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Final Fantasy Tactics is shit


Why didn't Cloud just use a phoenix down on Aeris?

Someone sucks too bad to think tactically.

When do we get a new one instead of fujo action simulator 15?

Anybody got a unit that can kill Spheromorph in FFBE? Really struggling with it and I just want the Razzmatazz.

use setzer, no elemental weapon and spam double dice

I agree

quick user, post IX-related stuff

I haven't bothered to do the event yet farming TMR for Tidus but is it really that bad? I assume I could just do non-elemental Tidus chains and use Rem's dagger boomerang to shred it alive.

The Raz would be nice for Lightning for her permanent arena only status.


> post rats
> post gay incest
> post pedobait
> post underage ass
No thanks

what the fuck deals dark magic on BE?

The sheer amount of HP on the thing plus the fact that most good damaging units/weapons have some form of element makes it a bitch. I'm gonna try what suggested in a bit. If it works I'll post my code so others can use my Setzer.

don't... push... your luck...

I ran with two setzers but one will still work, its all luck

she wasn't dead at that point, just in a shock, dead bodies float you know?

Bio spells and Darkga

Units that have Diabolos equipped should be able to cast Biora since you're forced to get it to unlock Demon Killer


>Toss the Trial reward ticket on the banner
>"Maybe I'll get lucky and pull zidane"
>Turns to gold, then rainbow

Oh fug, w-will I finally get Fryevia?

Well, i got what i wanted from this banner

Lightning is a sudden electrostatic discharge that occurs during a thunderstorm. This discharge occurs between electrically charged regions of a cloud (called intra-cloud lightning or IC), between two clouds (CC lightning), or between a cloud and the ground (CG lightning).

why the XIV girls always do lewd faces?

>able to instantly burn down Ifrit
>because the game gave me Freyvia, can't hurt Siren afterwards
Also why is their damage so high? Even with arms eraser and Tillith's stat boost up they can just gib whoever they please.

Welp that wraps up the banner for me. Reberta+Tidus+Rikku this anniversary treated me pretty well.

Not this time user

Rikku's Synthesis makes the trial trivial

>Have the same issue and didn't bother to finish the trial yet
>Roll a Tidus so thinking I am set
>Check and Siren is also immune to water

Fucking hell. I could probably manage it still with different elemental weapons or a different setup but its just annoying as hell.

Did you rikku nullall? Theres mitigation on top of the elemental ups

Nichol is a cheating bastard! you can't use your opponent's waifu against him!

I love you guys.

congrats user! I also got a Tidus and now I'm furiously lapis TM macroing to get his sword

y-you too...

Is that an emulator?
I've never seen that program icon before.

Vayne sucks

>fest about to end
>no MP Sephiroth
>no Nemesis raid
>no rebirth dungeons
fuck you dena I needed those 5* motes you fucks



Despair Sephiroth is harder than Boundless Nemesis

W-which one is the real comic poster?

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

No he does not, in any way, by any meaning of the word.

This one is still my favorite.

Is this comic implying dark fina and exdeath are good

Should I awaken Tidus now or wait until I max out his LB?

>W-which one is the real comic poster?
>comic poster?
spotted the newfriend

>bench warden

reminder: Holy Trinity of Support are "WoL, Tilith and Rikku" if you haven't get atleast 2 in those 3, better uninstall or yet go fucking kill yourself.

I only had 2 99 characters with SBs during anniversary and 2 of my A Team characters were from the same realm too.

I still don't have native Last Stand so I'll probably get facerolled still if I were to fight it with my current team.

Woah... Is that a jojo reference?

Can we have a drawfag have zyrus throwing a bunch of his tms at exdeath and dfina?

just reached Ruggles Underground Pass, how far I am to complete this story patch?

they are in arena


Delete this vile image, Cecil is a married man

>got 2 WoLs and 2 Rikkus


f-fuk u and that fucking cursed banner

For anyone who doesn't know: You don't have to drop king Mog's health down to 0 to get the rewards for counterattack, just use magic 3 times then use an ability to flee or use smoke bombs.

>tfw beat Sephiroth in 50s
>tfw still can't beat Jumpstart Bahamut after days of trying every imaginable composition and strategy because fuck all for 3 synergy

>WoL 6*
>Tilith 6*
chec... wait... my bad, havent' pulled her even when I already got 2 Tidus and 4 Wakkas

woah, thanks road runner....soo fast


that shitty chainer

>tfw can't beat seph, non JS chad, and d200 Bahamut

Just bought some more friend space and figured I'd offer it here before giving the slots to random JPs.

