underdog is too fun

1 mat xyz summons

SEriously you maked me laugh

>tfw this was in Zexal

Arc-V was the golden age of Yugioh.

Oh, I mean 1 mat xyz summons using maindeck monsters

In anime terms. Arc-V did a lot of damage and even until today we still take damage.
But in the card game it give us support for literal all and every kind of type/summon card.
So it's half excellent and half mistake?

somehow, miyamoto musashi.
blame fate/grand order

>still no diagram reprint

So did I.

Doesn't look enough like a hobo who gave up a woman for swords

The anime was sadly flawed after episode 50 because of Synchro, Kaito and Crow, but I still 'liked' it. It also had the best waifus.

And outside of Zoodiac and True Draco, the Arc-V card game era was great. Plenty of fun Archetypes and support for all summon methods. Pity that Vrains will be a Linkception.

Pendulums were a fair concept except for how easily they could resummon themselves every turn
If they couldn't do that they would be balanced, but also rubbish, so it's a tricky conundrum
Pendulums became 'kill as many of my own Pendulum monsters as possible so I can Soul Charge them all back for free' instead of a tool to help make summoning other monsters easier

I shit you not I am wasting my time brewing with this guy.

already thinking of spirit barrier, yang zing unleashed, dimension guardian, raregold armor, and infected mail for the OTK

True Draco is fine, Pepe was what left a stain on the era.

Why is summon cloud a continuous spell card aside from just wanting to make it even worse. Did it really need a nerf?

also give me sweet tecs to spice this thing up

It's a useful term.

Decode Talker

What is that shit BG?