Touhou general - /2hug/ - #21

You know what they call Marisa when she's not around? 'The whore of Gensokyo', that's who she truly is edition
Previous thread >So what is this game?
Touhou is a bullet hell game made by ZUN. Instead of ship or robots it features anime girls fighting youkai and such.

>Why isn't this in /jp/
Some Cirno poster made a thread just for a get and now we're here.

>Where should I start?
the games until 5 were designed for the PC-98 platform, which would require an emulator. It's recommended you start either with the sixth (first Windows game) or the second game (as the first one isn't a bullet hell) and work your way up from there
some games aren't your usual bullet hells but should be played anyway
1: Arkanoid
7.5, 10.5, 12.3, 13.5, 14.5: Fighting games
The others follow the basics of the bullet hell genre but usually add a game play twist.

>Where can I get the games?

>Touhou guide for bakas

>West Replays

>Please git gud!

Four seasons:!hIZTTapC!1A4MTSueiirqFTfLkMeSab3cd6B9b5s4uITU-DlUs2c


Touhou is a video game and we're not disturbing anybody.



Continuing on from last thread, let's talk Fangames.

Are there any other recommendations?

Book of Star Mythology
Mystical Power Plant
The Last Comer
Phantasm Dream
Fantastic Danmaku Festival
Undefined Fantastic Object.

Everything from Lion Heart is absolutely great.
Tenjou no Tempest, Endless Alice and Sanae Challenge are all fantastic games.

Aya is mine

Age of Ethanols

Since we are on a new thread.

I am up for some Defence of the Shrines 2 tonight in the US east server and am willing to teach new players.

I haven't played many fangames myself.

All I can really recommend are taht Touhou Diablo Treasure Hunter game I played and posted about here a couple weeks ago and Defence of the Shrines 2 in the Dota2 Arcade.

I want to marry Reimu and then cheat on her with Seija

Still veering towards Sengoku Gensokyo.

I want to see Gensokyo conquered and subjugated for shits and giggles.


Sorry, she's mine.

>Kogasa in the first post

What a pleasant surprise.

>Already this dead

I'm worried.

/2hug/ will never come together to play comfy fangames


Until technology allows us to play across oceans with no lag, it can't be helped.

I would share a snuggie with you while we play fangames for maximum comfy


Cute bug(male)

>capture Seija in eratohoK
>execute her immediately
feels good


Remove MPP and TLC, those suck.
Add CtC, memes and some writing issues aside, it's a solid shmup.

I still have no idea where to get it.

Try last thread

>Implying you can kill or even capture the ultimate cheating life form

Oh shit, thanks.

You'd think it'd be hard to miss something in a general as slow as this one, but I guess stupid triumphs over all.

You are a cunt, op.
Enjoy your dying circlejerk, asshole.

will she come back?
Still better than having her steal half my commanders again.

ISC had an open ending so there's a good chance that ZUN actually wanted to make a sequel.
We just have to hope he didn't forget.

I just wish she appeared in the written works, even for 1 chapter. Right now it feels like she never existed. Which is a shame because she is a great and fun character.

ISC sequel featuring both Seija and Sagume WHEN?

I kinda want to see a more organized effort being made to hunt her down.

discord when

Seriously, fuck off.

Never, you masochistic twat.

I'm not sure I'm good at this.

I somehow started the game working for Cirno of all people, and our primary war front is against Remilia. We've captured Flandre and are attempting to persuade her to our side, but I'm not sure how well that will go...


Oh, well, Evidently it's gonna go well.

Despite having Rumia get captured, we recruited Elly, Myouren, and convinced Flandre to join us. This seems like a fortuitous turn of events to me.

Post best girl, please.


Your taste is above average.

Not even her canon name

Literally the Youmu of the Tsukumogamis

How would you survive if you were suddenly gapped in the middle of Gensokyo?

beg for my life to everyone I saw

They cannot kill me if I kill myself!

>Bunny clothes actually make her thighs fatter

Thank you Namco


nigga I dont speak chinese

What is the difference between imprison and arrest? I am playing version 1.821 from the pastebin that was posted last thread.

Imprison puts people in prison while Arrest puts them in house arrest.
Not sure about the exact differences, but you can change your choice afterwards.

Thank you

>Rumia got captured again
>Cirno launched a few ill advised assaults and wasted A LOT of our soldiers in vain
>Remilia took the chance to take 2/4 of our territories, including Misty Lake

Everything is going to hell in a handbasket. What do I do?

git gud

Oh, fuck it. Hindsight tells me that a number of my problems stem from not knowing what the hell I was doing in the early parts, so I'll just start over.

