Perfection edition
Perfection edition
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Lulu is a slut
Why do normals seem like 75% stomp or get stomped and 25% of the time even matches?
Is ranked the same way?
xth for CLICK THE FUCKING LANTERN!!! I thought this was a meme, but people are actually too dumb to click on it.
actual perfection right here
I love my wife, Riven!!!!
Jinx is a cute. A CUTE!
Throw the lantern in the fucking right place then you cunt
don't mind me
just posting best girl
The difference between individual players in ranked is smaller (until you get to very high elo games where some kid in his basement plays against sneaky or wtv), so it feels more fair. Normals is all over the place, so you trying to beat a fed diamond player makes it feel like a stomp.
On scale from 1 to 10 how much would you fucking gas me?
Explain Xayah to me. I just tried her out for a few games because I might as well use her at some point, and her damage potential seems pretty gross, especially when she hits 6 and botlane doesn't have flash. Is she good or am I just playing against mongs?
a lot of the time i don't click it because i don't want to commit to leaving the fight if it's not over and i'm not going to die.
I love Jhin!
What are the best 4800 IP and under champs to climb?
You accidentally posted vlad instead of Lulu
Well it's officially next month and while I didn't get to play as much as I liked, here is my compilation for the league of (you)'s. Last ones had the new honor system so go figure
>Becoming infatuated with an infertile wasteland of a woman
Prayers for a poor soul lost at sea
xth for Syndra
Draven or Jhin? Low elo shitter here.
You got it lulufag 2.0.
>tfw no cute anime loli gf
>wanting useless, disgusting, obnoxious babies
Me and my wife will adopt the kids who lost their parents because of Noxus warmongering.
draven stomps harder if you can play him
I got warring kingdom azir in one orb. Is he wirth learning?
you dont have the right to call anyone your wife in bronze especially not riven
not right now, no
>4 out of 5 people are off role
>"Some" of them have a sub 30% win rate on their secondary roles
>Zero commination in champion select, people play champions they've never played before because their Yasuo/Fiora/Zac mains
In what fucking universe is this alright?
Reminder Rito refused to deny VladxVane
>No boobs
how dare you compare me to a lulufag
I can start posting like one if you want me to, hoe
This is the ideal breast waifu
You may not like it but this is what peak milk production looks like!
What role?
>play poppy
>outdamage a jax, yi, jhin, zed, and zyra
>jhin and jax being outdamaged by poppy
holy shit in what layer of bronze are you stuck my friend
Don't accept queues after someone dodged. You will probably be put into your off-role.
boobs are overrated, small, perky tits are best. Bonus: they will never sag.
Plus you could always impregnate her if you want her to grow big boobs
Mid and support preferably, since I need more champs for those. But any role is fine.
>Poppy stops being first pick worthy in lcs
>"Hi guys, Poppy is """"""""underperforming"""""""". Let's buff her already broken, adc-destroying-ass ability
What champion pisses you off the most?
It was a 40 minute game too
lol just walk out of her q dumbass
Fuck off with this webm
Fucking kys
>went 23/2/14 as ADC in one of my games last night; got S
>hard-carried the team, took out the most turrets
>highest CS in the match
>helped during every shot call for Dragon and Baron
>never flamed or insulted anyone on the team at any point
>got a pentakill
>honored support at the end of the match because they helped carry me
>post-game results screen
>didn't get ANY honors
>not even my support honored me
>nobody even bothered to say gg or 'good job' to each other
>most of them just immediately left
I don't really care much for the honor bullshit but I can't deny that the complete lack of acknowledgement from anyone really stung.
What champion pisses you off the most?
Always nice to see players like you.
You know i don't get rivenfags at all. Why do they only post pictures of her white? Its like bot even they like the base riven as she is. They're like Sonafags. They just modify their "waifu" until it fits their sexual desires.
How much does one of Sonas breasts weigh?
Honestly I can't even look ADC players in the eye any more, It's incredibly rare to meet one that's not completely fucking garbage, they're nearly always the worst players on both teams.
how do you get all these honors? do you suck their dicks ingame?
>playing immobile champion
>get slowed by 40%, have only 1 sec to walk out before poppy Q erupts
>she aims it towards my escape route anyways, so I have to side step to an awkward position and die anyways
>stunned lmao
who here plays darius?
1+(1 per assist) kilograms
>champion has obvious counterplay
>can't into not hugging walls
>can't into kiting
>complain about champ instead
>people defend this
>2016 pre nerf Poppy
Explain how this is currently relevant
i feel like the "tiltproof" honor is just for people to tell you that you played like shit without risking being able to be reported for it
I mean you're pretty already 50% there. Also was that a threat...? Because that threat would only hurt you in the end. You'll just become another person to filter. Enjoy being lulufag 2.0.
