/fg/ - Falcom General #9


Previous Thread: >A version of the old Zero no Kiseki fan translation was leaked:


Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

- New CS3 scans: twitter.com/Gu4n/status/877415040466337793

- Falcom currently planning a new game and remake for the Ys series. Kondo would also like to do more with Falcom Gakuen

- Trails in the Sky the 3rd finally out for PC on Steam, GOG and the Humble Store

- Trails of Cold Steel I & II confirmed for a PC release, first game will be released on Summer

- Trails of Cold Steel III is on track for a Japanese release on September 28th of this year, confirmed PS4 exclusive, details such as the story and some new characters have been announced, such as Tita, Agate, Tio and Randy confirmed

>Other not-so-new news

- Check out the content of the last Tits FC & SC updates, specially the translation improvements ( xseedgames.tumblr.com/post/159288714430/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-series-localization )

- Tokyo Xanadu brought by Askys, will be released for Vita on June 30th, and the improved Ex+ version for PS4 and PC on late 2017, although Amazon has November 24th, 2017 listed

- Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana brought by NISA, If you wish to complain, do so to Falcom, not XSeed (they're upset about it too). Good Japanese grammar is extremely recommended.

- Most games published by XSEED now to be developed with a PC release in mind ( gamesindustry.biz/articles/2016-09-09-no-fan-left-behind ) (end of the 9th paragraph)

Pastebin: pastebin.com/G2mswYCt

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is she so perfect?

I am a man whose insight has made me a monster in the eyes of my enemies. I have foreseen the great upheaval of Zemuria and taken advantage of it so thoroughly that there are many who cannot even see me as a mere mortal. To my enemies, I am larger than life, and require extreme measures to handle. After all, if I “know” everything and yet fear nothing, then bold I must be.

So what do I see ahead of Zemuria, now that the great reformation of Erebonia is truly underway?

I see a rising deluge of violence drowning the Empire. Like the great western ocean crashing upon Ordis, this violence grinds and crushes with every surge, each surge speaking cruelty, lunacy, hatred and entropy.

But it is not specifically the Ouroboros that is the herald of destruction. Nor is it the Red Constellation, or the Republic or the sins of fanatics past, or even my own regime.

It is simply the times.

During the era before the Septian calendar, the times toppled civilizations, bringing them from technological supremacy to the brink of annihilation, their inheritors scarcely any better off than the first ancient peoples of our world who discovered fire and tools.

And so the people of our era blindly make that same journey, now standing on the edge of an abyss.

But to call it an abyss is really a great injustice. There are no words to encompass what it is.

There are, by the last known count in modern times, 117,647 different devices and theorized uses of orbal power, a number that vastly understates the full capacity of orbments. Our knowledge is but one part of a whole that is unguessable in size, crowded with a diversity of objects and abilities which defy enumeration.

And to speak plainly, this was the case for our ancestors, as it was for the Goddess herself.

If she's better than Estelle why hasn't she gotten a boyfriend?

She's saving herself for Joshua who'll come around any day now!

She's got a husband and her husband is me.

>Aina drank 36 bottles of the strongest alcohol and didn't get drunk

Does her liver still work?

Ok but seriously though. How the fuck can Osborne just know when some shit is about to happen and plan ahead for a bunch of shit? Lechter mentions that what was happening at the end of Zero, was "according to his plan", but how the hell would he know it was going to happen?
There has to be something more to it, than just an intelligence division and spies.

Orbal energy cannot be understood. Not by humans, not by divinity, not by machines.

Our scientists and learned men insist on understanding, but their comprehension can only ever be an abstraction, dead figures modeled on the work of dead minds. Theirs is a description that cannot describe the true majesty and horror of the orbment, that exists through life, death and beyond, inside and outside all of us.

And it is the times that have brought the orbment to our lives, and to the lives of our predecessors and their predecessors, like a double helix that cannot be broken.

To the grand flow of history, the collection of nations in Western Zemuria is the greatest civilization of our day, and the most powerful existence to the people who populate these lands from coast to coast.

And yet, to the vastness of the planes that surround our world, all our works are as nothing. It is the latest in a line of realms that stretches back to the first thinking beings.

When I realized this so many years ago, I turned to dread knowledge of what is not of our material realm. There are 7,405,926 gaolers in Gehenna, the demons and fiends who tend to the dead of our world. And to their number, we add the humans who have joined the ranks of hell, both dead and alive, some wholly absorbed into their army and some who have turned this power to their own purpose.

And I knew then that one man is not an army but an army must act with one purpose.

Post punchable faces

>Someone calls Trails a weeb game
Does this trigger anyone else? It irritates the fuck out of me. As if Trails is just another Neptunia or something.

Depends on which game, I wouldn't be triggered if they said Cold Steel was a weeb game.

Well, Crossbell and Cold steel are pretty weeb in some aspects. Not as much as Neptunia of course, but calling it a weeb game wouldn't be false.

I would classify the whole Joshua crossdressing thing in Sky as such too.

