/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General

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cute cats please

me and my husband

are FATEs still the most efficient way to level? I just solo'd one at my level and only got 7,000 xp, seems pretty trash.

Palace of the Dead is, but only up until level 60.

Person who made this thread, can you make the next one too? Basically anything so that idiot won't force himself anymore.

Has been a long time that they've been, hasn't it?
Right now it should be doing PvP depending on your level.

Where the fuck is the summer event?

Potd is better if you're a dps. Stormblood fates can give up to 900k exp (boss fate+2x exp bonus)


idk, I last played before heavensward and just resubbed a week ago and started a fresh new char with my buds.
how does XP gain work in palace of the dead? dont you start at level 1 in that?

Plains or dunes lala?

I made the thread because we were almost at the bump limit, not because I have a vendetta against someone. I'll check back throughout the day when I'm not playing video games or working to see if another one needs to be made, though.

I'm going to marry a Lalafell!

I'm enjoying this outfit a bit much, the tank one is a much better color than striking.

Why is there so many people here?

I haven't seen this concentration of people yet playing this game

>how does XP gain work in palace of the dead? dont you start at level 1 in that?

Yes but when you finish 10 floors you get a exp chunk equivalent to what your real character level.

i said cute not slutty guttertrash

Palace of the Dead.

Quarrymill, South Shroud near Gridania by the way

palace of the dead
good xp grind

you can unlock it pretty early, level 15 i think?

Thanks, you're cool

I just believe avatarfagging in the op has no place as it causes shitstorm within the thread and that person has been doing that a lot the last week

if only you didnt look like shit then the thread could enjoy it as well

You start at level 1 inside the instance and gradually gain levels as you kill monsters. When you exit the instance upon completion of a successful run, you're granted EXP for your overworld level.

Is it always like this? The locals must be fucking pissed, its the middle of the night and there's a fuck ton of rowdy adventurers outside

I've been told to play through all the MSQ to level the fastest

>I've been told to play through all the MSQ to level the fastest
For a first character MSQ is always the fastest and easiest way.

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

>The locals
>a mill camp
>suppliers and merchants
>tons of adventurers
The "locals" are northeast, the merchants and leve master are happy to have the business.

talking about it can get confusing, but by the time you reach floor 50, your character level in palace of the dead will be 60. when you beat the boss on floor 50 you get the option to start on floor 51 instead of floor 1, which is valuable because starting at floor 51 puts your character level at 60, so you have the majority of your skills.

most people will continuously speedrun 51-60 repeatedly for the most xp. with a decent group, 10-12 minute runs are possible which grant by far the most xp possible until your character reaches level 60 outside of palace of the dead.

here's a graph showing how much xp a run will give you from levels 51-60.

On a side note, pvp at 60 gives 580k ish exp and sirensong dungeon gives roughly 1.7m with your typical exp bonuses (FC, food, rested)

Does doing the MSQ for ARR > HW > SB get a first character to 70?

New player here, what server should I play on? (EU)

How is pvp compared to this?

I want to level DRK but dungeons at 30 are boring

potd is pretty boring too.

Yes, you can even save a bunch of sidequests to level alt jobs too, though don't expect to get another 70 off them but they give a nice boost.

Why did Seto do that?

Oh good. I've been skipping like every single sidequest

good thread; psychopath hasnt managed to force himself

50% armory and 100% armory what do those mean? I know it has to do with your having a max level character but when do you get one or the other?

There are a number of new worlds that grant bonuses for new characters at this time that you might find appealing. Here's information on it.


xth for midlanders, hope everyone's off to a good morning

you'll want to do some of the ones with blue + symbols, that signifies it unlocks something.

Post cute roes

I've skipped so many I have no idea how I'm going to be able to go back and find them all


There's a progression chart linked in the pastebin in the OP if you're unsure of where to go to unlock things.

a REAL roegadame

Please leave this general, thanks. You did nothing but cause shit in ffxivg recently because of your new "fun".

The fog up here is kinda wild

>Get new leggings from quest
>Replaces my character's skirt with shitty tights

Oh that's useful, I see it

would you marry a lala

dont feed him, dont even reply to him and he'll get bored

I'd rather eat one

Have a lovely rest of your day, anons.

Ahl pls

What are you all doing to lvl your DPS classes to 70? The queues are long as hell


Memeing softly.


So what is the Red Mage mana exploit?

Tfw posted in the wrong thread.

Yeah what they said. Someone please explain


how do you do it from 15-70 without wanting to commit suicide?


i posted in the wrong thread too.

potd til 60, then pvp 60 -70.

consider a jump potion.

100% armory bonus applies all the way to 60 I believe. You only get 50% from 61 until 70.

This is when leveling a combat class lower than your max level combat class.

this guy has the right of it: Basically, potd is the most efficient thing to do until 60. If you have access to fast queues (you or a buddy you queue with plays healer or tank) dungeons break even until ~57ish, at which point they start to become slightly more efficient.

Below 57: POTD>Dungeon spam>PVP
57-60: Dungeons>POTD>PVP
Above 60: Dungeons>PVP

Reminder, doing things that aren't fun to you at all is a fast-track to burnout. I would encourage you to do the things you find the most fun at the time, regardless of efficiency. If you're not having fun there's no point in playing.

Happy Canada Day, Anons.

xth for reportlanders

>If you're not having fun there's no point in playing.

wtf i hate ffxiv now

Actually like the content. Stop letting people tell you grinding is what you should do.
Personally, I got my Class to 30 in the deep dungeon before going to PvP which I find fun.

Canada has no core identity ;)

happy ixion waiting day



>thought that was just a catposter and completely passed over the post
>sperganon helps me fill my Liora folder
You are a life-saver. This has happened like three times now!

i actually feel like a final fantasy character

Do all races and classes have different standing/running/sitting/etc animations or are they recycled?

Happy tincan day!

Me too!

This is hot.

Can you only have one color for your facial tattoos?
Would love to have different colors to match my heterochromia cat.

>Veeky Forums's trigger word

cirina is so perfect


>how do you do it from 15-70 without wanting to commit suicide?

cute kpop girls do the trick for me, blastin PRISTIN as I type

"I swear to the fucking Twelve that I'll kill those birds for waking me up this early."

She's super cute.

{Do you have it?}

Only doing stuff I enjoy. It's why I don't use Palace to level shit

Are you Mol?


Mol-st would say so.

You the Mol girl?
>people complaining about their own lack of imagination during this quest

What can I do with my old lore and scripture now? Just came back.

all the gear costs poetics in idyl now.

>shirou thirsting after catboys
not even surprised t b h

Good morning my guys and fake gals. What is everyone up to today?


trade them for poetics at Mor Dhona where you used to buy Ironworks stuff

wishing I was jerking off a catboy
