>central yharnam
Left out pigs and dogs, aliens, Brainsuckers and crows.
>old yharnam
Left out crows
>Cathedral Ward
Left out Church Giants, crows, Brainsuckers, dogs, Yahar'gul sackmen
Left out Mad Ones, Blade dogs and crows
Left out the big sneks, dogs, two varieties of ayylmaos, clotheless Church Giants, worms
You ignored it like a faggot but :
Plantmen, Brainsuckers and Giant Alien Centipedes
Pigs, Cramped Caskets (skeleton masses), Sackmen, dogs, Pthumerian Bell Maidens
Left out worms and gargoyles.
>Nightmare frontier
The silverbeasts aren't werewolves you cockmongler. Also there are Winter Lanterns (those weird singing brain things), two varieties of slug things in the swamp, aggressive scurrying beasts
Left out Winter Lanterns, crowdogs, dogcrows, pigs
I'm not even going to bother with the DLC because I'm dealing with some assblasted Pcuck who didn't even play the game.