/acg/ - Armored Core General

The thread's alive?! edition.

Last Raven: For all newcomers, Armored Core and all JP mecha discussion here. You are welcome to shill western stuff with JP influence.
We can talk about Ace combat as well and puchi posting is fine too.


AC pastebin: pastebin.com/z1bJS9gF
Read that if you have any questions. If the pastebin doesn't answer whatever question you may have feel free to ask us in the thread.

/acg/'s partially complete recommendation pastebin:

Steam: steamcommunity.com/groups/armoredcorevg

/acg/ PLAYS




Official Strategy guide PDFs for 2, 3, and Nexus :

AC related cover music: ripped from niconico by risto

Understanding Last Raven technical stuff.

AC Webm and Music collection download.
dropbox.com/s/eh12d8bhn4o5t3p/AC Webm.rar?dl=0#
dropbox.com/s/e43xmgrl76l9bpo/AC Music.rar?dl=0

Other urls found in this thread:










now that I look closer to the pic, isnt that "broken pillar" on the background, near the gun, one of the anti satellite cannons?

Damn, I see it too.
>tfw they weren't weaponized in ACVD

Sorry, I've been busy with Warframe or I would've made a new thread by now.

how would they do it? they were destroyed and there isnt a reason for anti-satellite of that scale on VD, unless they were preparing for the corps from FA coming back.


It's not your job Xez, don't need to be sorry about it.


I have no idea, honestly, didn't really think about it beyond initial concept. A really COOL way to sue it though is launch a satellite, curve it's trajectory, have it blow up as it goes over and have the wreckage hit targets.
Real expensive, but real cool to look at. It's absolutely stupid to do it like that but why not.





The other I think they could use them is to drop the anti satellite part, and transform them on gigant mortars, so they could have some huge ass long range bombardment



Hey /acg/, what're your favorite Armored Core games, and why? Looking to emulate a few, last one I played was Nexus, and from what I understand, it has the best controls of the PS2 era Armored Cores. What else would you recommend?

Last Raven, It's by far the most rewarding AC game you can play.

How so, user? I loved Nexus's customization because I could do HIGHSPEEDLOWDRAG or high armor big dakka, and I'm assuming Last Raven's customization would only be better. How's the gameplay, mission variety, etc?

Finally done with the first run on Persona 5, man it was good a good ride

How long did it take you?

I tried to play Last Raven but I got a black screen while launching the mission, neat!

114 hours, I grind to much

Nice to see this general still going. Especially since scg and edg have gone away.


You can only emulate it on psp.



You'll have to remind me.
They've been gone for years now.




Last Raven is a shorter game than Nexus, but much higher quality. The story is top-notch, replay value is excellent. Mission variety isn't as wide but there are more ways each mission can go (a lot of them have enemies that only show up in certain conditions).

It's also got a few really neat innovations that don't show up in the rest of the series, like making the available missions based on which NPCs are alive or dead, or making the VR arena require bets.

The one downside is that they made the progression a bit more tightly pathed. You can't fail missions, so instead of the arena being a testing zone, missions are instead. So where other games had a single storyline and path but you could fail or mess around within it, LR is very tightly controlled but you get a lot of varied options on which path you want to take.

I think an ideal AC game would feature LR's systems, setting, and progression but with AC3's arena and missions.

are you sure it doesn't work on PCSX2? It seems to emulate fine on that but it just takes a lot of processing power. If you're on PPSSPP you need to workaround cheat:

Elite dangerous and star citizen generals.
They combined both into one general and it was kinda active until this month. Both games have nothing in them to do right now.
Sad since the potential is massive.

>star citizen general

is there a half life 3 general too?


Oh. I thought you were talking about the Starcraft General.

I thought you were better than this!

Give up already!

Thanks, anons. I looked up that it had a PSP version and promptly downloaded it, gonna try it out soon. I like that there are more ways each mission can go and that the story is, well, a story. What does the cheat do?


No! This can't be!

just accept that you arent a Dominant.

can't wait for the new game.

The cheat prevents it from crashing after a few minutes of gameplay. There's a thing in the code with the PSP version that the emulator doesn't like (had to do with ports built off a certain engine, apparently the bleach games have the same problem) and causes the emulator to hang waiting on something that never comes during combat. This cheat bypasses it and tells the emulator to ignore that hang.

>He doesnt know.

oh you poor bastard

what doesn't he know?

Thanks, user, I'll be sure to use it. Have a meme for your help, save it if you want.


looks good





bump with oc

wildly impractical

looks cool though

What would be practical? I'm playing Last Raven at the moment, pretty early game.

Heat rifle right plus left rifle and micro missiles with micro missile extensions will take you far.

Oh for early game it's not bad.

