/ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station


Last Thread: Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>Sawbones and Dragon need to go to dorms and just fuck it out already
>Exploring twitter reveals our secret game to normies, panic bunker WHEN?!?!
>Sudden, nice influx of greentext stories, keep em coming.

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

Other urls found in this thread:


>2hotdogs makes the best OP in the last week

Unban him already, he's a valuable asset!

Remove all weebs who use anime girls as their social media avatars.

This is an anime server

3rd for how to harm label

>removing weebs
>from 4chin server
simply ebin xD

self explanatory

I'm fine with weebs.
But weebs who use anime girl avatars on social media are scum.
Hide your powerlevel, babies.


Fully upgraded wizards fire-breathing is really strong. Surprisingly so. I imagine the only hardsuits that can handle more than a couple hits are atmos, engineering and captain's

What is this twitter thing?
what happened?

The fire is the same as the tomb's fire I think, meaning it applies the damage directly.

I know my next wizard gimmick hopefully I last longer than 10 minutes like the other 3 times I've gotten wizard

>not having a second normie account for family and friends

>not taking the bundle
It's like you don't even want to get the special bundle-only spells

I was unaware of that. I'm not robust though and not too creative with antag stuff.

is there a known bug right now?

in Windows 10 my screen is freezing a few seconds after connecting. i tried uninstalling and reinstalling byond but it didnt help.

I unironically used an anime girl avatar on facebook back when I had it. After I stopped using that I had a picture of me wearing lion paws and a lion hat

>windows 10
that's just the telemetry
do not be concerned
go to sleep

Even wanting to interact with anyone who uses an anime girl avatar is a sin. They are all the worst people. Get a unique identity, you mugs.

I'm sorry for your friends and family.

Give me three good reasons to not reinstall windows xp(stripped version)

>not supported
it's supported until 2019
don't be an idiot and you won't get infected
I'll give you that one

Because 7 is better.

>software powered gui compared to XP hardware GUI
>literally hundreds of MB of memory just to clean boot compared to XPs 50mb

it's alright but it doesn't compare

I would be disgusted to know you

all major OSs are botnet so why use a crappy old one?

because it's not crappy and it's old enough to not be a botnet

nothing really
someone just posted twitter screencaps talking about ss13

XP is the easiest OS to find exploits on because you can just look at the new patches for supported OSs and test the vulnerability of XP. Hackers are also known to favor older more reliable exploits than chase the newest thing.

they hate me anyway

people like me well enough, most of my friends didn't have facebook anyway

sounds cute user

And this is one of the reasons why your family hate you...

It's anime fanart of something very non-anime, does that count?

No need to be so spiteful lads, we're all here to enjoy spess so let's not devolve into personal attacks lest we fall to Sarca's tier of shittiness.

It's wangblows 10 being a broken piece of absolute dogcrap.

>most of my friends didn't have facebook anyway
so which is it? why lie anonymously on the internet if not to simply make yourself feel better?

Gentoo isn't botnet.

If it has a god awful uguu artstyle and isn't distinguishable from any generic shit anime then it's shit and you should delete it.

I used to have friends when I had facebook, I don't now

but what if I enjoy shit?

Kill yourself!

>Caring what some spiteful anonymous poster thinks about your avatar

If you like it then use it!

I've tried.
It didn't work. It means I'm a failure even at killing myself.

You didn't try if you didn't succeed.
If you are genuinely this mentally ill go to a hospital and check yourself in.

>he uses anime avatars
>he doesn't use western art instead

>western """art"""

Personally for videogame and nerdy networks I use a frame from an ero-manga with an image of the ocean superimposed on it.
For personal networks however I just use whatever the latest artsy photograph of myself.

I only watch Family Guy when its all thats on TV past 11pm.
t. moreweiner

I did your waifu in dorms

>morena is banned
>[REDACTED] is unbanned

worst timeline


So whenever I join Veeky Forumsstation, the one in the OP, the game freezes as soon as I press any key. I can still hear sound but nothing else.

Any solution? Doesn't happen on any other server.