Reminder that no one plays Touhou in these threads.

Please stop projecting.

Why do you guys keep making fun of Marisa?

I think it's just one guy.

Ok, new question then.
Why are we indulging this guy by bumping his stupid thread?

I do but I've been doing other things lately, all that time practicing touhou 6 is going to wear off and I'm going to be even worse

Because it doesn't mater, this is the thread that's up.

I like Marisa too, but you don't see me raising a stink about it.

Not a projection.

Cirno's nation was the first one to come to ruin in my playthrough as well. she was defeated Remi, second one was Junko's after I smashed her shit in by letting the AI take care of government and spending all my time romancing Eirin.

I know, but I'm just sick and tired of coming here for 2hu discussion, and getting shafted because one guy has some huge hate erection the size of texas for abusing Marisa. It's like, yeah, I get it, you hate Marisa, or you hate that Marisa is liked, who gives a shit? And now he's just making it the title of the fucking op, and we're just sitting on our fucking thumbs not giving a shit. I spend all day getting kicked around by people elsewhere, I don't need that shit when I'm trying to discuss this niche thing that very few people seem to still be interested in.

You just need to relax, man. Don't let that dickwheel get to you. That's how he wins.

Instead, drown out the negative with the Positive. Post good things about Marisa.

But it's in the fucking op, and by accepting this thread we're just telling him that he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
You guys are always bitching about being dead, and then you do shit like this.

its going to be okay user.

>seven Lunatic 1CCs
That's really impressive. Mine was little more than a stroke of luck, but you're on a whole different level.
I want to be like you someday.

Well, what do you suggest? Start thread wars over something so petty? No.

The most efficient, and indeed ONLY real way to deal with these situations properly is to wait it out and avoid showing displeasure.

2x Reimu A, 1x Reimu B and 4x Marisa A? (the one with the lasers). Still no non-laser Marisa clears because that shot type is super shit in that game.


>namefagging in 2017


Thank you.

Damn, I'm sorry. I thought /2hug/ were cool with me lewding on Marisa. Marisa hold a special place in my heart and lewding on her is one of the way I show my affection to her.

But I get it sometime I take things too far. Sorry for the OP. I'll try to be more gentle with Marisa.

Why are marisafags so autistic?

Who care? Your 2hu is shit anyway.

What are C and B?

>this guy will never stop doing kancolle shit
Clitoris and breast training. Don't fuck with affiliated characters, you can trade them back for loadsa troops or economy.

I may or may have not spanked and fingered Kasen's butt while Junko watched.

But the question is, was Chang'e watching?

>Why are touhoufags so autistic?

I don't think it matters all that much, but the game does warn you against doing it.
Reimu may or may not be a good country to trade hostages with, but you can net like 8000 troops from stronger countries, per hostage.

Is there a way to wage war on bandits? They need to die.

I still need to figure out how to wage war on anything.

I am very not good at this.

Do they have territories? You may be able to use diplomacy against them, but it may be tough unless they're on the map somewhere.
Who did they take?
You aren't supposed to be waging war for the first seven turns. After the starting period, it's pretty intuitive. You just form units and send them to territories you want to own.
Stock up on soldiers and treasury while they're both cheap.

I was in a coalition made by Tenshi that had like 4 or 5 other members, byakuren included.

The bandits took Byakuren because I killed their envoy on the spot when they Asked me to hand over Nue. The turn after that the coalition ended.

They are not clickable in the diplomacy list and do not seem to have any territories, unlike the succubus who also need to die. They drove Keine's country to ruin.

You'll be able to buy their slaves back eventually, although they won't be in good shape.
Killing messengers is nearly always a bad idea.
Especially against the millionaire.

Oh, is that it? Well, that's convenient, because I've been stockpiling pretty well, if I do say so myself. Which is probably a good indicator that I have NOT, but meh.

I'll form some units then. Shouldn't be that bad.

I will slay every envoy that asks to lewd my officers. I am the only one allowed to lewd my officers.

This attitude won't make life easy for you.

Yorihime don't take shit from nobody.

Not that guy, but since when does /2hug/ play on easy mode?

Hey, Success! I have managed to take a territory and, consequently, brougth Marisa's nation to ruin and imprisoned/recruited her officers!

Specifically, Ouedo Doll and Rinnosuke are imprisoned, while Marisa and YuugenMagann have joined my army. Not bad, not bad at all.

Why do people thing the bug is a boy again?


I like Shou. Even if no one knows who she is.

So, is it just me, or are the generic village chicks really cute?
