/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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first for pris

*teleports behind you*

let's use this one because it actually was made after the bump limit was hit

GHB when

Magvel when

Uncensor patch when?

Wife sheep

n e v e r

Alright untill i find a proper B skill i think this will do right ? I had 5 Cains so it was free Wings of Mercy with all that SP. Now i have 4 Cains. So what B skill am i aiming for ?

Oh my GOD how dare you Magvelposters be so obnoxious this one post right here is making me extremely angry just accept your 3 Lucina variants like everyone else


Berkut is the only think I like about Echoes, desu. And the music. Adding important OCs to pre-existing games usually upsets me, but I'll make an exception for Berkut. Unfortunately. Fernand ruins his character a bit.

Someone's triggered by raul's truthbomb


Can this team handle Infernal?

Who should I 5* next? These are my current 5s.


Sword or lancebreaker. I went with drag back because I got some Donnels as fodder from rolling blue.

Let's go Priscilla!

Does hector cuck Lyn with Wood ?

You want at least QR1 on your Xander.

Cecilia over Nino and with the right buffs it should be no problem.

I like Innes.




Does anyone still care about the Gauntlet? After the war between Elise and Sakura, the hype and intensity drained considerably. Heck, Priscilla's in the lead right now at a comfortable spot ahead and there doesn't seem to be much of an incentive to use your flags maintain the lead.

I have a swordbreaker 3 from a sully

Lyn and Florina need to swap. That support is Fates-tier bad


we need more of these

I have Swordbreaker and Lancebreaker. Oh lucky me i am going with Lancebreaker since i have Ike for Swordbreaker.

The website's showing Elise at 8.6, compared to 8.4 for Priscilla. You sure you got your numbers right there?

Wife maid

Elise is in the lead user

Shota!Robin when?

Time to save Dorias!

Fir can be Top Tier?

>Priscilla's in the lead right now at a comfortable spot ahead
She's 400 mil behind, user. Hopefully we can get at least one more bonus, because I have still have 2000 flags.

It's funny because it's actually intentional and works within their characters, what are you going on about

>3 (three) Bride Charlottes
>I got 0 (zero)
Fuck man, I'm jelly

Hey.... That's actually a good Fir Kudos

So since Lyn can have both Desperation and Vantage because of Sol Katti, does she attack twice in a row when Vantage procs?

The question is not who would let me.

It's who would stop me.


Ah, last I checked, Elise was losing all this morning. Alright.

>Muh old FE can get away with it!!
Fuck off

No, but she can be usable. Hana can pull similar numbers with a lot less merges.

I fucking hate this map. Atleast you get some free weapons from the Who? brigade.

Why Aid and Daylight
Just go Dragonic + Reposition

reciprocal aid has decent utility to save allies but also lets me get titty tiki back up for her weapon

the special is still not replaced, I'm deciding between moonbow for QR nuking, or Sacred Cowl + quickened pulse to assure survival against quickened pulse moonbow reinhardt

I have a neutral 5* Marth and a 5* "Marth" from the tempest, who should I train?

Everyone in Thracia is part of the Who? brigade, you'll have to be more specific.

Yeah, Selfina is pretty good but the others are going to struggle to make a name for themselves.

What can make my shit Roy great?

She would be good if


Didn't exist.

"Marth". No contest

10 more Roys

Feed his TA to someone good and have him live on in spirit

>What can make my shit Roy great?

He's made to fight mages
But has no distant counter
You fill the gap.

>>got a sitewide 3 day ban for posting this in a thread past bumplimit that expired a few minutes later
which of you elisefags reportet me?

Priscilla Bros I need help. 8366074684

Need any particular color, or just a usable unit?


Also posted this in previous topic, who do I promote to 5 star?

I rolled a 4* Roy, who gets TA3?

>M Robin


Which knight is better?

That's my wife

Someone green.

Michalis. You don't have any 5* greens

This is your Summer roll tonight.

M Robin. The others can do without it.

So I just walked up to Zofia's castle and this dracoshield guy is freaking stacked...

How am I supposed to get through 33 def and 20 res? Do I need to grind more?

I rarely spend more than 3 turns there. I could reduce that to 2 if I didn't care about the elite sword.
The main focus is reinforcing the Lenster knights ASAP and if you're playing slowly you'll also want to fight the dragon knights, but your movement is very limited so you don't have many options aside from using Asvel.
Chapter 13 is similar but a lot better.

Make her go away.

just whatever is good, I keep getting a Caeda and them I'm against archers.

SoV > Fates >Awakening


Would a Nino work? She's usually surrounded by buffbots so I don't run Fury on her.

you don't need to kill him.

if you really want his shield, box him in with two high def units, chip away his HP with every ranged you have and don't kill Slayde.

I just have bad memories from when the Dracoknights would fly down, crit my strong units, and force a reset.

a tie between Fates and SoV
What the fuck is the awakening kinght

>I keep getting a Caeda
Remember you can just delete the friend to stop getting the Caeda.

>reasonable knight armor
>Executioner Smough with a metal hoodie
>martian sentry drone
Damn, Awakening had some shit designs.

Is the shield really good? I know +13 def/res is crazy but 10 weight is a big handicap

Well, /feg/?

Sweet 1000 feathers


Michalis it is then? Not Nino or Cecilia?


I'm just using my base kit Priscilla so no buff unless the other guy I get has them.

>classic, sexy knight armor
>dumb metal hoodie
> dumbmetal hoodie with rocket pauldrons

SoV's is definitely the best.

Why don't you bend over and let's find out?

Pop it on your healer, stop giving a fuck about enemy range.

Though it makes things kinda boring.

Asked yesterday, but might as well ask again considering I didn't really get any responses.

I've just about finished up my cav meme team builds and need a new project to start investing in. Is there anything particularly interesting that I can do with this lot? Any team comps or builds (particularly Arena defense teams) that I might want to try out?


Let me show you


Haha true, alright I'll do what I can