What version of byond do you have?

Read the MOTD. You need to downgrade to 510.

Use Byond 510.1347

My client freezes for like 15 seconds every time I try to examine a mime's invisible wall. This happen to anyone else?

this is your admin for tonight, say something nice about her

How about "At least Allen Baker wasn't that bad"

Uh malwarebytes just said 510.1347 from the link in OP is ransomware

Probe is too good for this world

Probe is a rude asshole to be honest.

That's because you're using MalwareBytes.

t. lummox wanting people to install his ransomware

every iteration of byond is bad lol

My friend is running Veeky Forums fine on 511.1385

Good for your friend. Everyone else is having issues where the viewport freezes randomly, which is fixed by reverting to 510.

511.1384 just works for me. Although it did freeze a few times.

Which download do I get for 510? exe, zip, setup?

>works on my machine
This doesn't help anyone.

setup is the installer.
zip is for when you want to place BYOND yourself without an installer.
exe is ???


this is the right place right

sorry for spoonfood


>pray to gods to have something interesting happen because I'm bored as fuck sitting in my office
>ass flies off

my fucking sides holy shit

Admins are basically drunken monkey's paws.

ded gam

Gane really has been dead the last couple of weeks. Even on the weekend.


>50 people on
this time last year we were lucky to get 30

>baron's family
>a kindly doting mother, a brave compassionate father, and a fat artful son
>baron pays great sum so that peasants can eat freely in the inn and a painting the son made is hung by the bar, while the baroness dotes about the sanctuary with the serpents and visiting the ill
>even share a wholesome dinner together

>heir is cursed so that all he hears from other people are threats and hostile remarks. panicking, he flees to the brothel to seek aid from a beloved whore only to break under pressure and accuse her of cursing him, slaying her with a saber before a merc kicks in the door and beheads him
>baroness is accused of heresy and tortured to death by possible cultist falseflaggers in cerberus
>baron's hands rot off after leading a raid to reclaim the undercity from the homeless

things were so innocent

how do you climb over tables? all I end up doing is hitting my head on the table

Get out

it's a random chance, just keep trying untill you climb it

you need to back
also you don't

GO BACK TO Veeky Forums THOT

can someone post a distro optimization aac script

Fuck off, we're full.

jesus christ you guys are easy to bait

I knew you were baiting, I was metatrolling you dumbass

>i was only pretending to be retarded guise


>merely pretending
flagrant shitposting is against the rules

Do you ever impress yourself with a good ad lib or improv on the spot?
>Get busted for something
>Out of nowhere I give a perfectly smooth and believable story
>So convincing that Sec defends me and my honor for the rest of the round
Is there any better feeling?

report him then you cuck

this is what Veeky Forums has come to

>I'm fine with weebs but weebs are scum
You normies make less and less sense with each passing day.


Nice epic I like it


>Team up with Clown to get dat spare, give him tools and glubs
>He gets the spare and brings the ID computer to the theater and calls me over
>Borg: "HoS Just saw clown go into theater, had the mechanic with him"
>Door to theater bolts shut
>Immediately whip out my crowbar and start beating myself in the chest and head screaming "H-HE-LP" over comms
>Clown jumps down disposals while I beat myself stupid
>Throw my bloody crowbar and my now all-access ID in disposals and /sleep in a puddle of my blood
>Praying to christ there isn't an AI who just watched me do the dumbest thing ever
>Mutter there's no fucking way this is going to work as I watch sec officer drag me into medbay
>Finally wake up
>"Are you alright? What happened, do you see which way he went?"
>Tell him Clown took my ID and beat me and ran off into maintenance
>They run off to get him
>Later I saunter over to cargo and ask for my PDA out of the trash

I don't even know where it came, I just started bashing myself as if out of instinct to frame the clown.

What do you mean by this?
You replace the distro gas pumps with a normal pipe and a digital valve, then you name the valve and set it to the same frequency as the distro pipe meter and the AAC.
Then you make a script which closes the valve once distro is above 100 and opens it if its below 100