Well CS is worse than Neptunia according to this user The word weeb has lost all of its meaning, so I don't really care or get triggered by it.

That's just bait. Ignore it.

He could have an artifact the church doesn't know about.

Yay or Nay on the dub?


Consider the armies of the Empire, of the monarchies and republics of our continent. Such fury they can unleash! To the participants, what these armies unleash is a terrifying, roiling chaos of violence, yet it is the pinnacle of our destructive ingenuity where lives are snuffed out. In such combat, a single man is nothing; he is but part of the machine of the army he serves, as essential or otherwise as a cog or a circuit. He works his appointed task and does what he can to take his own life in his own hands, or he fails in his convictions and searches for a way to save himself from this spectacle. A soldier’s task dominates everything, even dictating his fear of death. War and his part in it are the totality of his existence, and there is ultimately no escape from service, even for deserters.

And yet, such a ultimately small thing war is! The battles take place over hundreds of square selge on a setting where the land expands for millions of selge. What is the explosion of a airship? Twinkles in the distance, and silence, a transient fire that extinguishes itself. On the relative scale, war is simply a nugatory flash outshone by history.

This is why the inverse is true and how war is so important. To one man, his life is of utmost importance for we have but one life to spend and we all fear to lose it without gain. And because man loves life so much, nothing has tempted humanity so much like betting lives for a triumph.

It is what every soldier must face, every single person who has served. Life is not truly measured in years but in the deeds of the living.

Do not forget this Rean.

unlike xseed, based nisa gives the option of choosing between Jap and English voices so it doesn't really matter

I don't think that's the point of his question user. He wants to know if you think the dub sounds nice or not. If you can switch between moon and burg makes no difference to his question.

>caring about the dub when given the option to play with the original voices

Again now the point.

"not the point" i meant.

Since NIS aren't as jewish and gave dual audio the dub quality is irrelevant.
>tfw NISA couldn't get Cold Steel and we have to hear dub-Alisa, Sara, Millium, and Rean

If someone calls something a weebgame I know they're an ebin ironic weeb and I can safely discard their opinion

Calvard when?

I'm gonna play it in Japanese so I don't know and care and so should you.

Sounds about average for a niche game dub. I'd be fine with the dub.

I recognise several of the VAs.

How hard is Ao's first few chapters? If it's SC Kurt-tier bullshit then I won't pick Nightmare.

>The graphics look so bad lol, why is this on PS4 when it has PS3 graphics`?

>So should you

Not everyone has ching chong for brains user.

It should be fine. The sky games were made without the difficulty setting in mind in the original PC versions, which were only implemented in the PSP versions. So everything past that should be times more doable.

I played new run on Zero with nightmare, and i think the only bullshit moment was in the prologue of Zero with the Wald fight having a time limit.

Who gives a shit. Just play the game, it's not like the voices are gonna ruin it.

Osborne, the Grandmaster, and Cassius are all aware that they're in a time loop and have been living out the same few years constantly, each time doing more and more ridiculous shit to one-up each other

They were all nobodies when it first started, but as they wisened up they started forming organizations and making grand plans with the foresight they now had
The Orpheus Final Plan is just an attempt to end the loop, but it's going to kill people in the process or something so the others want to change/stop it

Haha. Truly, it is difficult to believe that I can predict such chaotic events no?

I foresaw that the Society would plot to have orbment rendered useless in Liberl. I foresaw what would happen in Crossbell and Calvard. I already was planning for the civil war to make the Reformist faction the winners at the end of it all. I even deceived the Society as to what I would do to them.

It is because I have spent decades in the intelligence quarters of the Imperial Army. When the chips are down and all is said and done, secrecy and double dealing are the currency of those who would oppose me.

What I must seek in order to understand what they actually want is their perspective. And to that end, I must grasp what would be the most expedient method to achieve what they desire.

Many people fail to understand this. For example, there are countless agents and officers who analyze the actions of Ouroboros, always thinking that they are ultimately playing around, engaging in actions that are destructive but not terribly serious on their end. And often their Enforcers and soldiers aren't serious or with the conviction to single mindedly kill their opponents. This spectacle is an effective deception, with many unable to reconcile the mockery with the deep game that Ouroboros plays.

The ignorant man is a danger to himself. The learned man is a danger to all.

They look like they've being doing some eating.

Cassius's predictions are not that far out there compared to Osborne and the grandmaster. He uses what he knows to form up a plan and counter the problem, Osborn on the other hand somehow knew that the Priest Joachim would use his connections to control the guardian force to attack the city and try to take KeA for himself, or at least the chain of events happening.

Now that i think about it, Lechter is also pretty far out there.

Nothing wrong with a little fat

In my opinion, the only improvement the Evo versions have in comparison to the original, is not making everyone look like a freaking giraffe.

What if Campanella is the avatar of an ancient orbal computer that is also a sept-terrion?

At least dub Altina is pretty good and she's the main heroine this time.

>main heroine
you wish

and everyone actually has normal hands in evo.

She's just genderbent Kevin

>Ao has voiced dialogue
Please tell me they actually voiced all the important dialogue and not just the prologue.