Here's the general problem;

>turning extensions on already-fast turning legs
>single fire missile with no extension missiles to complement it
>back radar on a part with a head radar

the weapon might be bad depending on your FCS, too, given that it's a special lock. You should be using F69S or F37H. Otherwise, a standard FCS rifle might be better, with Volute2

Turning extensions are really hard to control unless you're already turning very slowly.

You should use a head with high stability and good defenses and not focus on radar if you use a back radar, though at this stage in the game you might not have much options for heads, but S2 is a solid choice for low weight, high stability, and high defense.

Unfortunately not all of that is available early on. You can get close with the kisaragi left rifle, magoraga, and the 4 shot missile extensions.

I am amazed how you guys can remember what part does or have, like the radar head, just by looking.

Gonna need a better FCS first. I'm on Destroy Enemy Squadron at the dam, and my missiles have veeery poor tracking at the moment. The lack of dual stick is annoying, too.

With the amount of time I've sunk into LR, I can name most of the part names/numbers by just looking. You've got SR head, Helios core, S2 arms, MOLD rifle, LYNX legs, and I think the 3rd generation mirage radar.

For everything else, it's not hard to pop open PPSSPP and check the garage for stats when an user needs help.

It does help to think of it less about individual parts, and more of generations / lines. Then they generally get heavier and more drainy, but with higher specs, as they go up the line.

Crest heads:

S-line: No radar, defensive

E Line

EYE Line
>79XS - EYE
>98XS - EYE2
>05XS - EYE3
>06XS - EYE4

Mirage is a bit vaguer, since they don't mark out the generations as clearly. Basically normal letters are their main line, with Y designating specialized / experimental parts.

>H01 - Wasp
>H02 - Wasp2
>H03 - Beetle
>H04 - Cicada
>H05 - Hornet
>H07 - Cricket
>H09 - Spider
>H10 - Cicada2
>H11 - Queen
>H20 - Firefly

>YH06 - LadyB
>YH08 - Mantis
>YH12 - Mayfly
>YH13 - Longhorn
>YH14 - Sting
>YH15 - Drone
>YH16 - Dynastes
>YH17 - Butterfly
>YH18 - Scarab
>YH19 - Pillbug

The names give some things away.

Wasp - Hornet - Sting - Drone - Queen: All bee-related, they're the general models.
Beetle - LadyB - Longhorn - Dynastes - Scarab: All beetle-related, these are heavy defense models
Spider - Mantis - Mayfly: All predatory non-bee/wasp related. These are aggressive radar models.
Cicada - Cricket - Firefly - Pillbug - Firefly: All small / passive animals, not sure if there's a theme between them.

missile tracking is based on the missile itself, it doesn't change with your FCS.

The FCS will affect how fast they lock on, however. So if you're having trouble getting a lock on, FCS matters. If you're locked on and firing, but they're dodging, try different missiles.

Missiles are generally about sending out a burst of fire expecting half of them to miss, but still doing a lot despite that.

>The lack of dual stick is annoying, too.
Just go into PPSSPP's control settings and under the directional inputs, add the R-analog stick, so that the R-analog now activates the D-pad. Then set your D-pad to the camera. Boom, dual analog.





Thank goodness, I've finally gotten Stardew out of my system.





for answer had some of the greatest briefings in all video games

ehhh, they were okay. They emphasized flashy graphics as opposed to having it feel more grounded and gritty. I preferred the more down to earth mission briefings in AC3 and SL, where you got a message and some still images. Call it simple if you want, but I call it efficient.

And we will be never see them again.


I agree with this. Just like everything else in AC4/FA, The graphics were very flashy but useless. A lot of the briefings gave you little to no actual information beyond "kill this thing". Then again, most of AC4/FA's missions were pretty linear so maybe they were doing the best with what they had.


Hello fellow flag fighter?

What's your kit?

I'm a newbie, I like hard games and I have a PSP. Which games is better to start? The original or Last Raven?

Last Raven if you don't want much of your anus left after one game session.

It's a bunch of PSP exclusive parts. R4 rifle, butterfly for the head, arms, chain gun, and core from AC2, energy focused shell shield.

AC3. You CAN start with last raven but it's difficult in a way that assumes you already know how the game works. There's no "easing" you into the difficulty, it goes straight to hard missions right away without explaining the basics. Its also mandatory to beat every mission, you can't fail any. AC3 will walk you through at least the basics before throwing you harder stuff, and you can fail a few missions along the way and still be fine.

I've been playing Last Raven on PSP, so I'll try to get a few of those parts.

3rd gen has the best cosplay


AC3 isn't a bad port?


I'm trying to use cwcheats on PPSSPP with Last Raven, but the cheats for money aren't working, not sure where I'm going wrong.

>play FA
>attach boosters everywhere
>fastest boosters and highest energy recovery
>make the NEXT as light as possible
>laser blades only