>projecting your opinion of Sona onto Sonafags
do you guys think gangplank is in a good place, i think the champion right demands too much skill and gives too little rewards.
the champion demands more reflexes and attention than most champions and he dont rewards the player accordingly, gp overral is just too unsafe to be really relevant. He demands damage itens to do well but he dont have any meaning full ways to protect himself later in the game. Being a meele champ already put him in vulnerable position for a carry, and his kit is focused in hitting your barrels, which is a ranged mechanic, even if you hit it, you have to put yourself in meele range to continue to do dps, which you can't really do most of time without being blown up, this really hurt his carry potencial.
Overall even if you are very skilled with him, a lot of times you will find yourself unable to do well because of how champion itself works, he needs a better way to defend himself or make his barrels be more reliable to hit, even if have to nerf it.
Because she IS white, stop trying to retcon riven as a degenerate
The splash white has a sunset lighting over her
I love my wife in any color!
just got demoted to P1 off of a streak of games i can only describe as "unwinnable". looking through my match history, every single one of my last 20 games had one or more players on the team who were so unbelievably heavy that we either lost because of them or barely, BARELY won in spite of them, and not once in 20 games has it been the other way around.
i know it sounds like horseshit when people say this but i'm 100% sure i played well in every single one of these games. i sure didn't play perfectly and i made some mistakes, but i absolutely played way above par, it's very apparent just looking at the statistics and graphs, as far as the numbers say i'm doing well to exceptional in every regard.
i'm not even salty i'm so goddamn confused. not once in my entire match history did the enemy team get a 1/13 j4. not once did they get a 0/6 toplane vi with less than 100 cs at 30 minutes. not once did they get the 1/10 adc and 0/9 support that went afk, or the tahm kench who went cleanse ghost and ran it down mid from level 1.
i know nobody is gonna read this or care but i just don't fucking understand. i can scour my match history back as far as it shows and not ONCE did i get a game where lanes just won and it was a smooth ride, and not ONCE did i get a game where someone on the enemy team did explicitly poorly to the point of turning the game into a functional 4v5. i feel like i'm going fucking crazy
can somebody save me from this fucking hell i just don't understand what i'm supposed to do
anybody with a brain will just dive gp over and over. its better to pick a tankier champion like darius
>Go into co-op vs AI
>Pick Singed
>Proxy all lanes
>Watch my teammates rage as they are infinitely level 1 and die repeatedly to bots
Brand support.
Master Yi
I assume youre extremely low Elo if you dont hasve a full roster
i hate lulu that stupid small purple fuck
>play league with a mate
>doing some casual norms
>game is a stomp so theres not much to say other than shooting the shit
>the game just devolves into trading edgy one liners as we compete for K/D since kayn is coming up
>have an incredible amount of fun
You DO play league with friends, dont you lolg?
Lulu did nothing wrong user she just wants to have fun
w-what will happen if i do..
you will cum blood
No, I am not a casual shitter
my friends are all fucking casuals who only play overwatch
>League is filled to the brim with sluts
>Sona still manages to be the most attractive
How does she do it?
I got mentally sick
I have some mates where the only time they ever play league is with me or our other buds
I typically play more with friends than I do alone as well
>being this much of an idiot
holy fuck my sides
Support anything works atm.
Mid theres alot of choices, annie, ahri, anivia, kass all are very good atm.
>have to farm 7 fucking k more ip points just for CHAMPIONS to enter a ranked game, let alone runes
why is this still a thing with designated roles? I understand in the past when you didn't get to que as specific roles
If this is true I respect Sonafags a lot more now.
>tfw mum loses you the game
>got gold pretty easily last season
>do placements
>get put in silver
>play norms with friend since i dont really care for rank beyond the end of season skin and the end of season is still quite a ways away
>friend keeps telling me im a good player, plat even
>keeps trying to get me into ranked with him
W-What should i do, /lolg/?
>Autofilled maokai support on my team
>In club named -9gag
autofill was the worst thing to ever happen to this game
dat missed hook lmao
There are 10 bans.
I do. Over 7000 normals played here. Playing with random shitters is annoying. I'd rather play with shitters I know.
>tfw I am higher elo than 99% of "casuals"
It's astonishing how big of a difference it makes when exactly you play ranked. Weekend daytime feels one tier lower than weekday night, with how easy it is to snowball off countless opponent mistakes. Granted, I'm just a gold shitter, but still the difference is immense. It's not even like I'm playing against some occasional, casual players, all of them have at least 250 ranked games on them, with about half being over 500.
>31 wins
Interestingly enough, Riven's really only not very white-looking in her default model - the others are very much white, in some cases straight up pale (crimson elite).
I'd say one could surmise that her skin coloring from her base skin is due to her sleeping on benches and generally being a hobo, without a home she's inevitably going to get some kind of tan.
I could easily see her being some kind of Asian-American or Polynesian based character (dragonblade's model has very slanted eyes, though it could be the makeup).
Might be something for a support ticket/ask Riot thing.
>See s6 silver account blazing through plat with a 80% win rate
>add to favourites on
>They stop boosting around d3
>See account next being played by some streamer on twitch
>climbing rank with a 30% winrate
How are people stuck in silver
Could be worse, they could have been a jungler or carry.
who is their top laner
i cant see from the image