World of Warcraft General - /wowg/

Kill yourself if you are a : furry, retard, shitposter, and shit general maker.


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Pezado A SHIT

Whatever happened to Magni?

>Kill yourself if you are a
>shit general maker
Go for it

TFW everything you like is reddit-tier

fuck chromie

every time i walk into my class hall i see this staff in the pedestal that belongs to the meme sheep staff

and then i feel like screeching until my lungs burst

So I know that Unholy is better than Frost at the moment, but is Unholy actually good, or are they both fairly shit, just with Unholy being better?

both shit

thats because warcraft is reddit

Unholy is reasonably good atm but mostly you just want extra grips and CRs

it's actually good

death coil


gameking, akrios, orangemarmalade, grim

Can't decide what kind of alt I'd like to play. Main is hunter, melee/ranged isn't terribly relevant to me, I just like mobility and non complex gameplay. Warrior maybe? Considering Balance druid as well.

>non complex gameplay
you main a hunter so that was obvious
unfortunately the bar doesn't go any lower

tfw waiting for gummy

you just described demonhunter
the class is super mobile and spams one button most of the time enjoy my man

dude worgen or female nelf for a boomy?

i know summer 2016 cant come soon enough

>sometimes it's called Tear of Elune, sometimes Tears of Elune
gj Blizz sweetie

I feel like arms and fury have been pretty fun this xpac, demon hunters have been pretty fun too

Also I main an enhancement shaman and I like it a lot. Or any meter spec really.

Melee *


havent been playing since legion launch basically.

are any of the following fun AND viable in pve currently?

havoc(eye beams) dh

ww monk

uh dk

balance drud

what's that site called where you can create multiple choice questions that people can then vote the answer for?

>11 hours played and still no lego
did blizzard mean i should buy a token and get a crafted lego? damn these guys are so generous

Sub pvp is amazing now.

Balance is top 3, dh is irregular memery, ww got trashed, uh is midrange.


that's the one, thanks

convince me to resub

i want to play wow again but i don't want raiding to feel like a job but i also don't want to be a casual because i normally play in top 300 guilds


stop playing mmos

Last I tried DH I only played Vengeance, is Havoc super squishy still? My biggest gripe with DH is that I loathe the idea of playing a blood elf, and I'm not going to roll an alt on alliance. I'll take a look at enhancement a bit, thanks.

shit options

>no fem dwarf

remake this

both garbage

>Tumblr gif
>Hates playing the Veeky Forums race
>Doesn't play on the /wowg/ faction

Jesus christ just go back to wherever you came frmo

When is male human ever NOT the only correct answer?

Well i don't play horde and i'm also not a beta piece of shit who plays females so

still though dwarf gnome or even worgen have better casting animations

>Being THIS insecure


>not a beta piece of shit
and yet dwarf isn't an option

Are Shadow Priests actually viable at all for raiding if your raid group doesn't cater to your every whim? Sure they do HUGE DPS, but thats only if you never ever have to move. I love my Shadow Priest, but the more I read into strats for mythic (3/9M right now, but thats only after 1 day) it seems as if Shadow is incredibly inconsistent.

>Ability that requires people to get away from you when you are reaching high stacks
>If your guild mates dont move for you then you drop Voidform early and end up doing nothing DPS
>Certain bosses have mechanics where you don't have a target/have a heavy movement phase at times where you are reaching toward your peak Voidform for the fight

I am thinking about calling this tier a wash and working up a Melee DPS or something for Argus. I am busting my fucking balls this tier and I am getting cucked over by mechanics at every turn.

>Tfw I love the added mechanics of being RDPS but the only mobile one is BM Hunter

Just browse the forums while you wait. Watch all the carebears cry that the server is PvP. It's quality entertainment.


What DPS spec relies on their CDs the least for DPS?