"Somehow" is a great injustice I will have you know.

After all, I meant to meet Representative Hartman in order to discern what he was unwittingly hiding with the Revache, what secrets were in Crossbell that he knew nothing about. Not to mention that a man such as him would've compromised himself seriously. What he did is not important, but who knew definitely would be in order to forsee what would happen. And that was as simple as checking his past schedule and investigating abnormal activities at any location he had been at. Buildings do not simply burn down in the 12th century of the calendar because their owner was careless.

The secrecy with which the Cult was extinguished would serve to hide the cult survivor as well as mask the information he would require in order to manufacture the gnosis.

Truth is not so easily extinguished. For those who are capable of catching the scent, there is nothing that can be hidden from us.

Going to turn out to be a pretend slut who was keeping an eye on Rean.


She ain't even in his class!

Laplace's demon.

>implying it's just for Japanese stuff
Why would anyone prefer a dub over the original language with subs in any media?

Not him, but because most people aren't turbo-autists like you. We prefer actually playing games in a language we understand

Some dubs are really good, if not better. Cowboy Bebop for example.

>in a language we understand
That's why I said to use subs and I'm not just talking about games, I'm talking about movies/anime. The only movies to get dubbed here are children ones, everything else is original language+subs.

Its a game, I generally prefer subs for foreign TV/films but for games the convenience of being able to understand what they're saying wins out as long as its not really shite.

Where can you get more tiger heart accessories in the 3rd? I have two of them at the end of chapter 6 in my JP game, but can't remember where I got the second one from.

99% of people don't watch foreign movies in a language they don't understand, fucktard. I have zero interest in that bullshit. I want to actually get the full experience by enjoying audio in a language I understand. Now fuck off with your autism.

It's rare but I like some dubs for comedy anime like Haganai. The comedic timings are much better when you don't have to read the jokes.

>99% of people don't watch foreign movies in a language they don't understand
Then I guess no one really watches movies in Europe because movies generally just get subs when they're shown at the theaters.

People are allowed to have preferences, you know. I grew up in a place where subs for TV were common and dubs were usually really shitty (like one person doing all the voices with the original still audible in the background). It's stuck with me and I still tend to find dubs awkward, not just English for anime but also shit like Pixar and Disney movies in my native tongue and such. They just sound wrong. But I understand not everyone's like that and I find the dub vs sub wars pointless and tiring.

>t. American
Why do Americans hate reading and always prefer shitty dubs?

I don't understand flat out refusing to use either subs or dubs. Its better to do a case by case basis.

Most people don't. I just prefer the original language when given the option.

Name your favorite Ys game and Trails game/subseries


Thats a guy right?


Every different frame of this reaction makes me rock hard.

No, that's a strong, beautiful woman.

not even once

I'm gonna be sick.


Dawn of Ys, Ao/Crossbell

I don't play Ys. I'm a story gamer, so Ys has no value to me.

And I prefer the Sky games.


They didn't, but there's a lot more than there was in Zero. It also tends to show up in surprising places. ch 2 Shirley gets a lot of voiced lines out of nowhere, for example. Which I'm a big fan of.

I think we can all agree that if the games weren't japanese this community would be a lot better without the fucking weebs.


Ys Origin

If there were no more weebs:
>No more shitty dual audio crying
>No more pandering to the weebs with CS and their harem/school shit

Sounds nice

>I'm a story gamer
Careful not to tip that trilby too hard.

Does it trigger you that someone plays games for different reasons? Time to grow up kiddo.

>story gamer
I think you need to go back.

Legends tell of objects referred to as "books".

Really, tell me which books include gameplay, music, and graphics?

Uh, no, the one who needs to go back (to NintendoGAF) is you. Now fuck off, kid.

When the original was so bad that the creators made more bank from a gag dub that they themselves said was okay.

Honestly to me, its just down to the one that I heard first.

did someone link this general in the falcom discord or something?

I liked the goddess designs in Origin

> I'm a story gamer
>Tell me which books include gameplay, music, and graphics?
Better keep your story straight.

Wow it's almost as if it's not JUST the story I like, but the combination of story, gameplay, graphics, and music. GASP!! Who would've thought??

For anime my rule is if the dub is good and the names are all western I'll watch it in dub, otherwise I'll watch the sub.

Are you sure you're not from reddit who lost his way on the way there?

It's weekend

Then why not play Ys?

>tfw everyone in this argument is being a twat
I don't know who to root for lads!

Why the fuck is there a retard in a falcom thread attacking people who like story in games? This is some next-level retardation

>moving goalposts
jesus christ. off yourself

because he's a story gamer :^)

There are no goalposts being moved, you absolute retard. Are you mentally incapable of realizing that the word GAMER suggests VIDEO GAMES and that VIDEO GAMES suggest gameplay, music, and graphics? Therefore, being a STORY GAMER means being someone who likes VIDEO GAMES for the STORY.

It's not hard to figure out. Well, maybe for you it is.

>This is some next-level retardation
welcome to /fg/