Basch for event, usual friend partner is 1.6k Cloud.

Don't care if you're weak, that's fine. I just want active people so I get friend levels.

Drop me your friend code if you're interested.

Wasn't GL supposed to get the XII event for anniversary month?


getting low on lapis, about 2000, is Tidus worth continuing to draw for?

Got Rikku immediately and then 6 Wakkas

Dunno. I don't really follow GL news that much these days. All I remember is that GL is getting a character or other sooner than we do.

git gud

no synergy and no wind bsb/osb/actually no wind anything except 3* wind blade

iirc GL was supposed to get Zargabaath before JP

If you already have Rikku don't bother unless you really like Tidus. Otherwise you're better off saving for Onion kid.

quit while you're ahead. spend the lapis on tm farming.

not that much, but if you want it that bad then go ahead. but better just save it for OK or Dark Veritas or 2b

git reading comprehension

but d200 baha is fucking easy as shit even by just hitting NE over and over

Why does it seem that way to you, user?

Leave WoL to me.

Will we even get that event?

Heck I'm already back at 15k, was thinking on pulling for Tidus, but I never really played FFX.
Maybe I should just save for Cloud, 2B or Onion Knight

>Wanna beat the last two trials to get the moogles so I can finish up this tmr
>but I'm fucking retarded and can't.

I cannot wait until I can level this Rikku

We've had anons get close to, if not surpass, sub-30 seconds. It's pretty crazy, and makes me wish that they didn't nuke that aspect of Advent Madness

>Will we even get that event?
It's been confirmed that you do. Just hope the units aren't nerfed.

And if you're not particularly attached to Tidus, sure. He's a very solid unit still used on JP, but all three of Cloud, 2B and OK are great units as well. And 2B comes with the best katana in the game.

That said Cloud will probably take a while, unless they decide to release him way early for whatever reason.

>he's still drawing on the raid gacha while it's still broken

AoE spam

why the fuck would they nerf them? 2b or 9s aren't even OP units

Is the daily free pull on banner like the 1/2 pull?

Fucking when, I need 2B


Still looking for Aileens to chain it up
Also a little advice, if you don't have her TMR Artisian yet, and you did the gathering event, give her the Gaia Blade to get those elemental chains going

>Is the daily free pull on banner like the 1/2 pull?

The banner units are in the summoning pool for the free pull. My first daily for the free pull was Rikku.

Nier was only released a month or two ago in JP which is normally over half a year ahead of global, so Gumi might want to prevent power creep if the event ha[[ens within the next couple months. Personally I don't think it'll happen, they're not THAT much stronger than what we have now in global. Not nearly the same power difference as when Noctis was nerfed and was still the best character in the game until Orlandu came out.

And...? Nem had that too, dude. VII synergy is only available, but Seph doesn't punish players for multiple characters from the same realm. There's also no slow status to worry about, no punishment to physical attackers, and certainly no 100k attack every three turns in the final phase.

We'll see how MP Nemesis compares with Despair Sephiroth & 2nd anniversary Nemesis, whenever that fucking comes out

how I'm supposed to level up my new tidus if the raid banner just drops small cactuars when it feels like it?


>why the fuck would they nerf them? 2b or 9s aren't even OP units
Yeah, I know. 9S is great to have though, and his TMR is invaluable.

But goomy works in mysterious ways. The Nier crew are recent JP units and they might be afraid of 2B wrecking Aigion or something. Since he's the next trial up and 2B has 200% machine killer with one of her abilities.


It's broken, just hoard coins for now and wait for the next maintenance

>wait for the next maintenance
do we have a date? can't damage mog enough to get rank and more coins fast and my tidus chaining with a friend one will help me a lot

is Edgar's Chainsaw the only poison imperil in RK?

Is it just the multi-summon broken right now or the whole pull rates too?

I've used a lot of coins so far and not a single gigantuar; just shitty tiny snappers.

i'm not even gonna bother pulling until next week when they patch it so you can pull 50 units at once. Too tedious to pull 10 at a time.

You can get minitaur kings, but it's really rare, and most of the time you won't get a single minitaur or mini snapper, if you're lucky you'll get another moogle

>or the whole pull rates too?
We don't know this, but the rewards are absolutely pitiful for an anniversary event compared to the previous raid gachas, so there's a chance they royally fucked up, considering the gacha picture


Hopefully they at least increase the rates a little. I used up all my titan cactuars already and still need to level up units.

>tfw 136,000 coins so far but the gacha summons are shit