>WoW has superior combat to FFXIV
>WoW has superior art style to FFXIV
>WoW has superior lore and story to FFXIV
>WoW has superior raiding and PvP to FFXIV
>WoW is way more popular of a game than FFXIV which has barely 500k players even with new expansion launch

So explain to me how WoW is constantly shity on in /v/ while Stormblood is praised nonstop? Is it just Veeky Forums being filled with weebs?

Stop afking in dalaran

dumb elf, into the lava you go

/v/ has grown bored of WoW after a decade of playing it

/v/ is also crawling with XIV shills

avenue celle

It's the weeb factor. Just visit /xvig/ and you will understand what people play it for. It isn't the gameplay.

It's hanging out with my BDK's legendary.

What does this mean

I think I remember havoc being pretty squishy at the lower 100s, I think they expect the mobility to make up for it.

There's a talent that gives you little soul chicks that heal you when you pick them up, and that helps a lot.

Whats the meme dps of the month, my fellow incels?

yeah but I'm 3/9M already and have done M+18. I'm literally better than you.

pulling the trigger, weebshit fotmfag

haha you outed urself as an incel

fuck off back to ffxiv you subhuman cunt

>15 minute loading screens
Where will it eeeeend

>TFW my rogue hit 110 and got two legos withing 24 hours.
One was the shitty cleave gloves, but the other was KJs wish. Both 970 :)


People who enjoy FFXIV do so for the barbie dress-up factor. That style of 'play' naturally lends itself to logging out of the game and talking about it publicly. WoW has that playerbase as well, but it's no where near as prolific.

If you enjoy WoW it's because of the gameplay, so during your leisure time you actually play the game rather than jerking off over your generic catgirl's dress.

sorry reddit i don't keep up to date with your buzzwords

>Tfw I have cleared all Normal/Heroic Raids each week for two weeks, as well as gotten all 3 weapons to Concordance using only M+ and have not gotten a legendary


>get DK to 110
>do lazy easy low level M+ runs for a day
>get BiS legendary
The drop rate depends on your skill.

fem human or fem draenei for paladin?

'kay so I bound imprison to num pad 1,2,3 and DH counterspell to 4,5,6 but I still have a bunch of bloody space on this mouse. what do?



what a needlessly complicated way of saying virgin


there's no such thing. They just don't try and thing a gf will just fall into their lap as opposed to working on their looks and personality.

how hyped would you be if blizzard oficaly abandon PvP

i would instantly resub

>nothing to do outside raids except afk in dalaran
I would be done with the game t b h

>176 kael thas kills

>Still no ashes mount



those fall into the nothing category

i went to brush my teeth and i still cant get rid of the taste of disgust ive witness when i qued into a battleground and wanted to enjoy it. One man army blood dk's soloing 3 players, tank healers rolling in (they dont even die unless atleast 3 or 4 depending if they use stuns or not) 1 cast healing to full everyone ruining my game expierience

what went wrong?




ride a Sunreaver Dragonhawk like any respectable Blood elf

*bashes you*
*cyclones you*
nothin personnel dps
*dashes away*
*heals the enemy team to full*

Is there any way to make a mouseover macro for the spell stolen by Dark Simulacrum?

I think they're trying to "take it back"

what is the state of tanks these days?

is blud good?

blud is gud

blood is the best tank in the game for lore purposes



>being so uncreative that you name all of your characters some variation of "pezado" with and without accent marks

Pathetic brainlet

>what went wrong?
the real problem is that nothing went right in the first place
there isn't a SINGLE expansion that doesn't have glaring flaws that completely ruin what little joy there is in PvPing as a non-fotm class/spec
>no DR on fear
>autoattacks waiting for chain windfury procs
>stunherald and mace specialization
>mana burn spam
>spending entire arena matches inside the same druid's cyclones
>ret paladins globalling people while immune to everything
>disc priests being literally immortal

agreed hes a faking noob

>mana burn spam
got flashbacks to when burning the boss' mana was actually a raid mechanic