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Freshâ„¢ Edition

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Starlight x Fresh OTP

Reminder that YTC does not take days off for summer holidays.

>Frequent Updates listed as a feature
>last update May 16th


Let it be known that Mr Proper taunted me to go out in the wildy after killing me while I had no gear and then proceeded to run away from the fight while Jews did his dirty work

Your fault idiot

Running away like a pussy is my fault? Please explain

>getting baited this hard
>being lower iq than estonians
you deserved it

There are no rules in the wilderness
If you weren't a huge noobert that did some pking when runescape was actually a good game you would know this

It was 3 v 1 and he still ran away

@cya@pls come back, it's so lonely out here

@red@ OMW

Slling magic wood

selling skills necks 300k ea

wts cooking skill cape 1mil

can you bump?

wts cucking cape 1mil


From the wiki:
>Have the crystal key in your inventory and go to the rogue's castle in the wilderness. Remember, DO NOT TELEPORT with it in your inventory- this includes the ardougne lever to the mage arena. After a while, an NPC will appear to give you your reward. The reward always contains an uncut dragonstone.

wtf i tried it and it created mustard gas

its kidna slow. I had to wait like 20 minutes for the mage to show up and give me the dstone and shit. Got a left shield half tho

Can you tele with the key halves?


I heard there was a duping bug. Anyone know how to do it?

yea senpai lemme write it all out in the general where every player and mod can read it

::dupe itemName #


>complaining about free game

>pathing can place you behind locked doors you can't open
epic server

>advertised feature isn't present

Honestly though, as long the server doesn't go down, I'm personally fine. Look at the disaster than updates are in RS3 and OSRS

I don't get paid to code this

are you saying you'd fuck it all up if you were payed to do it?


I paid* your mom last night to lick my ass

did I do it right? Sorry for my petty mistake.

tfw mummy licks my ass for free just for being a goodboy

hot desu


Why should i write a thank you based Fresh?

Literally no one likes Fresh

i like fresh

Fresh is dumb (this is an objectively true statement, no matter your opinions on the matter), but I like Fresh

fix this

no lol


>not Unregistered HyperCam 2
fix your life nigga

if you're still around, come over to varrock west bank and I'll show you

That's probably the most gamebreaking bug I've ever seen on a private server in terms of PKing.

Odel fix this

the ammount of people that have escaped thanks to this really rustles my jimmies

t. jewsdid911

clearly you were not around when YTC was duping items thanks to playerkilling :^)


Yes, latent is busy winning the 20k USD in deadman so he cba

my.mixtape.moe/ningui.jpg Just put me out of my misery please

trying too hard imo

It was only 5 minutes each so it's ok


you just did

thank you based Fresh

I can't pick up the cat in Underground Pass. Can someone help me please?

I already looked through the witch's window

ign Saigon

stop trying to stick it in your ass

nvm solved. Needed to talk to another one of the dwarves.


baldbeast is bacc


discord.gg/HKseWYQ is a "never expire" link

fuck you bro
no one else go 2 this virus link

wtf dolphin porn keeps popping up on my screen how do I stop this please stop

mine is also

who in this


mostly newfags, a couple of oldfags there to laugh at newfags

I use it for trading

post 'em

Discord is a botnet.

this is embarrassing akistor

yeah i know :(

sorry meant for

also me



bro marijuana haha

the 93 you have in slayer is more significant than any 99 you have.

thread saving bump 6


thats because of all the pc shitters these days

newfag here how exactly does PC work?

lots of wires and circuit boards

Thanks friendo








What is this

it's me boop c:




Give me a list of best in slot shields, in descending order of difficulty to acquire